Monday, December 23, 2013
It's almost vacation time!!
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
6 Ring dips
12 Deadlifts (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs)
18 Lateral jumps over barbell
My rounds: 7 even
I subbed out ring dips and did push ups instead. My push ups are improving, thanks to lots of plank holds. I'm still trying to heal up some tendonitis in my right arm, so dips are out for a while.
These lateral jumps always scare me. I had a couple of "trips" today and scared the heck out of me. Funny, however, I did the last 18 jumps quickly, unbroken in an attempt to beat the clock and finish out the 7th round. And I DID IT without tripping! Woo hoo!!
6 Ring dips
12 Deadlifts (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs)
18 Lateral jumps over barbell
My rounds: 7 even
I subbed out ring dips and did push ups instead. My push ups are improving, thanks to lots of plank holds. I'm still trying to heal up some tendonitis in my right arm, so dips are out for a while.
These lateral jumps always scare me. I had a couple of "trips" today and scared the heck out of me. Funny, however, I did the last 18 jumps quickly, unbroken in an attempt to beat the clock and finish out the 7th round. And I DID IT without tripping! Woo hoo!!
Thursday, December 19, 2013
My job has just been pure insanity lately.
Hopefully, after today, things will change. Hopefully.
Not sure if its the stress, or it's just my time to get sick, but I'm coming down with something. Probably my annual sinus infection. Just in time for the holidays and vacation.
Made it in to CFJ today for the WOD:
3 Rounds for time of:
15 Deadlifts (Men 225 lbs, Women 155 lbs)
25 Wall ball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
35 Sit-ups
45 Squats
My time: 20:42, scaled
I scaled the DL to 135 and the wall ball to 8 lbs. I know, I know. Weak. But whatever. Everything felt ridiculously heavy and difficult today.
Okay. Back to Crazytown for a little while. Wish me luck!!
Hopefully, after today, things will change. Hopefully.
Not sure if its the stress, or it's just my time to get sick, but I'm coming down with something. Probably my annual sinus infection. Just in time for the holidays and vacation.
Made it in to CFJ today for the WOD:
3 Rounds for time of:
15 Deadlifts (Men 225 lbs, Women 155 lbs)
25 Wall ball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
35 Sit-ups
45 Squats
My time: 20:42, scaled
I scaled the DL to 135 and the wall ball to 8 lbs. I know, I know. Weak. But whatever. Everything felt ridiculously heavy and difficult today.
Okay. Back to Crazytown for a little while. Wish me luck!!
Friday, December 13, 2013
This morning I didn't do the WOD. I just went in and goofed around
with my jump rope and some front and back squats with the weights we'll
be using tomorrow at the "Downtown Duel". I keep alternating between, "Why the Hell did I let Rayus talk me into this?" and "I'm just going to have a good time."
Ultimately I need to stick with "just going to have a good time"
because my partner, Marcy and I are both a good 5-8 years older than
most of our competition (as far as I can tell). Anyway...I'm ready for
In more important news: I'm just eaten up with vacation-itis. Thirteen days from now I'll be lounging on the beach at White Bay with a cold beer in my hand. Here's a screen shot from the webcam there this morning:
I almost cannot stand the anticipation! I've got a stack of work about two feet tall, tons of stress to go along with it, and I can barely focus on my work for thinking about the islands. Oh, how I love that place!
Now, if I could figure out a way to just go live there...
In more important news: I'm just eaten up with vacation-itis. Thirteen days from now I'll be lounging on the beach at White Bay with a cold beer in my hand. Here's a screen shot from the webcam there this morning:
I almost cannot stand the anticipation! I've got a stack of work about two feet tall, tons of stress to go along with it, and I can barely focus on my work for thinking about the islands. Oh, how I love that place!
Now, if I could figure out a way to just go live there...
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Crazy days
I've been super super busy at work. And frustrated. But that's not important.
What is important?
What's important is, I got my bootie out from between those flannel sheets today (and yesterday) and went to CFJ for a little fun with a barbell. Deadlifts are always certain to convince me it's worth getting out of bed.
5 Rounds for time of:
7 Deadlifts (Men 275 lbs, Women 185 lbs)
15 Bar dips
My time: 5:08
I subbed out the bar dips (tendonitis...still) and did 7 GHD sit ups instead. It was a fun, fast workout.
I also EXACTLY TIED my PR for 500m row this morning! 1:56.5
There is not a date showing on my PR list, but I know it had to be early 2010!! Not sure I want to do that again for another three years. ;)
What is important?
What's important is, I got my bootie out from between those flannel sheets today (and yesterday) and went to CFJ for a little fun with a barbell. Deadlifts are always certain to convince me it's worth getting out of bed.
5 Rounds for time of:
7 Deadlifts (Men 275 lbs, Women 185 lbs)
15 Bar dips
My time: 5:08
I subbed out the bar dips (tendonitis...still) and did 7 GHD sit ups instead. It was a fun, fast workout.
I also EXACTLY TIED my PR for 500m row this morning! 1:56.5
There is not a date showing on my PR list, but I know it had to be early 2010!! Not sure I want to do that again for another three years. ;)
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Back from the mountain...
Anyway, it felt good to be back at the gym this morning.
For time:
30 Kettlebell swings (Men 55 lbs, Women 35 lbs)
30 Toes to bar
25 Kettlebell swings
25 Toes to bar
20 Kettlebell swings
20 Toes to bar
15 Kettlebell swings
15 Toes to bar
10 Kettlebell swings
10 Toes to bar
5 Kettlebell swings
5 Toes to bar
My time: 8:17 - unbroken
I subbed sit ups for TTB in the interest of not tearing up my hands since I know we have pull-ups in this weekend's competition. Felt awesome to bust through this completely unbroken!
The strength today was front squats:
Rep Scheme: 5-3-2-2-1-1-1
My loads: 55-85-95-100-105-115-125
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
If it's not one thing...'s another!
So, last night, Rayus goaded me into signing up for the Downtown Duel. I came up with a partner and signed up.
And then, I went in this morning and jammed my big toe doing a split jerk. It hurts like hell! Any jumping in that competition is going to slow me down. But, I'm just in it for fun, honestly.
The absolute worst part of it is that I have a Christmas Party this Friday and I NEED to be wearing a pair of heels. I tried heels this morning before work and OUCH! However, I simply refuse to wear flats with a dress. Just ain't gonna happen. I mean, how sexy is that - flats with a nice cocktail dress? No way, no how. I'll wear some damn heels on Friday if it kills me. It's open bar. Alcohol will be a great pain killer.
3 Rounds for time:
400 Meter run
21 Toes to bar
9 Push jerk (Men 155 lbs, Women 105 lbs)
My time: 17:02, scaled to 65#
This was after said toe injury, so my running was even slower than normal. S-l-o-w! I figured out about the 100m mark, it kind of stopped hurting until the next round, so I just kept going. My toes to bar kip is off in la-la land somewhere. This was a fun little workout.
Strength today was5 sets of power clean-push press-push jerk-split jerk. It was here, on the second split jerk, where things went bad for my toe.
first set at 65#, sets 2-5 at 75#
So, last night, Rayus goaded me into signing up for the Downtown Duel. I came up with a partner and signed up.
And then, I went in this morning and jammed my big toe doing a split jerk. It hurts like hell! Any jumping in that competition is going to slow me down. But, I'm just in it for fun, honestly.
The absolute worst part of it is that I have a Christmas Party this Friday and I NEED to be wearing a pair of heels. I tried heels this morning before work and OUCH! However, I simply refuse to wear flats with a dress. Just ain't gonna happen. I mean, how sexy is that - flats with a nice cocktail dress? No way, no how. I'll wear some damn heels on Friday if it kills me. It's open bar. Alcohol will be a great pain killer.
3 Rounds for time:
400 Meter run
21 Toes to bar
9 Push jerk (Men 155 lbs, Women 105 lbs)
My time: 17:02, scaled to 65#
This was after said toe injury, so my running was even slower than normal. S-l-o-w! I figured out about the 100m mark, it kind of stopped hurting until the next round, so I just kept going. My toes to bar kip is off in la-la land somewhere. This was a fun little workout.
Strength today was5 sets of power clean-push press-push jerk-split jerk. It was here, on the second split jerk, where things went bad for my toe.
first set at 65#, sets 2-5 at 75#
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
My new friend: the speed rope
Recently I received, as a "prize" in the Battle Over Redlands competition, a new Axel-Design speed rope. It looks like this one, only mine is pink with green handles. I adore it in an "oh, it's so cute" sort of way. I's neon pink. Adorable. I had almost decided to give it away, because it didn't work for me like my old Buddy Lee rope.
Well, this morning, my old Buddy Lee snapped right in half as we were starting our warm-up. Yikes!! I have a replacement cord for it, but I didn't have time to mess with it. So I grabbed up my new rope and decided I'd tough it out. And guess what? I loved it, once I got a feel for it. I had several good sets of double unders this morning and I'm going to donate my old Buddy Lee to the community rope area once the cord is replaced. I'm moving on. So long, Buddy Lee...I have a new friend now!
For time:
50 Double unders
40 Wall ball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
30 Kettlebell swings (Men 55 lb kettlebell, Women 35 lb kettlebell)
20 Burpees
10 Strict handstand push-ups
My time: 9:44
I scaled the wall ball to 8 lbs, and instead of HSPU I did 10 dumbbell push press with my left arm. I'm avoid anything that hurts the tendonitis in my right arm. I've got to get it healed up. It's killing me!! Anyway, if it hurts I'm not doing it...whatever "it" is.
Strength today was back squats
Rep Scheme: 5-3-2-2-1-1-1
My loads: 85-115-145-155-175-180-195
Monday, November 25, 2013
Busy day. Just now getting around to blogging. And it's gonna be short...just super busy.
5 Rounds for time of:
7 Muscle ups 15 Kettlebell swings 35#
21 Burpees
My time: 20:10
I modified this one today...most people subbed pull ups and dips for the muscle up but I'm having some odd pain issues and pull ups hurt in the specific spot where I'm having pain. So, I did KBS instead. Giving this pain a couple more weeks and then I might consider going to a doctor. I'm sure it's just old age and wear and tear.
Strength today was front squats:
rep scheme: 5-3-2-2-1-1-1
my loads: 65-85-95-105-115-125-135
5 Rounds for time of:
21 Burpees
My time: 20:10
I modified this one today...most people subbed pull ups and dips for the muscle up but I'm having some odd pain issues and pull ups hurt in the specific spot where I'm having pain. So, I did KBS instead. Giving this pain a couple more weeks and then I might consider going to a doctor. I'm sure it's just old age and wear and tear.
