Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Decisions, Decisions

Okay, I've returned to extremely low-carb (20 g/day) to try and drop a few more lbs.  But, you know what?  It's killing me!!  Seriously, the lack of energy is astounding!  I know last time I did this, it took about a week for my energy to return.   But this time, (two days in) it's ridiculous how weak I feel.  I bet I couldn't hit any of my PR's on lifting this week if I tried. 

I'm just damn near at the end of my rope, at a loss for how to address nutrition these days.  Obviously cutting out beer is a no-brainer.  Got that.  Grains?  No grains?  So many conflicting theories out there.  I'm of the mind that I could add some brown rice, and a few sweet potatoes, with the obvious lean meats and lots of colorful veggies and come out feeling better.  But will I lose fat?  Will I gain the energy I need to increase my performance?  I have no idea.  I feel like a bad science fair experiment. 


For time:
500 Meter row
40 Kettlebell swings (Men 55#, Women 35#)
40 Overhead walking lunge steps (Men 45#, Women 25#)
30 Kettlebell swings
30 Overhead walking lunge steps
20 Kettlebell swings
20 Overhead walking lunge steps
10 Kettlebell swings
10 Overhead walking lunge steps
500 Meter row

My time:  20:10 Rx

See, my time here should've been more like 17 minutes.  I should easily be able to do the kettle bell swings unbroken on this one.  That's one of my best elements.  But no, they were broken up like none other.  And the walking lunges...holy crap, what a mess! 

Strength today was 3 rep hang squat snatch, every minute on the minute for 10.  I tried 55# and it was too heavy (yeah, I know!!), so I went with 45#. 

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