Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Damn Germs!

Man, whatever this is I've got is kicking my ass!!  Started an antibiotic on Friday and my symptoms seem to have gotten worse.  I stopped the antibiotic - figure it's something viral.  No sense taking something that's not helping.  Anyway, I feel like crap.  Head full of snot; sore throat, no energy.  Bah!  I've made it to CFJ the past two mornings, but scaled he hell out of everything, due to this nonsense, and the fact that I have a couple nagging injuries.  Gotta keep moving though.

Today's WOD was ridiculous.  Super hot and humid.  I was soaked by the end.

As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:

1-50’ Sled push (Men 25#, Women empty sled)
1-10’ Legless rope climb (start from seated position on the floor)
rest 3 minutes
As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
5 Deadlifts (Men 275#, Women 185#)
5 Burpee chest to bar pull-ups
rest 3 minutes
As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 Back Extensions
rest 3 minutes
As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
15 Box jumps (Men 24” box, Women 20” box)
15 Wall ball shots (Men 20# ball, Women 14# ball)

Of course I scaled or modified most of these.  Here are my results:

WOD 1: 5 Deadlifts @105 & 5 push ups = 7 rounds
WOD 2: 1 sled push & 1 reclining stiff-leg rope ascent/decent = 5 rounds
WOD 3: 15 kettlebell swings @20# & 15 wall ball @8# = 3 rds + 15 KBS
WOD 4: 10 GHD sit ups & 10 back extensions = 4 rds + 4 GHD

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