Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day One - Thirty Day Challenge

Today is finally the day!  I'm doing it.  I guess you'd call it Paleo.  That's the closest description I can come up with:  grain-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, nothing processed or artificial, beer-free.  Ouch, that last one hurts.  I've been needing to do this in order to get myself back on track and get rid of some body fat I've gained over the summer.  I've been doing Primal Blueprint for a while, but have gotten so far off track it would be ridiculous to claim that I was anywhere near 80/20.

Summer time is the hardest for me in terms of eating properly, and most of all the excessive beer consumption. Beer just goes with all the pool parties, barbeques and ball games.  But I have a pretty long stretch of calendar ahead of me where I don't have any social engagements to trip me up with temptations. (Yes, I am that weak!)

Anyway, my goals are this:
  • lose excess body fat
  • feel better
  • perform better at CrossFit
  • maintain 80/20 after 30 days are up
Nothing too lofty there.  So, away we go!


 And now, the WOD:

5 Rounds, each for time of:
500 Meter row
Rest 5 minutes between each round.

My times:

I went back several "compare to" dates and these are some of my best row times!  No PR's but overall more consistent and faster.  Rest assured this has nothing to do with what I've been eating and everything to do with me actually listening to Breck's rowing tips today.  I just got back from a binge weekend in Galveston and my nutrition was horrible.  I knew this challenge was coming up and I abused all the forbidden food groups to the extreme.  And yeah, I felt like crap this morning. But a decent workout, some good clean food and lots of water have me feeling better.

Strength today was Bench Press:  5-3-2-5-5-5
my loads:  35-45-65-75-85-85

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