Strength today was front squats:
rep scheme: 5-3-2-2-1-1-1
my loads: 65-85-95-105-115-125-135
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Way Too Light!
2-4-6-8-10 rep rounds for time of:
Hang power clean
Push jerk
(Men 205 lbs, Women 135 lbs or use 70% of 1RM for jerk)
My time: 4:03 - scaled to 75#
I totally missed the mark on choosing a weight today. If I did 70% of my 1RM I would've used 95 lbs. I was thinking 75 would give me a good challenge. But I went through the entire 2-4-6 rounds before putting the bar down. Um, yeah, just a little too easy. 95 would've been a perfectly challenging weight. I do have to say, it was pretty fun to blast through a workout that fast.
Strength today was 5 sets of pp-pp-pp-pj at varying percentages of 1RM
my loads: 65-75-80-85-95
Hang power clean
Push jerk
(Men 205 lbs, Women 135 lbs or use 70% of 1RM for jerk)
My time: 4:03 - scaled to 75#
I totally missed the mark on choosing a weight today. If I did 70% of my 1RM I would've used 95 lbs. I was thinking 75 would give me a good challenge. But I went through the entire 2-4-6 rounds before putting the bar down. Um, yeah, just a little too easy. 95 would've been a perfectly challenging weight. I do have to say, it was pretty fun to blast through a workout that fast.
Strength today was 5 sets of pp-pp-pp-pj at varying percentages of 1RM
my loads: 65-75-80-85-95
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
400 Meter run
Max rep pull-ups
My rounds: 5 + 200m run
My reps: 36 pull ups
Okay, so I sucked at the pull up part of this today. It's been a while since I really put any heart or dedication into my pull ups, and that um "paid off" here, obviously. I'll start being more dedicated. I swear.
Before that, I did set an awesome new PR on the strength today. We had 20 minutes to set a 1 rep max on back squat. Initially I thought I might just go light, but then decided to go for it. I needed a PR.
My loads: 5-5-5-3-2-2-1-1 @ 65-85-105-125-145-165-185-215 (PR!)
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Today the prescribed WOD was JT, but I modified it because of some pain I'm having lately, specifically when I do dips (and a few other moves). Really I couldn't define it - was it shoulder? Was it neck muscles? I did some poking around up there, and located the exact spot from where the pain originates. With my vast knowledge of Google, I've diagnosed it as a strain of the pectoralis major at the clavicular head. Sounds fancy, huh? Basically, where the pectoral muscle attaches at the head of the collar bone, it hurts and is sore to the touch. Apparently I just need to do some stretches and some trigger point massage and I'll be fine.
And if any of you readers are doctors, you can laugh at me, or confirm my diagnosis. Either way, doesn't matter. :)
21-15 & 9 rep rounds for time of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips
My time: 11:56 - modified
I did HSPU with 2 abmats, but instead of dips I did ring rows, because the dip is where I was feeling the above mentioned pain/strain. And for the push ups, I did hand release and really concentrated on staying super strict. I think my push ups are getting way better. Thanks, in part, to this ab challenge I'm doing at home. The plank holds really are getting tough!
Strength today was 50' walking lunges with a barbell - 4 rds
my loads: 35-55-55-55
And if any of you readers are doctors, you can laugh at me, or confirm my diagnosis. Either way, doesn't matter. :)
21-15 & 9 rep rounds for time of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips
My time: 11:56 - modified
I did HSPU with 2 abmats, but instead of dips I did ring rows, because the dip is where I was feeling the above mentioned pain/strain. And for the push ups, I did hand release and really concentrated on staying super strict. I think my push ups are getting way better. Thanks, in part, to this ab challenge I'm doing at home. The plank holds really are getting tough!
Strength today was 50' walking lunges with a barbell - 4 rds
my loads: 35-55-55-55
Monday, November 18, 2013
Monday Mdness
Fun workout this morning. I was sore all weekend, and hurting. And, as per usual, working out makes me feel better. How the heck does that work??
My husband and I have, over the past 48 hours or so, gone from thinking we were going to buy a travel trailer, to finding out our shop is just inches too short to store the one we wanted. And then we went through all the mental gymnastics of storing one outdoors, winterizing, de-winterizing, loading, unloading, cleaning, covering, uncovering, etc., to the point it was starting to sound like work - a lot of work. And we made the decision not to buy one. Now we feel like we're thousands of dollars ahead, and we'll just go rent a cabin somewhere when we decide to go camping. Guess we were bored this weekend. Ha!!
Anyway...back to CrossFit:
12-9-6-3 rep rounds for time of:
Front squat (Men 185 lbs, Women 125 lbs)
Burpee pull-ups
My time: 9:20, scaled to 105#
Glad I scaled this one. I was able to do the squats unbroken, and keep the intensity up the entire workout. Good times! ;)
The strength today was...well...I screwed it up. I was one of those people who fails to pay attention when Breck is talking. Usually I'm front and center, listening intently. But today I just kinda goofed it all up. I think it was supposed to be something like:
2 squat cleans + 2 front squats at 70%
2 squat cleans + 2 front squats at 75%
and blah blah...something got lost in there and I just did 5 sets instead of repeating weights
My weights: 85-95-105-115-125(?)
I'll pay better attention tomorrow. Now that I have all that travel trailer stuff off my mind.
My husband and I have, over the past 48 hours or so, gone from thinking we were going to buy a travel trailer, to finding out our shop is just inches too short to store the one we wanted. And then we went through all the mental gymnastics of storing one outdoors, winterizing, de-winterizing, loading, unloading, cleaning, covering, uncovering, etc., to the point it was starting to sound like work - a lot of work. And we made the decision not to buy one. Now we feel like we're thousands of dollars ahead, and we'll just go rent a cabin somewhere when we decide to go camping. Guess we were bored this weekend. Ha!!
Anyway...back to CrossFit:
12-9-6-3 rep rounds for time of:
Front squat (Men 185 lbs, Women 125 lbs)
Burpee pull-ups
My time: 9:20, scaled to 105#
Glad I scaled this one. I was able to do the squats unbroken, and keep the intensity up the entire workout. Good times! ;)
The strength today was...well...I screwed it up. I was one of those people who fails to pay attention when Breck is talking. Usually I'm front and center, listening intently. But today I just kinda goofed it all up. I think it was supposed to be something like:
2 squat cleans + 2 front squats at 70%
2 squat cleans + 2 front squats at 75%
and blah blah...something got lost in there and I just did 5 sets instead of repeating weights
My weights: 85-95-105-115-125(?)
I'll pay better attention tomorrow. Now that I have all that travel trailer stuff off my mind.
Friday, November 15, 2013
I stayed home and rowed today. Now, before anyone starts calling me out for cherry-picking my workouts, I had already planned this as an "active rest" day. And then, when I found out the planned WOD was FRAN I quite joyfully celebrated the beauty of such a great coincidence! Take that, Fran! Ha ha ha!!
5k Row = 23:40.3
Sadly this falls just about 8 seconds short of my PR for a 5k row. I need to post my PR near the rower so I can be more motivated next time. I mean...two hard pulls would've made the difference here.
Ready for a couple of rest days.
TGIF y'all!
5k Row = 23:40.3
Sadly this falls just about 8 seconds short of my PR for a 5k row. I need to post my PR near the rower so I can be more motivated next time. I mean...two hard pulls would've made the difference here.
Ready for a couple of rest days.
TGIF y'all!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Thursday - Part 2 (Girls Night)
Nicole did a great job of pulling it all together.
Here are just a few pics from the evening. Obviously, an iPhone isn't the best camera for capturing action during a workout...too much blur!
Jo and B - college buddies |
B showing Jo how it's done. :) |
Blurry Box Jumps - Brooke and Grace from CrossFit Eclipse |
Brooke and Rene from Eclipse |
Jennifer flying through her box jumps! |
Some of the beautiful CFJ ladies. |
Jennifer earning her beer. |
Julie and I enjoying a cool drink. |
Nicole Berry |
Thursday - Part 1
5 Two minute rounds of:
7 Push jerks (Men 165 lbs, Women 115 lbs)
Max double unders with remaining time
Rest 1 minute b/w rounds.
My double unders: 21/21/35/31/34 - total of 142
Used 85# for PJ
Fun workout. No way I want to do this one with 115. I am able to do the jerks unbroken at 85#. I tried this once before with 115, and ended up dropping weight in the second round. Today I just started with 85 and kept it. I also tried my new "speed rope". Not a big fan just yet. It's so much lighter than my good ol' Buddy Lee rope. I switched back to the Buddy Lee on round 3. Notice the difference in my numbers? Yeah... I'll have to take the speed rope home and practice with it. Or give it away. :)
Strength today was Push Jerk (from the rack)
Rep Scheme: 5-3-2-2-1-1-1
My loads: 65-75-85-95-105-110-125
Wasn't feeling super strong, but Jennifer L. lifted with me and she pushed me to do more than I wanted. That last lift at 125 felt surprisingly good!
7 Push jerks (Men 165 lbs, Women 115 lbs)
Max double unders with remaining time
Rest 1 minute b/w rounds.
My double unders: 21/21/35/31/34 - total of 142
Used 85# for PJ
Fun workout. No way I want to do this one with 115. I am able to do the jerks unbroken at 85#. I tried this once before with 115, and ended up dropping weight in the second round. Today I just started with 85 and kept it. I also tried my new "speed rope". Not a big fan just yet. It's so much lighter than my good ol' Buddy Lee rope. I switched back to the Buddy Lee on round 3. Notice the difference in my numbers? Yeah... I'll have to take the speed rope home and practice with it. Or give it away. :)
Strength today was Push Jerk (from the rack)
Rep Scheme: 5-3-2-2-1-1-1
My loads: 65-75-85-95-105-110-125
Wasn't feeling super strong, but Jennifer L. lifted with me and she pushed me to do more than I wanted. That last lift at 125 felt surprisingly good!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Making CrossFit Work for You!
It is so easy to get caught up on the whole "prescribed" thing, and I admit, I push myself to go Rx as often as possible. Heck, it's a big ego boost to be able to do a WOD as Rx, and occasionally keep up with the big dogs, or should I say, the young pups. I mean, I'm 50 years old, and on the rare occasion I can go Rx and maybe out perform or at least get close to beating someone 20 years younger - it's an amazing feeling!
