Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Can I just say, I'm SO excited about the Open WOD #3?! I love clean & jerks, and don't mind a squat clean at all. I can totally do 110 lbs, and I'm looking forward to having a go at this one! I will not make predictions about how many reps, but I'm looking forward to giving it all I've got tomorrow, and I do have a goal in mind. *smiles*

Today's WOD:

For time:
1000 Meter row
200 Double unders
30 Kettlebell swings (Men 55 lbs, Women 35 lbs)

My time: 15:56, Rx

This wasn't too bad of a workout. My double unders felt ok...just slow going to get to 200. I had a few sets of 10, several sets of 7 & 8, lots of 5's. It's a combination of poor technique and inefficient breathing. I'm getting there, though! There was a day when I said "never" to double-unders and now look at me!!

A little food porn for today. This was last night's dinner: BLT Romaine wraps.

Simple and quick, all you need is romaine leaves, some good paleo/primal homemade mayo, crispy bacon and cherry tomatoes. Delicious!

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