Friday, January 30, 2015

Still Struggling...

Okay, I'm 7 days into this crap and still struggling to breathe.  Had hoped to be better by today, but feeling worse than I did on Monday.  Seems like the congestion is worse, despite all the meds and rest.  Guess I just have to tough it out for a while.

Missing CrossFit like crazy. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Bronchitis is no joke!

I feel like I've been hit by a train.  Well, my lungs do, anyway.  Nothing I can do but sit around and wait to be well...ugh!

Friday, January 23, 2015


As fast as possible:

10 Burpees
10 Power Snatch 75/55 or 95/65
10 Burpees
10 OHS 75/55 or 95/65
10 Burpees
10 Power Snatch 75/55 or 95/65
Rest 3 min
5 Burpees
5 Power Snatch 75/55 or 95/65
5 Burpees
5 OHS 75/55 or 95/65
5 Burpees
5 Power Snatch 75/55 or 95/6

My total time:  10:56, Rx @ 55#

I finished the round of 10's at 5:32, and subtracting the 3 min rest, my round of 5's was 2:24.  Not too bad for an old woman.  Ha ha!  I was moving 98% of the time.  I rested a tiny bit on a few of the burpees, but seriously made a concentrated effort to keep moving as fast as I could through the whole thing.

Strength was 5 min EMOM
1 power Snatch - 2 snatch balance.  I used 55#
rest a couple minutes (3?) then
5 min EMOM
1 power snatch - 2 hang squat snatch.  Used 55# here also.

So, it's time to take off a few vacation pounds.  Ugh!  I did really well through the end of the year, actually losing weight during the holidays, and then vacation hit and I packed it all back on.  Add to that a girl's weekend in Phoenix last week, and this weekend we have plans for brunch at Smoke.  It's a slippery slope. 

I have to remind myself it is ALWAYS bikini season, and I cannot let my weight get out of control.  Starting Monday, I'm back on track, with clean eating and cutting out beer for 30 days.  I'll allow myself a "cheat" restaurant meal on Friday nights, and some wine here and there.  This is my tried and true method and I know I can do it!  (Plus, I just ordered 2 new swim suits for our summer sailing trip, so I kinda have to make this work!)


Thursday, January 22, 2015


This is what I need - some good old fashioned CrossFit workouts that push you to your limit and leave you breathless on the floor.  Mentally, this type of workout is better for me than two 7 min amraps any day.  Of course, it's way longer (which I need), but it's a good mix, with doable numbers.   Yes, I need more 30 min+ workouts in my life.

Complete the following for time:
50 Double-Unders
45 Deadlifts 95/65 (RX+ 125/85, 55+ 75/55)
40 WallBalls 20/14 10/9′
50 Double-Unders
35 Pull-Ups
30 S2OH 95/65 (RX+ 125/85, 55+ 75/55)
50 Double-Unders
25 Hand Release Push-Ups
20 Toes to bar
50 Double-Unders
15 Cleans 95/65 (RX+ 125/85, 55+ 75/55)
10 Thrusters 95/65  (RX+ 125/85, 55+ 75/55)
50 Double-Unders
5 Squat Snatch

My time:   32:47, Rx

My first round of double unders was a hot mess.  I missed the first rep and the stumbled through 50 as quickly as I could (which was none too quick).  Broke up the deadlifts more than I should have for that pansy-ass weight.  Then the wall balls, of course, took me a while.  After that it was a fairly steady pace.  I tried several different approaches with double unders.  I get so winded if I try to do long, continuous sets of 20 or more, so the best plan for me was to do sets of 10 or 15, short rest and back in.  Worked fairly well.  I was pushing it pretty close on the last couple of rounds, but I knew I would beat the 34 minute time cap when I got to the snatches before 32 minutes.  Felt awesome to finish this thing!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I need some motivation!

