Wednesday, February 5, 2014


And once again, I've fallen behind on my blogging.  In my defense, I've been busy at work.  But yesterday I took a "snow" day, so that excuse doesn't really work.  How about I'm lazy?  Does that work? 

Anyway, I'm a week and a half into this low carb thing and proud to report the following:
  • I have not cheated at all - I'm totally committed to losing this weight
  • I haven't had a drop of alcohol since Jan 25 (yes I'd kill for a beer right now)
  • My energy level is not 100% but not nearly as bad as I expected..I'd say 85%
  • I have lost a total of 7 lbs as of today! 
I plan on going a full 30 days on 20g of carbs/day, with the exception of allowing myself a glass of wine on Valentine's day.  I'm sure I'll be wasted after that.  Ha ha!  Then after the 30 days I'll increase the carbs and add a few items back in, such as berries and nuts, and a sweet potato here and there.  That should keep me on track.

Also, I've decided I'll probably sign up for The Open again. Donate anther $20 to HQ.  What the heck.

Today's WOD was from the Fittest in OK competition.

With a 16 minute time limit try to complete for time:

50 Single unders
50 Double unders
40 Push-ups
40 Pull-ups
30 Alternating one arm dumbbell snatches (Men 65 lb dumbbell, Women 40 lb dumbbell)
30 Overhead squats (Men 95 lbs, Women 65 lbs)
20 One arm dumbbell push press (Men 65 lb dumbbell, Women 40 lb dumbbell)
20 Toes to bar
10 Burpees to a plate
10 Meters of burpee broad jumps
1000 Meter row

I did this as a 20 min AMRAP and scaled the push ups and pull ups to 20 each.  I used 25# Dumbbell for those moves and 55# for the OHS.  Basically I slaughtered the whole thing.  Ha!  Anyway, I got through 12 Toes to Bar in the 20 min cap. 

So my score:  232 reps

Now off to work!

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