Tuesday, May 25, 2010


The humidity is super high!! I love the heat and humidity and I always look forward to this time of year. I know, weird, right? By August I'll be sick of it, but I don't mind it for a while.


5 Rounds for max reps of:

As many rounds as possible in 3 minutes of:
3 Burpees
6 Dumbbell thrusters (Men 45 lbs, Women 25 lbs)
9 Box jumps (Men 24″ box, Women 20″ box)

Rest 1 minute between rounds.

Post reps to responses.

My reps: 166

rd 1: 2 full rounds + 2 burpees = 38

rd 2: 2 full rounds = 36
rd 3: 1 full round + burpees, thrusters & 3 bx jmp = 30
rd 4: 1 full round + burpees, thrusters & 3 bx jmp = 30
rd 5: 1 full round + burpees, thrusters & 5 bx jmp = 32

This workout was way harder than I thought it would be. No easy elements, and the 1 min rest in between rounds was just a teaser for my lungs to think they might be getting a break. My heart was beating so hard on those rest breaks. One thing about it - I know I'm alive, and all the systems are functional. *snicker*

On the days when the workouts are such a beat-down, I end up having incredible energy for the rest of the day. Just one more reason to love CrossFit!


  1. This looks like some red-headed step child of Fight Gone Bad. Looks fun, but I'd need a coach and the benefit of an affiliate. This wouldn't work well for those of us who aren't paying a dude to yell time every 60 seconds.

    I think this summer I'll be returning to an affiliate for a month.

  2. Yes, it definitely had a FBG vibe to it. Brutal, but a great workout.