I guess I have post-vacation depression or something because I am at rock bottom as far as motivation goes these days.  I do not want to get out of bed. I do not want to go to work.  I practically force myself to go to CrossFit every morning.  I don't give a rats ass about eating clean, even though I am doing it, grudgingly.  I just want to sit down with a good book and an endless glass of wine and some nice dark chocolate and only get up when I have to pee.  Right now, that would be my dream world.  Ha!  I realistic, huh?

Anyway, I'm going to have to do something drastic to motivate myself.  I don't think "The Open" is going to motivate me.  I mean, we all know there will be some torturous variation of Fran, and a shit-ton of burpees. That will not motivate me.  No, I need to sign up for a 5k or a mud run or something different, just to get me back in a good frame of mind.  Something fun.  (Although the book and wine and chocolate still sound like a decent plan to me.)

Today's WOD:

2 Rounds of a 7min AMRAP of:

40 Double Unders
20 Kettlbell swings 70#/55#/35#
10/7 Kettlebell Push-ups (hands on one KB Handle, chest touches)

2min rest between rounds
*Start up each round where you stopped on the last round. Score is total rounds and reps.

My score:  4 rds + 2 DU

I used a 35# kettlebell and did regular strict push ups.  That kettlebell push up was just an invitation to break my nose, which I politely declined. My first round of double unders were a battle, but the next few were not so bad.  I broke them up intentionally.  Seems like a set of 10 or 15 would get me so winded I just had to rest.  Lazy....I'm just lazy.

Speaking of lazy, I kinda sand-bagged on the strength today, which was Bench Press:

9 x 55
6 x 65
3 x 85
20 x 55

Monday, January 19, 2015

Open WOD 14.5

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Thrusters (Men 95#, Women 65#)


I scaled this one to:

21-15-9 reps for time of
Thrusters, 65#
Bar facing burpees

My time:  14:33

Mentally this was all I could handle today.   I'm actually glad, in hindsight, that I didn't do the open last year.  It would have taken me a half our, minimum, to finish this.    I'm seriously debating the wisdom of "donating" an entry fee this year for the Open.  I mean...I have about zero chance of making it to the games.  But we'll see...

Strength was Thrusters:
7 @ 55
5 @ 65
3 @ 85
2 @ 95
1 @ 100

Friday, January 16, 2015


As many rounds as possible in 11 minutes of:

20 Hand Release Push-Ups RX+ HSPU
20 ab-mat unanchored sit-ups RX+ GHD SitUps
20 KettleBell Swings 24/16kgs RX+ 30/24 55+ 20/12kgs
25 Box Jumps 24/20″ RX+ 32/26″ 55+ Step ups

My rounds:  2 + 7 push ups

I did GHD sit ups, and step ups instead of jumps.  This one was actually kind of fun, not too many reps of each thing so you could move along fairly well.  Though...I could obviously be faster!!

Exactly one minute after AMRAP Complete
2min max reps – Double-Unders or – Single Unders

My score:  66 double unders...they were just off today. 

And I'm off to Phoenix for a Spa weekend with a girlfriend!!

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Oops.  Missed getting up on time by about 15 minutes.  No worries...I have equipment at home!! 

So, I did:

Row 5K for time

rested a couple minutes and then did:

50 alternating 1-arm dumbbell snatches, 25#

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

"Mork & Mindy"

Complete 3 rounds of the following for time of:

10 Ground to Overhead 135/95 (RX+165/115, 55+105/70)
2 rounds of: 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Air squats

My time:  16:40, scaled to 75#

This one wasn't so bad - at least there were no burpees!!   Maybe should have/could have gone heavier on the ground to overhead, but I was able to keep moving pretty well with the 75#, so I'm good with that. 

Strength today was Push Press

7 @ 85
5 @ 95
2 @ 100
1 @ 110 (PR)
1 @ 115 (PR)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

More burpees!