But, I also know my body and I know when I need to back off just a little. Lately I've been scaling weights and reps to suit how I'm feeling that day (tendonitis is killing me lately), and still be able to maintain the intensity of a workout. I'm still getting a great workout, but I don't feel totally beat down afterward.
Basically, I'm making CrossFit work for me! And there's absolutely no shame in that. Make it work for you - you're paying for it!!
And with that being said, I scaled the WOD today. Actually, I scaled the scaled version, even further! ;)
5 Rounds for time of:
30 Overhead walking lunge steps (Men 45 lb plate, Women 25 lb plate)
7 Muscle ups
Substitute 10-15 Ring dips or bar dips or 7 Chest to bar burpee pull-ups for muscle ups.
My time: 16:41, scaled to 5 burpee pull-ups per round
I'm pretty sore from Monday & Tuesday, and these lunges are going to compound that even further. Some odd part of me kind of enjoys being sore. I know that's probably some mental condition, for which I should seek help. This was a fun workout, but took way longer than I thought it would. I started out being able to do 15 lunges before resting, and toward the end I was breaking them up into more manageable chunks of 5 or 7 or sometimes 3.
4 rounds
30 seconds to do 5 deadlifts
30 seconds to do 7 TTB
30 seconds to do 4 hang power cleans
30 seconds to do 7 TTB
30 seconds to do 3 front squats
30 seconds to do 7 TTB
30 seconds to do 2 shoulder to overhead
30 seconds to do 7 TTB
30 seconds to do 1 clean & Jerk
Just to be clear, scaling is vastly different than sandbagging...which I did on the strength today. For some reason I thought it was just one round and so I broke down my bar and put away my weights after one round. (Also I was only doing sets of 3 TTB). When I figured it out (saw everyone else still working) I was too lazy to re-load my bar, so I just worked on Toes to Bar, and visited with B.
But, I also know my body and I know when I need to back off just a little. Lately I've been scaling weights and reps to suit how I'm feeling that day (tendonitis is killing me lately), and still be able to maintain the intensity of a workout. I'm still getting a great workout, but I don't feel totally beat down afterward.
Basically, I'm making CrossFit work for me! And there's absolutely no shame in that. Make it work for you - you're paying for it!!
And with that being said, I scaled the WOD today. Actually, I scaled the scaled version, even further! ;)
5 Rounds for time of:
30 Overhead walking lunge steps (Men 45 lb plate, Women 25 lb plate)
7 Muscle ups
Substitute 10-15 Ring dips or bar dips or 7 Chest to bar burpee pull-ups for muscle ups.
My time: 16:41, scaled to 5 burpee pull-ups per round
I'm pretty sore from Monday & Tuesday, and these lunges are going to compound that even further. Some odd part of me kind of enjoys being sore. I know that's probably some mental condition, for which I should seek help. This was a fun workout, but took way longer than I thought it would. I started out being able to do 15 lunges before resting, and toward the end I was breaking them up into more manageable chunks of 5 or 7 or sometimes 3.
4 rounds
30 seconds to do 5 deadlifts
30 seconds to do 7 TTB
30 seconds to do 4 hang power cleans
30 seconds to do 7 TTB
30 seconds to do 3 front squats
30 seconds to do 7 TTB
30 seconds to do 2 shoulder to overhead
30 seconds to do 7 TTB
30 seconds to do 1 clean & Jerk
Just to be clear, scaling is vastly different than sandbagging...which I did on the strength today. For some reason I thought it was just one round and so I broke down my bar and put away my weights after one round. (Also I was only doing sets of 3 TTB). When I figured it out (saw everyone else still working) I was too lazy to re-load my bar, so I just worked on Toes to Bar, and visited with B.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
"The Chief"
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
3 Power cleans (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs)
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
My total reps: 204, Rx
1 – 3 rds
2 – 2 rds + 3 cleans
3 – 2 rds
4 – 2 rds
5 – 2 rds + 3 cleans
This is the first time I've done this one. Think it's been posted about 3 times, but I've always been gone, or in the first instance (2008) I wasn't at CFJ yet. It was actually kind of fun. I enjoy power cleans, and this was a good chance to work on "touch & go" sets of 3. The push-ups, however, killed my time. I knew they would - being one of my biggest weaknesses. I did maintain strict form on every single rep though, and so, even though my score is kind of low, I'm pleased with my effort.
Kind of a light crowd this morning at 5 am. Guess maybe the cold weather kept people in their nice warm beds. :)
Strength today was power cleans 7 sets of 2 each
my loads: 55-65-75-85-95-105-110
Monday, November 11, 2013
10 Rounds for time of:
3 Squat Snatches (Men 135 lbs, Women 85 lbs)
15 Wall ball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
My time: 16:29 - Modified
Scaled to 55# on snatches and 10# and 10 reps per round of wall ball, and managed to keep the intensity pretty high. Very few rest breaks, and only for a few seconds each. We had a 20 minute time limit and I just wanted to beat that, which I did.
Strength today was squat snatch. I think we were supposed to do 10 singles.
I did something like: 35-45-55-60-65-65-70-70
(Not 10 lifts, but my form was breaking down).
10 Rounds for time of:
3 Squat Snatches (Men 135 lbs, Women 85 lbs)
15 Wall ball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
My time: 16:29 - Modified
Scaled to 55# on snatches and 10# and 10 reps per round of wall ball, and managed to keep the intensity pretty high. Very few rest breaks, and only for a few seconds each. We had a 20 minute time limit and I just wanted to beat that, which I did.
Strength today was squat snatch. I think we were supposed to do 10 singles.
I did something like: 35-45-55-60-65-65-70-70
(Not 10 lifts, but my form was breaking down).
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Fight Gone Bad
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, (Men 20 pound ball, Women 14 pound ball) 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, (Men 75 pounds, Women 55 pounds) (Reps)
Box Jump, 20″ box (Reps)
Push-press, (Men 75 pounds, Women 55 pounds) (Reps)
Row (Calories)
My total: 222 (5 reps off my PR)
row: 11-10-10
wb: 15-11-13
sdhp: 15-13-14
bx: 19-18-18
PP: 20-17-18
I love this workout. Not so much while I'm actually doing the workout, but in theory I love it. It's always a fun challenge to see if you can keep up the same intensity each round. But, somewhere mid-round 2 I always want to just lay down. I think I actually said this out loud today in the middle of round 2. But I pushed onward and finished it. And damn it, I should've pushed harder and got 5 or 6 more reps. Story of my life
Think I'm staying home tomorrow and rowing a 5k. That'll buy me an extra half hour of sleep.
Wall-ball, (Men 20 pound ball, Women 14 pound ball) 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, (Men 75 pounds, Women 55 pounds) (Reps)
Box Jump, 20″ box (Reps)
Push-press, (Men 75 pounds, Women 55 pounds) (Reps)
Row (Calories)
My total: 222 (5 reps off my PR)
row: 11-10-10
wb: 15-11-13
sdhp: 15-13-14
bx: 19-18-18
PP: 20-17-18
I love this workout. Not so much while I'm actually doing the workout, but in theory I love it. It's always a fun challenge to see if you can keep up the same intensity each round. But, somewhere mid-round 2 I always want to just lay down. I think I actually said this out loud today in the middle of round 2. But I pushed onward and finished it. And damn it, I should've pushed harder and got 5 or 6 more reps. Story of my life
Think I'm staying home tomorrow and rowing a 5k. That'll buy me an extra half hour of sleep.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Back Squat Love
Ah, good ol' back squats. I was plenty happy to be doing back squats today. I love the days when the WOD is more strength focused than cardio. Which probably means I really need to work more on my cardio. I know. ;)
21-15-9 Rep rounds for time of:
Back squats (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs)
Toes to bar
My time: 8:10 Rx
Normally I would wuss out and go from a rack on this, because I hate cleaning the bar and then taking it to my back. More specifically I hate the taking it to my back part. It scares me. But I managed okay and went Rx on this one - from the ground. I did all the back squats unbroken - yay me! Toes to bar were not too awful, though my kip seems to be just completely gone these days. I was proud of my time today and super excited that I did something Rx for a change! It's been a while.
Strength today was, of course, back squats!
Rep scheme: 5-3-2-2-1-1-1
My loads: 85-105-115-135-155-175-185
All my lifts felt pretty good once I got past the sound of my knees cracking. Yuck. Sounded like bubble wrap popping. On my lift at 175# I noticed I leaned slightly forward on the way back up. Such a bad habit and a good way to get hurt. But I'm fine.
21-15-9 Rep rounds for time of:
Back squats (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs)
Toes to bar
My time: 8:10 Rx
Normally I would wuss out and go from a rack on this, because I hate cleaning the bar and then taking it to my back. More specifically I hate the taking it to my back part. It scares me. But I managed okay and went Rx on this one - from the ground. I did all the back squats unbroken - yay me! Toes to bar were not too awful, though my kip seems to be just completely gone these days. I was proud of my time today and super excited that I did something Rx for a change! It's been a while.
Strength today was, of course, back squats!
Rep scheme: 5-3-2-2-1-1-1
My loads: 85-105-115-135-155-175-185
All my lifts felt pretty good once I got past the sound of my knees cracking. Yuck. Sounded like bubble wrap popping. On my lift at 175# I noticed I leaned slightly forward on the way back up. Such a bad habit and a good way to get hurt. But I'm fine.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
For time:
30 Clean & Jerk (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs)
My time: 4:13, w/75#
You know, this has always been my favorite, and I still love it. I just didn't love the fact that I have tendonitis and I'm sore and tired. Ha! I chose 75# so I could go fast today and I actually set myself a little PR for this weight. I need to work back up to doing 95# and see if I can go this fast. There's really no reason I shouldn't be able to get there again.
Our "cool-down" after grace was even minutes pull ups and odd minutes dips. Or something like that. I did 3 kipping most rounds and a couple rounds of strict. Dips were jumping and negatives.
Strength was clean & jerk 5 sets of 3 touch & go
my loads: 55-65-75-85-95
Monday, November 4, 2013
Happy Monday!
With a 20 minute time cap, try to complete for time:
4 Rope climbs
40 Hand release push-ups
3 Rope climbs
30 Hand release push-ups
2 Rope climbs
20 Hand release push-ups
1 Rope climb
10 Hand release push-ups
My time: 17:41 - modified
My first rope climb was uneventful. The second one I lost my foot-hold at the top, and scared myself half to death. I descended rather rapidly, thankful for my gloves. The next climbs were maybe half way up the rope, due to my newly regained fear of falling. On the remaining rounds I did 1/2 to 3/4 climbs. My last climb was about 1 foot from the beam. Just have to be sure to lock in my feet and not freak out when I lose it...and always hang on tight. Ha ha!!
