Thursday, September 6, 2012

Is it over yet?

I am ready for a day to sleep in!  I am so tired.  I was super sluggish this morning to the point of feeling like I was falling asleep driving.  And that was after the WOD!  I think I'm missing my Diet Mountain Dew! 

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

5 Thrusters (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs)
10 Pull-ups
15 Box jumps (Men 24” box, Women 20” box)

My score:  3 rounds + 5 Thrusters, scaled to 70#

As I said...sluggish.  I would've had far fewer rounds if I had tried to do 95# on this one, so I scaled it.  Pull ups felt good, although super slow, and my sluggishness did not help me on the box jumps at all.  But I got a decent workout and tomorrow will hopefully be better!

Strength today was, of course, Thrusters.  7 sets of 3, ascending, with muscle ups or false grip ring pull-ups between sets. 

My loads:  55-60-65-70-75-80-85

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