Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Another good Pull-up day.

5 Rounds for time of:

5 Muscle ups
10 Power cleans (Men 135 lbs, Women 85 lbs)
220 Meter run

I subbed as follows for muscle ups

7 pull ups
7 bar dips with 1/2" band

My time: 20:20

Hate not being able to do "as prescribed" but muscle ups are a way down the road for me. Plus, I can use a lot of practice on pull ups. These subs allow me to set attainable goals for unbroken pull ups, and still get in a good workout. Last time I subbed with sets of 6, next time I'll move to sets of 8, since I did all sets of 7 unbroken today. Although I was tired from lack of sleep this morning, and a bit sore from the past 2 days, I felt pretty strong during the workout and my pull ups felt solid.

Now, off to sit in a seminar all day (or as long as I can stand it!)


  1. I always thought that the HQ sub for muscle-ups was wrong-headed, but honestly I don't know what a good sub would be. The thing with getting the muscle-up is that it's a combination of technique and strength, and doing lots and lots of pull-ups and dips is not going to help you get a muscle-up necessarily. At least not nearly as much as doing a set of heavily weighted pull-ups and dips with the fullest possible ROM. For WODs that have muscle-ups, I do the muscle-ups until I can't do them at a reasonable interval, and then I switch to the 3:1 ratio for the remainder of the WOD. I think your approach is a good one - treat them as an opportunity to get better at pull-ups.

  2. Yeah, I am nowhere near a muscle-up so I need to use my time constructively. If you are "close" to getting muscle-ups, our coach lets you try until you have two misses during a WOD, and then you move to a substitution, both to eliminate total frustration and to make constructive use of the time allotted for the class.

    We frequently work muscle-up progressions in warm-up/skill time, so I do get some exposure to the technique. I just don't have the upper body strength (yet). But I will!

  3. Once that dip comes, you'll have a muscle up, no problem!

    I am only dreaming of 7 consecutive pullups -- great job! :)