Our strength today was another WOD, really.
20 minutes
Even minutes do 6 OHS
Odd minutes do 12 deadlifts
I chose 55 lbs for my weight, and it was plenty. I was able to get super deep in my squats, and not break my wrists trying.
Tomorrow is Grace. Yikes!
4 Rope climbs
40 Hand release push-ups
3 Rope climbs
30 Hand release push-ups
2 Rope climbs
20 Hand release push-ups
1 Rope climb
10 Hand release push-ups
My time: 17:41 - modified
My first rope climb was uneventful. The second one I lost my foot-hold at the top, and scared myself half to death. I descended rather rapidly, thankful for my gloves. The next climbs were maybe half way up the rope, due to my newly regained fear of falling. On the remaining rounds I did 1/2 to 3/4 climbs. My last climb was about 1 foot from the beam. Just have to be sure to lock in my feet and not freak out when I lose it...and always hang on tight. Ha ha!!
Our strength today was another WOD, really.
20 minutes
Even minutes do 6 OHS
Odd minutes do 12 deadlifts
I chose 55 lbs for my weight, and it was plenty. I was able to get super deep in my squats, and not break my wrists trying.
Tomorrow is Grace. Yikes!
Friday, November 1, 2013
B told me yesterday that today's WOD would be awful. But really, I had no idea! I saw this posted, and wanted to go back to sleep. Since I'd been awake for 30 minutes, anyway (bah!) I decided to get up and go push myself through it. Running isn't that awful. Is it?
With a 35 minute time cap:
Run 1600 meters
Rest 3 minutes
Run 1200 meters
Rest 2 minutes
Run 800 meters
Rest 1 minute
Run 400 meters
With the remaining time, do as many rounds as possible of:
5 Deadlifts (Men 275 lbs, Women 185 lbs)
10 Burpees
My total run time: 32:00
My rounds: 1 round + 5 burpees
I felt like I was running in a nightmare today - super slow, no matter how hard I tried to go faster. I'm just glad I wasn't running from zombies or something. They would've caught me today. My left ankle was killing me at the start, but it finally went numb, or maybe it loosened up. I couldn't tell which. Either way, it stopped hurting.
By the time I got to my bar and took off my jacket, I had about 2:40 left on the clock. I figured I might get in two rounds, but I came up just short of that by 5 reps. It didn't really break my heart though. I'm done for the week, and ready for some rest!!
Strength: deadlift
rep scheme: 3-3-3-3-3
my loads: 105-135-155-175-185
With a 35 minute time cap:
Run 1600 meters
Rest 3 minutes
Run 1200 meters
Rest 2 minutes
Run 800 meters
Rest 1 minute
Run 400 meters
With the remaining time, do as many rounds as possible of:
5 Deadlifts (Men 275 lbs, Women 185 lbs)
10 Burpees
My total run time: 32:00
My rounds: 1 round + 5 burpees
I felt like I was running in a nightmare today - super slow, no matter how hard I tried to go faster. I'm just glad I wasn't running from zombies or something. They would've caught me today. My left ankle was killing me at the start, but it finally went numb, or maybe it loosened up. I couldn't tell which. Either way, it stopped hurting.
By the time I got to my bar and took off my jacket, I had about 2:40 left on the clock. I figured I might get in two rounds, but I came up just short of that by 5 reps. It didn't really break my heart though. I'm done for the week, and ready for some rest!!
Strength: deadlift
rep scheme: 3-3-3-3-3
my loads: 105-135-155-175-185
Thursday, October 31, 2013
“Nightmare on Elm Street”
5 Rounds for time of:
11 Hang power clean and jerk (Men 115 lbs, Women 75 lbs)
11 Wall ball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
11 Chest to bar pull-ups
My time: 13:24, scaled - C&J 55#, WB 6#, 5 kipping plu
I'm still taking it easy from the weekend. I'll jump back in full-force next week. Today I scaled this one just to make it where I could keep the intensity level high and get a good workout, without stopping to rest forever between reps. I rested two or three times briefly on the clean & jerks, but otherwise didn't stop moving.
Strength today was hang clean & Jerk
rep scheme: 5-3-2-2-1-1-1
my loads: 45-55-60-65-70-75-80
Again, keeping it light...because I can. :)
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Hump Day
3 Rounds for time of:
30 Box jumps (Men 24” box, Women 20” box)
20 Front squats with barbell
10 Handstand push-ups
My time: 11:37, scaled
I did box steps instead of jumping (as always) and used 2 abmats for HSPU. And sadly, I must admit I think my head only touched the abmats like maybe 5 times total. Just didn't have the shoulder strength today. But I kept the intensity up and kept moving. I was surprised how tough the front squats were with JUST A BAR after the box jumps/steps. My quads were burning up!!
Strength today was snatch balance. I didn't do all the sets. I'm calling this week "active rest"...not going all out on anything.
Forget my rep scheme, but I went up to 60# and stopped.
30 Box jumps (Men 24” box, Women 20” box)
20 Front squats with barbell
10 Handstand push-ups
My time: 11:37, scaled
I did box steps instead of jumping (as always) and used 2 abmats for HSPU. And sadly, I must admit I think my head only touched the abmats like maybe 5 times total. Just didn't have the shoulder strength today. But I kept the intensity up and kept moving. I was surprised how tough the front squats were with JUST A BAR after the box jumps/steps. My quads were burning up!!
Strength today was snatch balance. I didn't do all the sets. I'm calling this week "active rest"...not going all out on anything.
Forget my rep scheme, but I went up to 60# and stopped.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Still sore...
I can't believe how sore I still am from the weekend. But I made myself get up and go today. Hopefully I worked out some of the soreness. I took it pretty easy on everything, so I wouldn't just be making it worse.
Warm up was the fish game on the rower. I got 1050. Woo hoo!!
Then we had push ups every minute for like 5 min? I did 5 per round...very strict.
Strength was bench press 5 x 5. I did 4 x 5. My loads were 65-75-80-85 Plenty for me, and worked the only set of muscles that weren't completely sore. They will be tomorrow.
WOD 1 was a 7 min AMRAP
100' dumbbell carry
10 ring dips
1 dumbbell burpee complex
My rounds: 4, with 20# db's.
I used the ring dips as practice just jumping up and holding and then doing negatives. I didn't do 10 per round...closer to 8.
WOD 2 was 1500 m row for time 10- min time limit.
My time: 7:26
Everyone decided to do max reps KBS after the row in the remainder of the 10 min.
I got 30 swings at 35#
And then I came to work to a train wreck - network was down. Circuit breaker had flipped. Fixed that only to find out one of our switches has gone bad and part of the office is still offline. Ugh. Long day ahead! Good thing I got up early. :)
Warm up was the fish game on the rower. I got 1050. Woo hoo!!
Then we had push ups every minute for like 5 min? I did 5 per round...very strict.
Strength was bench press 5 x 5. I did 4 x 5. My loads were 65-75-80-85 Plenty for me, and worked the only set of muscles that weren't completely sore. They will be tomorrow.
WOD 1 was a 7 min AMRAP
100' dumbbell carry
10 ring dips
1 dumbbell burpee complex
My rounds: 4, with 20# db's.
I used the ring dips as practice just jumping up and holding and then doing negatives. I didn't do 10 per round...closer to 8.
WOD 2 was 1500 m row for time 10- min time limit.
My time: 7:26
Everyone decided to do max reps KBS after the row in the remainder of the 10 min.
I got 30 swings at 35#
And then I came to work to a train wreck - network was down. Circuit breaker had flipped. Fixed that only to find out one of our switches has gone bad and part of the office is still offline. Ugh. Long day ahead! Good thing I got up early. :)
Monday, October 28, 2013
Battle Over Redlands II
What a great time!! This past weekend was the Battle Over Redlands II. Two full days of competition and fun.
We had five competitors from CrossFit Jenks:
Day 1:
They make the old people go first, so my first workout was at 9 am.
WOD 1: “7-11”
Complete as many rounds as possible in 11 minutes of the following:
7 Deadlifts (53# for Masters Women 50+)
7 Front Squats
7 Shoulder to Overheads
Every rep counts, with credit being given for partially completed rounds.
My total reps: 197 - 1st place
I was a little nervous, being the first WOD, and I wanted badly to get 8 rounds. I exceeded my expectations by more than a full round! Woo hoo!! I'd like to do this one again, at the gym without the pressure of competition.
8 minute time cap.
My time: 6:44.6 - First place
This one was just weird, not seeing the monitor. I knew how many strokes it normally takes me to get to 500m, so I counted strokes. I was 5 strokes ahead at the 500 mark, and again at the1000. I was beat after this one, but looking forward to the snatch ladder - the best part of the weekend!
Snatch. After failing a lift, you got .1 point for every deadlift at that weight.
Women 50+: 33, 38, 43, 48, 53, 58, 63, 68, 73, 78, 83, 88, 93, 98, 103
I got up to 93 lbs, and repped out forpoints on deadlifts at 98 lbs for a total of 94 points
First place.
I loved this one! I really thought I had hid a PR at 93, and got so excited I failed on the 98 and didn't re-try it - just repped out for deadlifts. I love lifting!!
Day two, bright and early! I woke up thinking we started with thrusters and burpees and much to my surprise, I was wrong. I had to run in and work on my double unders really quickly. They were a mess, but eventually I strung together enough to make me not to stressed over it.
30 Double-Unders
25 Kettlebell Swings
20 Overhead Lunges (stationary, with bumper plate)
15 Toes to Bar (or Leg raises)
Then, with the remaining time, perform as many Muscle-ups (Rx’d) as possible.
Masters 50+: Pullups
12 minute time cap.
Women 50+: 25# KB, 15# Bumper, Leg Raises, Max Pull-ups
My rounds/reps: 2 rds + 16 kbs = 226 reps - first place
This one was fun too, after I got over the fear of the double unders. Once I got tired, the d/u's went way better for me - I was too tired to fight them, and as usual they become easier when I relax. The leg raises were fun because I could kip them way better than the toes to bar. Fun workout - wouldn't mind doing this one again.
