Thursday, July 1, 2010

Insert Catchy Title Here

Meh...can't think of a title. Go figure.

Complete as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes of:

7 Deadlifts (Men 1.5 x bodyweight, Women 1 x bodyweight)
7 Handstand push-ups (substitute 21 push-ups if you can’t do a handstand push-up)
Post rounds and deadlift load to responses.

My total: 12 rounds + 12 deadlifts,
I used 150 lbs (BW 146 at last weigh)
HSPU MOD: touched head to ab mat on 10 lb plate

The WOD today was tougher than I thought it would be. For some reason 150lbs felt horribly heavy on the first lift. However, once I got a couple rounds in, it didn't seem too bad at all.

I am excited by my progress on HSPU!! I am touching my head to the abmat and able to push back up with no problem and believe I can go to a lower target, although, not to the floor just yet. Still this is major progress for me!

I think this is one of the things that keeps me motivated in CrossFit. Little areas of progress make me want to do more and more. Logically, as I get older, I think I will have to back off in some areas, but right now I'm feeling stronger, so I'm not going to allow age to be a factor until...well, until it becomes a factor. Sounds like a plan to me. ;)

In the warm up today, we repeated the running warm up we did last week, and I improved my time by 15 seconds overall. See!? Progress!

Warm Up:
400m run: 1:49
200m run: 0:49
400m run: 1:54
200m run: 0:51
400m run: 1:59

Total run time 7:22

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