Tuesday, January 24, 2012


50 Overhead walking lunge steps (Men 45 lb plate, Women 25 lb plate)
200 Meter run
40 Alternating one arm dumbbell power snatches (Men 45 lb dumbbells, Women 30 lb dumbbells)
200 Meter run
30 Alternating one legged squats
200 Meter run
20 Burpees
200 Meter run
10 Bar muscle-ups

My time: 21:07

Did an approved modification of one legged squats. Hard to describe and hard to do. Ha ha. Anyway, I know I'm going to be sore in a few more places than I was this morning. Subbed chest to bar pull ups for the bar muscle ups. I actually only managed to get two legit chest to bar pull ups. The remaining 8 were my best attempt at chest to bar - huge kip and up as far as I can get. Think I need to start with a wider grip on chest to bar. It's been too long. I should practice more.

Anyway - this was a fun workout!

We benched today too. I am still nursing my shoulder so I went light and kept my 3 work sets at 65 lbs. 5 reps each.

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