Max rep Thrusters
Every minute, on the minute, perform 5 Burpees (rx’d)
Score will be number of Thrusters completed
Women: Masters 50+: 3 burpees, 63#
My total thrusters: 48 - First place
This one was just a plain old CrossFit Torture session. Hate burpees. Hate thrusters. Hate them even more together. But I gutted it out and just paced off my competition, just making sure I was keeping a few reps ahead of her. I was so glad to see this one end!!
We had five competitors from CrossFit Jenks:
![]() |
L-R: Breck Berry (7th men's Rx), Angie Large (1st Women 50+), Brad Priest (2nd men's 40-49), Shannon McFadden (2nd women's 40-49), Michelle Sifuentes (1st women's 40-49) |
Day 1:
They make the old people go first, so my first workout was at 9 am.
WOD 1: “7-11”
Complete as many rounds as possible in 11 minutes of the following:
7 Deadlifts (53# for Masters Women 50+)
7 Front Squats
7 Shoulder to Overheads
Every rep counts, with credit being given for partially completed rounds.
My total reps: 197 - 1st place
I was a little nervous, being the first WOD, and I wanted badly to get 8 rounds. I exceeded my expectations by more than a full round! Woo hoo!! I'd like to do this one again, at the gym without the pressure of competition.
WOD 2: “1500m Blind Row”
Monitor is reversed, pre-set for 1500m, and facing away from the athlete and spectators. The athlete may adjust the damper and foot settings to their choice prior to their row. Judges will communicate only by raising flags at 500m, 1000m and 1250m. Score is time to complete 1500m.8 minute time cap.
My time: 6:44.6 - First place
This one was just weird, not seeing the monitor. I knew how many strokes it normally takes me to get to 500m, so I counted strokes. I was 5 strokes ahead at the 500 mark, and again at the1000. I was beat after this one, but looking forward to the snatch ladder - the best part of the weekend!
WOD 3: “The Snatch Ladder”
1-rep Snatch every 30 seconds with progressively heavier barbellsSnatch. After failing a lift, you got .1 point for every deadlift at that weight.
Women 50+: 33, 38, 43, 48, 53, 58, 63, 68, 73, 78, 83, 88, 93, 98, 103
I got up to 93 lbs, and repped out forpoints on deadlifts at 98 lbs for a total of 94 points
First place.
I loved this one! I really thought I had hid a PR at 93, and got so excited I failed on the 98 and didn't re-try it - just repped out for deadlifts. I love lifting!!
Day two, bright and early! I woke up thinking we started with thrusters and burpees and much to my surprise, I was wrong. I had to run in and work on my double unders really quickly. They were a mess, but eventually I strung together enough to make me not to stressed over it.
WOD 4: “Rogue at the Redlands”
Three rounds of:30 Double-Unders
25 Kettlebell Swings
20 Overhead Lunges (stationary, with bumper plate)
15 Toes to Bar (or Leg raises)
Then, with the remaining time, perform as many Muscle-ups (Rx’d) as possible.
Masters 50+: Pullups
12 minute time cap.
Women 50+: 25# KB, 15# Bumper, Leg Raises, Max Pull-ups
My rounds/reps: 2 rds + 16 kbs = 226 reps - first place
This one was fun too, after I got over the fear of the double unders. Once I got tired, the d/u's went way better for me - I was too tired to fight them, and as usual they become easier when I relax. The leg raises were fun because I could kip them way better than the toes to bar. Fun workout - wouldn't mind doing this one again.
WOD 5: “Amrap Kalsu”
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes:Max rep Thrusters
Every minute, on the minute, perform 5 Burpees (rx’d)
Score will be number of Thrusters completed
Women: Masters 50+: 3 burpees, 63#
My total thrusters: 48 - First place
This one was just a plain old CrossFit Torture session. Hate burpees. Hate thrusters. Hate them even more together. But I gutted it out and just paced off my competition, just making sure I was keeping a few reps ahead of her. I was so glad to see this one end!!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Hello again!
So much has been going on lately, I've let my blogging take a back seat. Well, actually I kinda left it stranded on the curb. But, I'm back. I swear!
I don't actually have a WOD to blog about today, since I slept in. But yesterday I did go to CFJ and work on some skills and run through a couple of rounds of some of the Battle Over The Redlands II competition for this weekend. Yes, I'm signed up again this year. After I swore I'd never do it again. Never say never, right?
Everyone should come out and cheer on the competitors this weekend. We only have 4 or 5 from Jenks, I believe. All of us are in Masters or Scaled categories, but still, we are competing so come cheer us on!
Detailed info here:
Last night I finally participated in one of the CrossFit Girls Night events. This one was held at CrossFit Bellator in Bixby. It looked to me like there were around 100 women who showed up. I was awed by the beauty and strength of all these women, and I had a really great time visiting with friends, and of course, working out.
After the workout, I looked around at all these beautiful women - young and old, beginners and experts all mixed together. This was just shortly after my dear friend B gently pointed out that I have some unnecessary body issues. (I am hyper-critical of myself.) It was an incredible sight to look around and see all the different body types and I noticed that virtually every woman there had a smile on her face, thoroughly enjoying the evening. In that moment I couldn't imagine any single one of those women taking issue with how they looked in their workout gear (or ever), because truly, to me, they were all beautiful. And - a light bulb turned on - I am one of them! Wow! Talk about a powerful realization!
On the way home I had a little talk with myself, and decided that every day I'm going to remind myself that I'm one of those women - perfect in my imperfection. This morning, for the first time in a while, I looked in the mirror and I loved my body. And I'll do it again tomorrow!
I don't actually have a WOD to blog about today, since I slept in. But yesterday I did go to CFJ and work on some skills and run through a couple of rounds of some of the Battle Over The Redlands II competition for this weekend. Yes, I'm signed up again this year. After I swore I'd never do it again. Never say never, right?
Everyone should come out and cheer on the competitors this weekend. We only have 4 or 5 from Jenks, I believe. All of us are in Masters or Scaled categories, but still, we are competing so come cheer us on!
Detailed info here:
Last night I finally participated in one of the CrossFit Girls Night events. This one was held at CrossFit Bellator in Bixby. It looked to me like there were around 100 women who showed up. I was awed by the beauty and strength of all these women, and I had a really great time visiting with friends, and of course, working out.
After the workout, I looked around at all these beautiful women - young and old, beginners and experts all mixed together. This was just shortly after my dear friend B gently pointed out that I have some unnecessary body issues. (I am hyper-critical of myself.) It was an incredible sight to look around and see all the different body types and I noticed that virtually every woman there had a smile on her face, thoroughly enjoying the evening. In that moment I couldn't imagine any single one of those women taking issue with how they looked in their workout gear (or ever), because truly, to me, they were all beautiful. And - a light bulb turned on - I am one of them! Wow! Talk about a powerful realization!
On the way home I had a little talk with myself, and decided that every day I'm going to remind myself that I'm one of those women - perfect in my imperfection. This morning, for the first time in a while, I looked in the mirror and I loved my body. And I'll do it again tomorrow!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
So far behind!
Wow! I'm a mess. I haven't blogged in almost a week.
In my defense, I've been pretty busy at work. I usually blog early in the morning before things get super busy, but I haven't even been able to do that.
I actually took a rest day today, so nothing to blog about as far as CrossFit goes. I did go see the Eagles in concert last night, and was up until almost 1 am. I'm getting a little old for that - I'm super tired today. I'm looking forward to a full night of sleep tonight and then "Fun Friday" at CFJ!
Hopefully next week I can get this blog back on track!
In my defense, I've been pretty busy at work. I usually blog early in the morning before things get super busy, but I haven't even been able to do that.
I actually took a rest day today, so nothing to blog about as far as CrossFit goes. I did go see the Eagles in concert last night, and was up until almost 1 am. I'm getting a little old for that - I'm super tired today. I'm looking forward to a full night of sleep tonight and then "Fun Friday" at CFJ!
Hopefully next week I can get this blog back on track!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Hump Day!
I'm so far behind on blogging. I'll give a little re-cap:
Friday...not a clue what we did at CrossFit. Can't remember that far back.
Saturday...meant to get up and run but failed to do so. Football & Chili. :)
Sunday...prep for colonoscopy. Not fun. Not even remotely fun.
Monday...24 hours of my life I'll never get back.
Tuesday...showed up at CFJ still feeling effects of anesthesia from Monday. Didn't last long.
Which leads me to today! Feeling great after eating three meals yesterday. Up & at 'em this morning for the 5 am class.
21-15-9 Rep rounds for time of:
Hang power snatch (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs)
Ring dips
My time: 9:13, 55# & bar dips
Could've gone a tiny bit heavier on the weight but didn't want to overdo it today. Felt good to go fast on those snatches! Split the 21 up 15 & 6. Not sure on the next rounds, but did break them up. Bar dips were "assisted" meaning I'm jumping a little bit and doing negatives.
Strength was Hang Power Snatch 7 sets of 2 ea
My loads: 45-50-55-60-65-70-75
This is one of my weakest lifts. Need to work more on form before I go any higher on weight.
Friday...not a clue what we did at CrossFit. Can't remember that far back.
Saturday...meant to get up and run but failed to do so. Football & Chili. :)
Sunday...prep for colonoscopy. Not fun. Not even remotely fun.
Monday...24 hours of my life I'll never get back.
Tuesday...showed up at CFJ still feeling effects of anesthesia from Monday. Didn't last long.
Which leads me to today! Feeling great after eating three meals yesterday. Up & at 'em this morning for the 5 am class.
21-15-9 Rep rounds for time of:
Hang power snatch (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs)
Ring dips
My time: 9:13, 55# & bar dips
Could've gone a tiny bit heavier on the weight but didn't want to overdo it today. Felt good to go fast on those snatches! Split the 21 up 15 & 6. Not sure on the next rounds, but did break them up. Bar dips were "assisted" meaning I'm jumping a little bit and doing negatives.
Strength was Hang Power Snatch 7 sets of 2 ea
My loads: 45-50-55-60-65-70-75
This is one of my weakest lifts. Need to work more on form before I go any higher on weight.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Lotsa Squats
5 Rounds for time of:
20 Back squats (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs)
20 Meter handstand walk (substitutions are 10 HSPU’s or 20 Hand release push-ups)
There is a 20 minute time cap.
My time: 18:43 with Rx weight & 2 abmats for HSPU
Don't mind a bunch of back squats, really! I'm going to be sore tomorrow, but what the heck. I enjoyed this one. I need to learn to kip HSPU again. I just need to find the enthusiasm for it like I had a year or so ago.