2 Rounds of a 7min AMRAP:

5 HSPUs RX+ Strict
10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20′
5 Toes to Bar
10 KBS 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24kgs
2min rest between rounds

*Start up each round where you stopped on
the last round. Score is total rounds and

My score:  4 rds + 5 hspu

I used 2 abmats for HSPU and did burpee-box-step-ups instead of jumping.  Toes to bar slowed me down a bit.  Crap, I feel like I'm dragging a ton of weight up to that bar...I need to get on the scales, but I refuse, until I'm done traveling.  After an upcoming girls weekend in Phoenix, I'll give myself a week and then hit the scales for a reality check.  Hopefully it won't be too bad.

Strength today was Deadlifts

Warmed up with 5 x 105, and 3 x 145

Work sets:
7 @ 165
5 @ 190
3 @ 200
2 @ 210
2 @ 220

Monday, January 12, 2015


Man, I'm sleepy today.  Must be the nasty weather.  I just want to curl up and go back to sleep.

Complete the following for time of:

15 Wallballs  20/14 10′/9′
30 Double unders
20 Wallballs
60 Double Unders
30 Wallballs
90 Double unders
20 30 Wallballs
60 Double unders
15 20 Wallballs
30 Double Unders

My time:  19:35, w/12# WB

Okay, I accidentally did extra reps.  Not sure where the hell I came up with those numbers but I did them.  And I was going to do another 15 wall ball shots at the end -  ha ha!  I blame getting up so mind is a fog at 5 am.  My double unders felt pretty decent today, but that wall ball, felt like a ton of lead.

Strength today was pull ups.  Strict, or weighted, or kipping or whatever you wanted to work.   EMOM for 10 min.  I did 3 each round, started with strict and went to kipping. 

Friday, January 9, 2015


Today is a team WOD.  Not a big fan of team WODs simply because I know I'm slower than everyone and I'll be holding my team back.  I went all out as fast as I could go, except maybe one set of burpees where I rested too much. (Sorry Kelby!)

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

20 Wall Balls, 20/14lbs 10/9′
20 Box Jumps or Step-ups, 24/20″
20 Back Squats 115/80
20 Over the Bar Burpees

*Rules during WOD these are alternating reps between partner 1 and partner 2 (i.e. partner 1 does 10 wallballs before partner 2 does 10 wallballs, partner 1 does 10 box jumps/step ups then partner 2 does 10, once complete move on to burpees…team has to complete all reps before they can touch the equip. *the team can use different boxes and bars if a guy-girl team or if needed for scaling*

Team Kelby & Angie score:  4 rounds + 6 WB - Rx

So, I'm pretty sure OkieDB has a burpee fetish.  Good Lord, we've had so many burpees this week it's mind boggling.  I wore my "Burpees suck" shirt today, to express my feelings about it.  Ha ha!

Despite my reluctance to be on a team, this was actually kind of fun.  I pushed myself just a bit harder trying to not let Kelby down.  

Strength today was Back Squats:

Back Squats:
7 @ 105
5 @ 135
3 @ 165
1 @ 185
1 @ 195

Haven't gone heavy on squats in a while.  At least it seems like it anyway.  I should've gone 205 on the last one, but oh well. 


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Sh*t it's cold!!

So, what do you do when it's 4:30 a.m, 10° outside and you're snuggled in some comfy flannel sheets next to your warm husband?  You re-set the alarm and go back to sleep, that's what! 

I got in an extra hour and a half of sleep this morning, and then hauled my butt upstairs for a WOD, sorta-kinda similar to what was posted, only I omitted thrusters.  My house, my rules.  *snicker*

4 rounds for time of:

500 m row
15 SDHP with 35# kettle bell
15 Kettle Bell swings

Time:  18:38, Rx (ha ha...Rx...I crack myself up)

Strength carrying a bag of dive gear up the steps.
Warm up was 10 minutes of rowing and kettlebell swings.

Cool down was putting away the kettle bell and taking walking down the stairs. 

Boom!  Done! 

I'll be back at CFJ tomorrow. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Hump Day!

OH, this was one of those days I questioned my sanity for getting out of bed and going out into the brutal cold to torture myself with squats and sit ups and double mocha latte half caf burpee double pullups with extra whip.  Yeah, wait, that's my Starbucks order.  But these fancy new burpee combos are getting out of hand. 

