This year, quite honestly, I feel like I've just let myself go. That is shocking to actually put into print. As I type this, and put it out there, I feel like it should motivate me to do something about it.
What I mean is, I haven't been lifting as heavy as I should/could. I've been scaling almost every WOD, when I really should be pushing harder and trying to do the harder/heavier stuff. I've just kind of thrown my hands up and said, "I'm old". You know what? Fuck that!! I'm not old...I'm 52. I don't know where I let the "old" get into my head, but it did. I've got to re-engage and get my mind back in the right place and start giving a damn again. I let myself get discouraged about a year ago and I just settled in to that mindset. It stops now!
Now, this doesn't mean I'm signing up for the Open. No - It just means I'm taking a different approach - I'm going to start being a little more honest with myself and work harder when I want to slack off.
So there!
Open WOD 16.1
25-ft. overhead walking lunge
8 burpees
25-ft. overhead walking lunge
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Women lunge 65 lb.
My score: 4 rds + 4 pull ups into round 5 = 126 reps
Scaled with 55# front rack lunges, kipping pull ups
The killer on this is the lunges. The pull ups were almost a relief at the end of the round. I had no preconceived notion of how many rounds I would get, but feel like I put in a good effort.