Our warm up included some hand-stand practice and walking handstands for those who are super-human. I did have a few seconds of a free-standing hand-stand today (not touching the wall) which was a huge deal for me. First time in, really....ever in my life! :)
We also did 10 rounds of 100m sprints. My times were all about 21-23 seconds.
20 Back squats (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs)
20 Meter handstand walk (substitutions are 10 HSPU’s or 20 Hand release push-ups)
There is a 20 minute time cap.
My time: 18:43 with Rx weight & 2 abmats for HSPU
Don't mind a bunch of back squats, really! I'm going to be sore tomorrow, but what the heck. I enjoyed this one. I need to learn to kip HSPU again. I just need to find the enthusiasm for it like I had a year or so ago.
Our warm up included some hand-stand practice and walking handstands for those who are super-human. I did have a few seconds of a free-standing hand-stand today (not touching the wall) which was a huge deal for me. First time in, really....ever in my life! :)
We also did 10 rounds of 100m sprints. My times were all about 21-23 seconds.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Hump Day!
As many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
Row (calories)
1 minute rest
As many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
1 minute rest
As many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
1 minute rest
As many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
Wall ball shots
My reps:
row = 44
burpee = 26
pull up = 30
wall ball = 40
I decided to do pull-ups first. My pull ups felt pretty good, but again, no big sets. Started with a set of 5 then it was 2's and 3's. Then burpees second. On the first burpee, my arms wouldn't work - shoulders completely trashed! When I got to the wall ball, that 14# ball felt like about 30#!! Should've set my damper higher on the row, but I was too late getting set on the rower and I just stuck with 4.
Good workout!
Strength today was a shoulder press/push press/push jerk complex - to fatigue on each lift and into the next left.
Here are my loads and numbers:
7-6-10 @ 45
6-6-6 @ 50
5-6-7 @ 55
4-4-5 @ 60
3-3-3 @ 65
I fatigued WAY faster than I thought I would on these lifts. I have really got to get better at these!!
Row (calories)
1 minute rest
As many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
1 minute rest
As many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
1 minute rest
As many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
Wall ball shots
My reps:
row = 44
burpee = 26
pull up = 30
wall ball = 40
I decided to do pull-ups first. My pull ups felt pretty good, but again, no big sets. Started with a set of 5 then it was 2's and 3's. Then burpees second. On the first burpee, my arms wouldn't work - shoulders completely trashed! When I got to the wall ball, that 14# ball felt like about 30#!! Should've set my damper higher on the row, but I was too late getting set on the rower and I just stuck with 4.
Good workout!
Strength today was a shoulder press/push press/push jerk complex - to fatigue on each lift and into the next left.
Here are my loads and numbers:
7-6-10 @ 45
6-6-6 @ 50
5-6-7 @ 55
4-4-5 @ 60
3-3-3 @ 65
I fatigued WAY faster than I thought I would on these lifts. I have really got to get better at these!!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
As many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
Dumbbell burpee complex (Men 45 lb dumbbells, Women 30 lb dumbbells)
rest 3 minutes
As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
1 Box jump (Men 24” box, Women 20” box)(Games standard)
1 Bar dip
2 Box jumps
2 Bar dips
3 Box jumps
3 Bar dips
Continuing adding a rep each round.
rest 3 minutes
As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
50’ Sled push (Men sled + 70 lbs, Women sled + 25 lbs)
30 Double unders
10 Toes to bar
My results:
dumbbell/burpee complex: 20 reps with 20# db's
box/bar: 8 rounds + 6 box steps
sled/du/ttb: 1 round + 25DU
All of these were way harder than they looked on paper. The burpees surprised me the most, and I was glad I scaled the weight. My double unders were just total crap today. Ugh. They slowed me down so much, but I needed one of these WODs to be "rx". So it was that one. Great morning, but super tough!
Strength today was 1 minute of deadlifts, followed by 2 minutes of hang power clean, followed by 3 minutes of front squats,with no rest between.
My load 85#
30 Deadlifts
13 Hang Power Cleans
15 Front Squats
Dumbbell burpee complex (Men 45 lb dumbbells, Women 30 lb dumbbells)
rest 3 minutes
As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
1 Box jump (Men 24” box, Women 20” box)(Games standard)
1 Bar dip
2 Box jumps
2 Bar dips
3 Box jumps
3 Bar dips
Continuing adding a rep each round.
rest 3 minutes
As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
50’ Sled push (Men sled + 70 lbs, Women sled + 25 lbs)
30 Double unders
10 Toes to bar
My results:
dumbbell/burpee complex: 20 reps with 20# db's
box/bar: 8 rounds + 6 box steps
sled/du/ttb: 1 round + 25DU
All of these were way harder than they looked on paper. The burpees surprised me the most, and I was glad I scaled the weight. My double unders were just total crap today. Ugh. They slowed me down so much, but I needed one of these WODs to be "rx". So it was that one. Great morning, but super tough!
Strength today was 1 minute of deadlifts, followed by 2 minutes of hang power clean, followed by 3 minutes of front squats,with no rest between.
My load 85#
30 Deadlifts
13 Hang Power Cleans
15 Front Squats
Monday, September 23, 2013
Battle II
Well, I just pitched my $80 in the hat. I'm going to compete in Battle Over Redlands II.
Yikes! Now I've got butterflies. And I'm not talking pull ups. Ha!
It'll be fun. Right? :)
Yikes! Now I've got butterflies. And I'm not talking pull ups. Ha!
It'll be fun. Right? :)
I love this one. Even though I'm not fast at it, I love it.
3 Rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell swings (Men 55 lbs, Women 35 lbs)
12 Pull-ups
My time: 15:30, Rx
Slow on the run today. Super sluggish. Had a little touch of a stomach issue yesterday, but otherwise feeling pretty healthy. Managed to not drink very much at all this weekend. Proud of myself for keeping it at a manageable level, even though we had a party. And my nutrition has been pretty great too.
The strength today was a big bunch of mess. Ha ha. No seriously, it was all good practice.
emom for 4 min - snatch pull
emom for 4 min - power snatch & 3 OHS
emom for 4 min - snatch balance
emom for 4 min - squat snatch
I used 55# as my load.
3 Rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell swings (Men 55 lbs, Women 35 lbs)
12 Pull-ups
My time: 15:30, Rx
Slow on the run today. Super sluggish. Had a little touch of a stomach issue yesterday, but otherwise feeling pretty healthy. Managed to not drink very much at all this weekend. Proud of myself for keeping it at a manageable level, even though we had a party. And my nutrition has been pretty great too.
The strength today was a big bunch of mess. Ha ha. No seriously, it was all good practice.
emom for 4 min - snatch pull
emom for 4 min - power snatch & 3 OHS
emom for 4 min - snatch balance
emom for 4 min - squat snatch
I used 55# as my load.
Friday, September 20, 2013
What a week! I'm sore all over, and ready for a rest day!
Today's workout was tough, but really pretty fun. I was surprised at having to break up 20 kettlebell swings, and that ultimately cost me completing a third round, but I still got further than I thought I would.
As many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
200 Meter farmers carry (Men 45 lb plate & 55 lb kettlebell, Women 25 lb plate & 35 lb kettlebell)
100’ Overhead walking lunge steps (Men 45 lb plate, Women 25 lb plate)
20 Kettlebell swings (Men 55 lbs, Women 35 lbs)
10 Handstand push-ups
My rounds: 2 + 5 HSPU (Rx weights, 2 abmats for HSPU)
I was just FIVE reps short of three rounds. Five reps! I know where I rested and where I could've made this up. But I still had fun with it. There was a light rain, and I really didn't want to go out in it, but actually it felt pretty good and cooled me off a bit. My shoulders and traps are totally trashed now.
Strength today was Back Squats. Don't mind if I do!
Rep Scheme: 5-3-2-2-2
My loads: 85-105-135-165-185
These felt pretty good today, even after all the squats we've done this week.
Today's workout was tough, but really pretty fun. I was surprised at having to break up 20 kettlebell swings, and that ultimately cost me completing a third round, but I still got further than I thought I would.
As many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
200 Meter farmers carry (Men 45 lb plate & 55 lb kettlebell, Women 25 lb plate & 35 lb kettlebell)
100’ Overhead walking lunge steps (Men 45 lb plate, Women 25 lb plate)
20 Kettlebell swings (Men 55 lbs, Women 35 lbs)
10 Handstand push-ups
My rounds: 2 + 5 HSPU (Rx weights, 2 abmats for HSPU)
I was just FIVE reps short of three rounds. Five reps! I know where I rested and where I could've made this up. But I still had fun with it. There was a light rain, and I really didn't want to go out in it, but actually it felt pretty good and cooled me off a bit. My shoulders and traps are totally trashed now.
Strength today was Back Squats. Don't mind if I do!
Rep Scheme: 5-3-2-2-2
My loads: 85-105-135-165-185
These felt pretty good today, even after all the squats we've done this week.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Nasty Girls
Well, my version of this is extremely modified. However, I still get a good workout with the scaling.
3 rounds for time of:
50 Squats
7 Muscle-ups Pull ups
10 Hang power cleans (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs 75lbs)
My time: 12:09, modified as above
For some reason the squats just ate me up today. Mainly because I'm super sore from this week, but also my lower back is not happy with me. Nothing major, just tight. Pull ups felt decent thought couldn't string together a consecutive 7 to save my life today. I really should progress to the 95# on the cleans in this one. I can do 95# but the thought of 30 of them is pretty daunting sometimes. Right now I'm just keeping things do-able.
Strength today was fun!
5 deadlifts every minute on the minute for 5 minutes
My load: 175#
rest 2 min
3 hang power cleans every minute on the minute for 5 minutes
My load: 95#
rest 2 min
1 Squat clean & jerk every minute on the minute for 5 minutes
My load: 115#
3 rounds for time of:
50 Squats
10 Hang power cleans (Men 135 lbs, Women
My time: 12:09, modified as above
For some reason the squats just ate me up today. Mainly because I'm super sore from this week, but also my lower back is not happy with me. Nothing major, just tight. Pull ups felt decent thought couldn't string together a consecutive 7 to save my life today. I really should progress to the 95# on the cleans in this one. I can do 95# but the thought of 30 of them is pretty daunting sometimes. Right now I'm just keeping things do-able.
Strength today was fun!
5 deadlifts every minute on the minute for 5 minutes
My load: 175#
rest 2 min
3 hang power cleans every minute on the minute for 5 minutes
My load: 95#
rest 2 min
1 Squat clean & jerk every minute on the minute for 5 minutes
My load: 115#
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Half way there!
