Friday, December 16, 2016

Goals and more goals!

So, this week, on Tuesday, I hit my 20 lb weight loss goal!  8 months, and honestly, just a little bit of effort.  It hasn't been all that difficult once I set my mind to it. 

And now I think I want to lose more.  So, today, much to my surprise, I was down another half pound! Wooo!!  I think I can safely lose at least 5 more lbs.  I see the areas of fat I can stand to lose.  So, 5 or 10 more perhaps in the next few months. 

The really cool part of this is I've developed strong habits.  Weigh and measure everything 90% of the time, but learn to let go when it's time to have a "free" meal.  I don't call them cheating because I'm not really "dieting".  I'm just eating right.  So, anyway...yeah, I'm hitting goals. 

Next up is the goal to find a job.  I'm feeling pretty positive about it, and letting it all go this week and next while I go on vacation.  I'm ready for some bikini time on the beach.  Snorkeling, kayaking, exploring and eating some locally caught fish in the Bahamas.  :)

Today's WOD

For Time:
-25cal Row
-25 Pull-Ups
-25 WallBalls
-20cal Row
-20 WallBalls
-20 Pull-Ups
-15cal Row
-15 Pull-Ups
-15 WallBalls
-10cal Row
-10 WallBalls
-10 Pull-Ups
-5cal Row
-5 Pull-Ups
-5 WallBalls

My time: 17:01 - scaled

I took the pull-ups to about half the reps, so 13-10-8-5-5.  Still got a really good sweat going and felt like I pushed myself, so worth getting out of bed!

TGIF kids!!

Friday, December 9, 2016

I'm a big friggin' mess today.


So, you're rolling along thinking life is fine and then BAM out of the blue you're just a big crybaby.

Shit.  Ok, let me back up.  Just before Thanksgiving I was informed that our equity partners are backing out, and our company will be shutting down.  For good. Final. Over. Done.  I. Will. Have. No. Job. 

I've been through every possible emotion over it, and thought I was close to the point of acceptance.  I mean I have no choice but to accept it.  But emotionally, mentally I'm not there yet.  I thought I was, but I'm not.  I'm a big crying, sobbing mess today.  I hate feeling weak like this.  I hate not having an answer.  I hate having to deal with this bullshit.  I don't want to have to go on interviews.  I don't want to have to start all over.

 I am pissed.  I am stunned.  I am lost.


The only place I can truly let go of it is at the gym, when I need to focus on what I'm doing so I don't accidentally kill myself with a barbell or something.  Or you know, someone else.  Ha! 

Today I channeled all this emotion into getting a PR.  Although at the time I didn't know it was a PR, it just felt like a really awesome solid lift.  It feels good and that's what my focus will be on today.  This one success for the day, a 130# Hang Power Clean.  Go me!!

6min AMRAP
-6 Hang Power Clean 155/105 RX+ 185/125 MRX 115/65
-30 Double-unders
-12cal Row
Immediately into
6min Build to a 1 RM Hang Power Clean

WOD MRx = 2 rds + 23 DU
Max HPC: 130# – 5# PR!!

This was our warmup:

2min HPC w/65: 40
2min DU’s: 50 + 30 singles
2min Row for Cal: 25
1min HPC w/65: 25
1min DU’s: 32
1min Row for Cal: 15