So here's today's WOD

3 Rounds of:

As many rounds as possible in 4 minutes of:

5 Hang Clean (Power or Squat) 165/115lbs (RX+ 205/140, 55+ 125/75)
4 Jerks (Power or Split) 165/115lbs  (RX+ 205/140, 55+ 125/75)
3 Double push-up burpee double pull-ups (RX+ 3 Muscle-Ups)
2 Minute rest between rounds

*Start up each round where you stopped on
the last round. Score is total rounds and reps.

My total:  6 rounds + 4 jerks

Not sure if the 2 minute rests are a blessing or a curse.  Mentally it's usually kind of helpful to have a break, but this time, after the first round I thought, "Oh, crap, we have two more rounds!"  In hindsight, I should've gone with a heavier weight, but I'm working my way back up to "heavy" after two weeks off.  I'll get there.  Probably won't ever catch me doing "Rx+" though.

I was feeling extra sleepy today and actually considering giving up the 5am class.  But I know myself too well. I'm a die-hard morning person, and probably not going to change any time soon. 

Strength was a complex of 1 power clean, 1 hang squat clean, and 1 jerk.  5 sets

My loads:  65-85-95-105-110

All my lifts felt pretty decent today. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Too Cold Tuesday

The new variations on Rx, Rx+, etc. are almost too much for my  mind to comprehend at 4:30 am when I wake up and look at my phone! So, I'm adding some parenthesis and commas when I cut and paste, just so it makes sense to me.  

As many rounds as possible in 11 minutes of:

10 HSPU or 3 Wall Walks (RX+ 4/2″ defict HSPU,  55+ 4″ rise HSPU or 2 Wall Walks)
10 Deadlifts 185/125lbs (RX+225/155,  55+155/105)
50 Double Unders

My score:  3 rounds even

Okay, I used the "Rx" weight of 125 on Deadlifts, and the "55+ for HSPU.  What does that make me? SCALED!!  No matter what ya call it, it's scaled.  So, my double unders felt fairly decent in the warm up.  Then on the first round of the WOD it was like my body was moving in slow motion and not leaving the ground, whereas the rope was spinning anyway.  I have several lash marks to show for it.  Fortunately in the next two rounds I got my mojo back!

Exactly one minute after AMRAP Complete
1 attempt max rep – barbell push-ups (must
touch chest to bar and full extension of arms,
can only rest in up plank position)
or regular push-ups
or knee push-ups.

I accomplished exactly NINE regular push ups.  Don't be jealous! 

Strength today was bench press:

My loads:
7 @ 65
5 @ 75
3 @ 85
2 @ 90
1 @ 95 - failed this TWICE

A girl half my age and half my size came over to assist me with racking the bar.  Talk about humiliating!  Ha ha!  Thanks Kelly!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Back in the Frozen Tundra

Got back from a fabulous trip on Saturday night, and had a whole day to "rest up".  This meant doing laundry and going to the grocery store.  *sigh*

I already miss the islands! And this tan will fade way too fast!

For a trip report and slide show of the trip, click here

I made it to the gym this morning and much to my surprise I was the ONLY one who decided to row instead of running.  It's 18° outside for crying out loud!  What is wrong with you people??    Anyway, I got through the workout the best I could, after pretty much being a drunken beach bum for the past two weeks.

3 Rounds for time of:
400 Meter run
5 Power Snatch 105/70lbs RX+ 135/95 55+ 95/55
10 Over the bar/lateral burpees
5 Power Snatch 105/70lbs RX+ 135/95 55+ 95/55
Rest 2 Minutes

My time:  12:00 after deducting the rest periods

I used 55# for the snatches, and I rowed instead of running.  The whole new format of Rx, Rx+ and 55+ kind of threw me, as did the drill-sergeant type yelling from DB.  But, it's a new year, right?

Strength was Front Squat

My loads:
7 @ 85#
5 @ 105#
3 @ 115#
2 @ 125#
1 @ 125#