Glad to have this morning's workout behind me - half way to the weekend. Although, I won't have a day to sleep in super late, I can at least sleep to 8:00 on Sunday. I need my rest!
Yesterday I went for a run, and the weather was way hotter than I had anticipated. I cut it short at a mile and a half. I had a feeling we'd be running today. Sure enough - we did the Jenks Mile.
Jenks Mile:
400 m = 1:55
200 m = 0:57
400 m = 2:04
200 m = 0:54
400 m = 2:15
Total time: 12:05
Total run time: 8:05
Strength today was to find a 15 rep max Overhead Squat. I have become so weak on OHS! I got up to 70 for the 15 rep. I really need to work this lift more.
5 Rounds for time of:
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (Men 95 lbs, Women 65 lbs)
15 Overhead squats
My time: 9:22, scaled to 55#, and 10 reps of each lift per round.
Both of these lifts used to be on my list of favorites. Now they just wear me out. I was able to do the OHS unbroken at this lighter weight and rep scheme. The SDHP were another story. First 10 unbroken, but after that it was all broken up. They kill my hips and I can't breathe right. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but definitely need to work on these.
Yesterday I went for a run, and the weather was way hotter than I had anticipated. I cut it short at a mile and a half. I had a feeling we'd be running today. Sure enough - we did the Jenks Mile.
Jenks Mile:
400 m = 1:55
200 m = 0:57
400 m = 2:04
200 m = 0:54
400 m = 2:15
Total time: 12:05
Total run time: 8:05
Strength today was to find a 15 rep max Overhead Squat. I have become so weak on OHS! I got up to 70 for the 15 rep. I really need to work this lift more.
5 Rounds for time of:
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (Men 95 lbs, Women 65 lbs)
15 Overhead squats
My time: 9:22, scaled to 55#, and 10 reps of each lift per round.
Both of these lifts used to be on my list of favorites. Now they just wear me out. I was able to do the OHS unbroken at this lighter weight and rep scheme. The SDHP were another story. First 10 unbroken, but after that it was all broken up. They kill my hips and I can't breathe right. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but definitely need to work on these.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Today's strength was Death by Front Squat. I didn't mind this too much at all, since the first rep of each one was a squat clean, and I love those! I selected 85 lbs, and probably shoulda/coulda gone to 105. I made it through all 10 rounds, so that's 55 front squats. I'll feel that later today.
And then the WOD
21 Burpees
42 Pull-ups
15 Burpees
30 Pull-ups
9 Burpees
18 Pull-ups
My time: 11:57, scaled PLU to 21-15-9
I scaled just like I did on the compare to date. This time I was almost a minute faster. Still, the burpees sucked. I had to make some mental adjustments just to get myself to stay for the workout. Breck said I had a bad attitude, and I quickly corrected him. :) I have a great attitude. I just happen to hate burpees. Ha ha ha!!
On the positive side -my pull ups felt pretty decent today, although they were slow as usual. I had one set of 7, and some 5's. Other than that, doubles and triples.
And then the WOD
21 Burpees
42 Pull-ups
15 Burpees
30 Pull-ups
9 Burpees
18 Pull-ups
My time: 11:57, scaled PLU to 21-15-9
I scaled just like I did on the compare to date. This time I was almost a minute faster. Still, the burpees sucked. I had to make some mental adjustments just to get myself to stay for the workout. Breck said I had a bad attitude, and I quickly corrected him. :) I have a great attitude. I just happen to hate burpees. Ha ha ha!!
On the positive side -my pull ups felt pretty decent today, although they were slow as usual. I had one set of 7, and some 5's. Other than that, doubles and triples.
Monday, September 16, 2013
I am still struggling to lose a few pounds, and I'm frustrated. Just so happens I'm at a point in life when my metabolism has bottomed out. So, I've been trying to get back to running more frequently. I've got my nutrition in check. My drinking drastically reduced to the point of almost non-existent. And, I've been setting mini-goals each week, hoping to see the number on the scale drop.
Here are my goals for this week:
Hopefully the weather will cooperate with my running plan!
Here are my goals for this week:
- Make it to CFJ Monday through Friday and give my best effort.
- Run a total of 5 miles by Sunday.
Hopefully the weather will cooperate with my running plan!
Monday Madness
This was almost too much to comprehend at 5 am. But I managed to figure it out. Of course I scaled most everything and didn't finish any of them. I did, however, enjoy the rope climbs. It's my only "bad ass skill" right now.
With an 8 minute time limit, try to complete for time:
3 Rope climbs
15 Bench press (Men Bodyweight, Women x.68 bodyweight)
2 Rope climbs
12 Bench press
1 Rope climbs
9 Bench press
Subbed 1 rope climb per round, used 80# on bench, got to 3 reps on the 9 bench press
Rest 2 minutes
With an 8 minute time limit, try to complete for time:
500 Meter row
21 Toes to bar
300 Meter row
15 Toes to bar
200 Meter row
9 Toes to bar
Got to 3 TTB on the round of 15
Rest 2 minutes
With an 8 minute time limit, try to complete for time:
100 Double unders
30 Box jumps (Men 24” box, Women 20” box)
75 Double unders
20 Box jumps
50 Double unders
10 Box jumps
25 Double unders
And this one I totally screwed up. I did 100 double unders which took me FOR EV ER. Then I proceeded to attempt 75 box jumps/steps. I totally mis-read the rep scheme. I could've gotten at least another 50 double unders if I'd read the damn thing right. Geez...what a moron!
With an 8 minute time limit, try to complete for time:
3 Rope climbs
15 Bench press (Men Bodyweight, Women x.68 bodyweight)
2 Rope climbs
12 Bench press
1 Rope climbs
9 Bench press
Subbed 1 rope climb per round, used 80# on bench, got to 3 reps on the 9 bench press
Rest 2 minutes
With an 8 minute time limit, try to complete for time:
500 Meter row
21 Toes to bar
300 Meter row
15 Toes to bar
200 Meter row
9 Toes to bar
Got to 3 TTB on the round of 15
Rest 2 minutes
With an 8 minute time limit, try to complete for time:
100 Double unders
30 Box jumps (Men 24” box, Women 20” box)
75 Double unders
20 Box jumps
50 Double unders
10 Box jumps
25 Double unders
And this one I totally screwed up. I did 100 double unders which took me FOR EV ER. Then I proceeded to attempt 75 box jumps/steps. I totally mis-read the rep scheme. I could've gotten at least another 50 double unders if I'd read the damn thing right. Geez...what a moron!
Friday, September 13, 2013
Where did the week go? Time seems to fly by these days.
I was not looking forward to doing this workout today. Someone told me it was coming up and I've been dreading it all week. But, I actually did just fine. I am SO sore from yesterday, actually hurting, and decided to go ahead and go to the gym and just go really light on everything. And that worked out great. I got a decent workout, with lighter loads and worked out a little bit of the soreness in my legs and glutes. Whatever I've strained in my shoulder/collar bone area, however, is still all jacked up. Hopefully a couple of rest days will fix that!
For time:
150 Wallball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
My time: 9:51, scaled to 8#
Yes I did scale to 8 lbs. :)
Strength today was shoulder press/push press/push jerk 3 sets of 3 each
My loads:
SP 35-45-50
PP 55-60-65
PJ 70-75-80
I was not looking forward to doing this workout today. Someone told me it was coming up and I've been dreading it all week. But, I actually did just fine. I am SO sore from yesterday, actually hurting, and decided to go ahead and go to the gym and just go really light on everything. And that worked out great. I got a decent workout, with lighter loads and worked out a little bit of the soreness in my legs and glutes. Whatever I've strained in my shoulder/collar bone area, however, is still all jacked up. Hopefully a couple of rest days will fix that!
For time:
150 Wallball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
My time: 9:51, scaled to 8#
Yes I did scale to 8 lbs. :)
Strength today was shoulder press/push press/push jerk 3 sets of 3 each
My loads:
SP 35-45-50
PP 55-60-65
PJ 70-75-80
Awesome Fun
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
100’ Sled push (Men +45 lbs, Women empty sled)
10 Deadlifts (Men 275 lbs, Women 185 lbs)
My total = 3 rounds, as Rx
I loved this workout, but it damn near killed me! I haven't felt so wiped out after a workout in I don't know when. I mean, seriously I laid on the floor for a good 10 minutes afterward just trying to get to a point where I could sit up without falling over.
But I would do it again. And love it!
Strength today was 5 rounds of 50′ sled push/ 3 deadlifts
My loads:
1. Sled / 125# DL
2. Sled + 10# / 145# DL
3. Sled + 15# / 165# DL
4. Sled + 25# / 175# DL
5. Sled + 35# / 185# DL
100’ Sled push (Men +45 lbs, Women empty sled)
10 Deadlifts (Men 275 lbs, Women 185 lbs)
My total = 3 rounds, as Rx
I loved this workout, but it damn near killed me! I haven't felt so wiped out after a workout in I don't know when. I mean, seriously I laid on the floor for a good 10 minutes afterward just trying to get to a point where I could sit up without falling over.
But I would do it again. And love it!
Strength today was 5 rounds of 50′ sled push/ 3 deadlifts
My loads:
1. Sled / 125# DL
2. Sled + 10# / 145# DL
3. Sled + 15# / 165# DL
4. Sled + 25# / 175# DL
5. Sled + 35# / 185# DL
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Hump Day!
I've fallen behind on my blogging. Here and elsewhere. I'm in a slump. I'll get out of it soon enough. Fighting gravity and losing lately. But I keep fighting!
This morning at CFJ was fun. We started off with hang squat cleans after the warm up. Seven sets of 2 reps. I love squat cleans. Hang squat cleans are a close second, so I really enjoyed these.
My loads:
With a 5 minute time limit, try to complete for time:
1000 Meter row
Rest 3 minutes
With a 5 minute time limit, try to complete for time:
50 Chest to bar pull-ups
Rest 3 minutes
With a 5 minute time limit, try to complete for time:
800 Meter run
I did them in this order:
Pull ups = 40 kipping in 5 min
800 m Run = 4:45
1000 m Row = 4:55.5
The run was the toughest it seemed. I was just sluggish for some reason. More so than usual. The first lap felt like a nightmare. You know how you try to run in a nightmare and your legs will barely move? Yeah. That. The second lap felt a little better, slow. At least I beat the 5 minute time limit.
I'm going to get out this weekend and try to hit a 5k. I've only done two miles the last several times I've gone out. Think it's time to bump it up. Gotta lose this weight somehow!!
