Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Progress as Promised

Remember those signs the City of Tulsa puts out to show where your bond & tax dollars are going?  I always laugh because they are so far behind. 

My Podiatrist had promised me that I'd eventually start getting back to "normal" although he was kind of snarky about "what is normal".  I have been doubtful, impatient and frustrated at times.  But, last week, I climbed the 10' rope more than 10 times.  That's progress.  I'm lifting a little heavier.  More progress.  And today, without really thinking, I did a split jerk (yikes) and it didn't hurt at all.  OH - and I'm running again.  So, yes, "progress as promised" applies here. Today is 5 months post-op so I'm going with the thought that I'm 99% healed.

For Time:
-200m Row or Run or 0.5km A Bike
-12 Sqt Cleans 95/65 RX+ 115/75 MRX 75/55
-12 Push Press
-200m Run or Row (opposite of last)
Rest 2min/add weight
-200m Row or Run or 0.5km A Bike
-8 Sqt Cleans 135/95 RX+ 155/105 MRX 95/65
-8 Push Jerk
-200m Run or Row (opposite of last)
Rest 2min/add weight
-200m Row or Run or 0.5km A Bike
-4 Sqt Cleans 165/115 RX+ 205/135 MRX 125/75
-4 Split Jerk
-200m Run or Row (opposite of last)
Post total time minus 4 minutes of rest to responses.

My time:  15:03 - 4:00 = 11:03  MRx