Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hump Day

As many rounds as possible in 6 minutes of:

6 Barbell Burpee Power Cleans 115/80 RX+ 155/105 55+ 95/65
6 S2O 115/80 RX+ 155/105 55+ 95/65
Rest 2 Min
As many rounds as possible in 4 minutes of:
6 Barbell Burpee Power Cleans
6 S2O
Rest 1 Min
As many rounds as possible in 2 minutes of:
6 Barbell Burpee Power Cleans
6 S2O
*Pick up each AMRAP where last one left off*

My rounds/reps:  7 rounds + 4 burpee/cleans, as Rx!!

Attention:  two days in a row Rx!  :) 

This was a beat down, but kind of fun.  The barbell-burpee-cleans weren't the bad part here, as I thought they would be.  Eighty pounds is a pretty light power clean for me.  But the shoulder to overhead part kicked my big fat ass.  Holy moly!  The first round, after just two shoulder-to-overhead, I said "oh, no!", and of course Breck reminded me to have "positive thoughts."  Thank you, Breck.   He's right, of course.  I did way better when I started telling myself "you've got this."

"Skills & Drills" 
10 min emom
odd:  10 bar dips
even:  GHD sit ups

My dips continue to be a hilarious display. I can get about 3" depth (or it feels like 3" to me), but that's about it and my muscles collapse under my ever expanding weight.  So, mainly I do jumping dips, and negatives.  I'm a work in progress!  :)

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