Monday, July 12, 2010

Hard Work!

Saturday my husband and I finished the sidewalk project we've been working on. The cement truck showed up at 6 am. Of course, these things never go smoothly; the cart they use to shuttle loads of cement got bogged down in the yard, tore up the grass, etc., so that slowed us down a bit. Thankfully it was a foggy morning and we were protected from the brutal sun for while.

Six hours later, we finished the job! Sore, sweaty, worn out and officially retired from cement work, we rewarded ourselves with some cold beers and a nice Ron's cheeseburger.

Here is the finished product. We did a salt finish on it to match the pool deck.

Sunday I rested by floating around the pool for several hours. And today...back at CrossFit for some more fun and games!!

Today's WOD:

5 Rounds for time of:
10 Dumbbell squat cleans (dumbbells must touch the floor each rep)
10 Dumbbell overhead walking lunges
10 Dumbbell thrusters

My time: 15:02, using 15 lb dumbbells

I really enjoyed this workout. I probably could have gone a tiny bit heavier, but those overhead walking lunges were a killer. I wouldn't mind doing this one again; it was really pretty fun.

Strength component today was Overhead Squats:
5 @ 65
3 @ 75
2 @ 85
3 sets of 5 @ 95

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