Monday, March 14, 2011

Good Monday!

7 Rounds for time of:

10 Wallball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
10 Pull-ups

My time: 14:02

On the advice of our coach, Breck, I scaled this one. I did 10 rounds of 7 & 7, rather than 7 rounds of 10 & 10. The goal was to keep the intensity level high for me. I have difficulty maintaining intensity with sets of 10. I know...weak, right? Oh well, at least I can do pull ups, is the way I look at it.

Anyway, the idea was for me to get 7 sets of 7 & 7 before the 15 minute cut-off, with the thought in mind that I could probably do more than 7 sets, and hopefully get 10 sets in. And I did! So I did the same amount of work as prescribed, I just broke it up differently. A successful, high-intensity workout. And I have the annoying cough to prove it. ;)

Strength this morning was Front Squats. Aiming for about 85% of max on the work sets. I was closer to 75%, as my one rep max is around 155.

Warm up sets: 10-5-3-2
My loads: 65-85-105-115

Work sets: 5-5-5
My loads: 115-115-115

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