Wednesday, February 29, 2012


3 rounds for time of:

400m run
21 Kettlebell Swings (35 lbs)
12 Pull ups

My time: 14:59 - Rx

Not a PR but felt pretty decent. Well, pretty decent for having shin splints. Holy moly! I'm sure it's from the double unders. Anyway, I ran slow because of shin splints...not sure it helped. Just prolonged the misery. Ha ha. My kettlebell swings were all unbroken. I would've happily traded double the kettlebells for none of the pull ups today. We haven't done a lot of pull ups lately. And I noticed in this workout. I'm weak on pull ups. Dreading the Open throwing them in and I know we'll see them. Ah well, I'll give it my best.

Strength today was Bench Press:

5 x 5 @ 75 lbs


  1. Helen was my first benchmark workout and she has a special place in my heart.. Coming from me it might not mean much but I think thats a pretty sick time! Also, when I read your last past about whipping yourself in the double unders I couldn't help but laugh. Not at you, but because I do the same thing. I'd say double unders are probably the only thing in crossfit that are gaurenteed to make me curse at least once!

    1. Ha ha - double unders will definitely make me curse out loud. Our coach just laughs. And thanks - I'm proud of my time today. Love Helen - one of my faves.