This morning at CFJ was fun. We started off with hang squat cleans after the warm up. Seven sets of 2 reps. I love squat cleans. Hang squat cleans are a close second, so I really enjoyed these.
My loads:
With a 5 minute time limit, try to complete for time:
1000 Meter row
Rest 3 minutes
With a 5 minute time limit, try to complete for time:
50 Chest to bar pull-ups
Rest 3 minutes
With a 5 minute time limit, try to complete for time:
800 Meter run
I did them in this order:
Pull ups = 40 kipping in 5 min
800 m Run = 4:45
1000 m Row = 4:55.5
The run was the toughest it seemed. I was just sluggish for some reason. More so than usual. The first lap felt like a nightmare. You know how you try to run in a nightmare and your legs will barely move? Yeah. That. The second lap felt a little better, slow. At least I beat the 5 minute time limit.
I'm going to get out this weekend and try to hit a 5k. I've only done two miles the last several times I've gone out. Think it's time to bump it up. Gotta lose this weight somehow!!
Friday, September 6, 2013
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
1 Rope climb
2 Squat snatches (70-90% 1 rep max)
3 Muscle ups
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 Ring rows
7 Overhead squats (70-90% 1 rep max)
3 Wall climbs
So, here's what I actually did:
20 min AMRAP
1 rope climb (15′)
2 squat snatch (55#)
3 wall climbs
My reps/rounds: 5 rounds + 1 rope climb
I took my time on this one, so I didn't get too worn out to effectively climb the rope. I had a couple of scares at the top, when I lost my footing, but I calmed myself down, shut out the instinct to panic and got back down safely. Even though I didn't have high reps, I feel like a total CF badass again when I climb the rope. There's so much I have yet to accomplish, and climbing this rope was a huge step for me when I finally did it. So, now any time rope climbs come up, I'm excited to get in there and climb!
Our strength today was squat snatch. I'm still considering this one of my weakest lifts, as far as form goes. I stayed relatively light in order to work on form:
5-3-2-2-1-1-1 @ 35-45-50-55-60-65-70
TGIF y'all!
1 Rope climb
2 Squat snatches (70-90% 1 rep max)
3 Muscle ups
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 Ring rows
7 Overhead squats (70-90% 1 rep max)
3 Wall climbs
So, here's what I actually did:
20 min AMRAP
1 rope climb (15′)
2 squat snatch (55#)
3 wall climbs
My reps/rounds: 5 rounds + 1 rope climb
I took my time on this one, so I didn't get too worn out to effectively climb the rope. I had a couple of scares at the top, when I lost my footing, but I calmed myself down, shut out the instinct to panic and got back down safely. Even though I didn't have high reps, I feel like a total CF badass again when I climb the rope. There's so much I have yet to accomplish, and climbing this rope was a huge step for me when I finally did it. So, now any time rope climbs come up, I'm excited to get in there and climb!
Our strength today was squat snatch. I'm still considering this one of my weakest lifts, as far as form goes. I stayed relatively light in order to work on form:
5-3-2-2-1-1-1 @ 35-45-50-55-60-65-70
TGIF y'all!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
This is why I love Crossfit!
Yesterday I sucked.
Today I got a PR.
Yep, some days are just awesome days for CrossFit. Our strength today was thrusters and I managed to get a 1RM PR at 115 lbs. Totally worth getting out of bed!
5 @ 55
3 @ 65
2 @ 75
2 @ 85
1 @ 95
1 @ 105
1 @ 115 - failed and then tried again a minute later
1 @ 115 - Yes!! PR!!
We had two WODs today:
As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:
12 Kettlbell swings (Men 55 lbs, Women 35 lbs)
12 Wall ball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
My results: 3 rounds + 3 WB = 127 reps
Rest 4 minutes
As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:
3 Thrusters (75% of 1 rep max)
30 Double unders
My results: 3 rounds + 14 D/U = 116 reps
Today I got a PR.
Yep, some days are just awesome days for CrossFit. Our strength today was thrusters and I managed to get a 1RM PR at 115 lbs. Totally worth getting out of bed!
5 @ 55
3 @ 65
2 @ 75
2 @ 85
1 @ 95
1 @ 105
1 @ 115 - failed and then tried again a minute later
1 @ 115 - Yes!! PR!!
We had two WODs today:
As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:
12 Kettlbell swings (Men 55 lbs, Women 35 lbs)
12 Wall ball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
My results: 3 rounds + 3 WB = 127 reps
Rest 4 minutes
As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:
3 Thrusters (75% of 1 rep max)
30 Double unders
My results: 3 rounds + 14 D/U = 116 reps
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
For time:
20 Thrusters
20 Sumo deadlift high pulls
20 Push jerks
20 Overhead squats
20 Front squats
Men will use a 95lb barbell. Women will use 65lbs. Each athlete must do four burpees at the beginning of every minute before moving on to the barbell work. The athlete is allowed to move to the next barbell skill once an he/she has completed all 20 reps. If the minute clock beeps during a repetition the athlete will complete their rep and then start their four burpees. There is a 20min cap.
My time....well, it really doesn't count because I scaled the hell out of it, but I finished at 11:44
Here's what I did:
21 thrusters (Yeah 21...why? I have no idea...CrossFit Brainwashing, perhaps?)
10 push press
10 OHS
10 front squats
Thrusters went like this: 4 burpees, 11 thrusters, 4 burpees, 5 thrusters, 4 burpees, 4 burpees, 5 thrusters. Really.
Then I think I broke up the SDHP 4, 6, 5 with burpees in between, of course (at this point I had "scaled" to 3 burpees per round)
The PP I did in an unbroken set, between sets of burpees, of course.
The Front Squats were broken into two sets of 5 with burpees in between.
Ugh. Seriously, I totally let this WOD get in my head. But the funny thing is, all day yesterday, I was pumped up about it thinking "I've got this", and "I'm gonna kill it" and all those positive thoughts. I was ready for it. Until I woke up...and I got all nervous and remembered how bad it really is in real life.
Anyway...I worked. I sweated. I burned calories. Good enough for today. I will move on.
The warm up included a 400m run and a 500m row, and then each of these as a "sprint". We all know how much I love sprinting. Ha ha! I did surprise myself with a sub 2 min run, however!
Run 400m = 1:56
Row 500m = 2:04.9
Tomorrow has to be better - I was told there are no burpees. :)
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Back on the Wagon
Back from a fun weekend in Galveston with friends, drinking and eating too much. Well, actually I didn't do too badly as far as food, but drinking...ugh. I need to cut that out for a while. And that's actually the plan. Clean up my diet and cut out the alcohol. I have a date with the beach in 112 days!!
For time:
50 Sit-ups
50 Double-unders
50 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Sit-ups
50 Burpees
50 Sit-ups
My time: 20:44 Rx
Not a horrible workout except for the burpees. Other than that, I thought it was a pretty fun one. I need to figure out why I'm so slow on sit ups these days. I used to blaze through 50 sit ups with no problem. Is age really making that big of a difference?? Or is it mental?
Strength today was Squat Clean & Jerk
5-3-2-2-1-1-1 @ 65-75-85-95-105-115-135 (failed to lock out on the jerk)
I love squat cleans. I really need to work on my overhead lifts. All of them...
For time:
50 Sit-ups
50 Double-unders
50 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Sit-ups
50 Burpees
50 Sit-ups
My time: 20:44 Rx
Not a horrible workout except for the burpees. Other than that, I thought it was a pretty fun one. I need to figure out why I'm so slow on sit ups these days. I used to blaze through 50 sit ups with no problem. Is age really making that big of a difference?? Or is it mental?
Strength today was Squat Clean & Jerk
5-3-2-2-1-1-1 @ 65-75-85-95-105-115-135 (failed to lock out on the jerk)
I love squat cleans. I really need to work on my overhead lifts. All of them...
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Before I even got in the door, Breck was telling us to grab a med ball. I thought maybe I was late, but he was just ready to get us going!! He's been on a roll all week!
So the warm up consisted of a 400m run carrying said med ball. It took me forever, aka, 2:49! There is just no good way to carry a med ball and run. However there were some pretty fast times in our class. Props to those fast people!
Then we did some more warm up stuff which is all a blurr of med balls, sweat, and toes to bar. Can't honestly remember all of it.
3 rounds
3 minutes to row 500m & remaining time for max reps deadlifts
I chose 155#
My deadlifts: 10, 12 & 10
Then the if I had any energy left!
As many reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
Even minutes-Toes to bar
Odd minutes-Med ball cleans (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
My reps:
TTB Sit ups: 6, 21, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 20 (that first round was ttb...subbed to sit ups after that) - total 152
MedBall: 12, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 - total 102
Holy crap I'm exhausted! Thankfully this is my "Friday". I'm heading to Galveston for a few days to hang with some friends. One of them has promised to run with me at least once. That'll be my exercise for the weekend.
So...TGIF y'all~!
So the warm up consisted of a 400m run carrying said med ball. It took me forever, aka, 2:49! There is just no good way to carry a med ball and run. However there were some pretty fast times in our class. Props to those fast people!
Then we did some more warm up stuff which is all a blurr of med balls, sweat, and toes to bar. Can't honestly remember all of it.
3 rounds
3 minutes to row 500m & remaining time for max reps deadlifts
I chose 155#
My deadlifts: 10, 12 & 10
Then the if I had any energy left!
As many reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
Even minutes-Toes to bar
Odd minutes-Med ball cleans (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
My reps:
MedBall: 12, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 - total 102
Holy crap I'm exhausted! Thankfully this is my "Friday". I'm heading to Galveston for a few days to hang with some friends. One of them has promised to run with me at least once. That'll be my exercise for the weekend.
So...TGIF y'all~!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Open WOD 11.3
As many rounds/reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
Squat clean and jerk - 110#
My rounds: 9 + 1 squat clean = 19 points
Love this one! I was a little worn out after the running we did in the warm up, but still love squat cleans. My jerks were a little sloppy/loose at first. Doesn't take more than one bad one to screw up your back so I paid close attention to my form for the remainder.
The warm up today was
Run 1 mile
rest 5 min
Run 1 mile
My times: 9:57 & 10:25
Afterward we had the remainder of 30 minutes to practice muscle ups or pullups/dips. I chose to just practice breathing. :)
Then we did squat clean & jerk to get to the the load for the WOD. 5-3-2-2-1-1-1 I got up to 110#.
Fun morning! I need more running in my life.
Monday, August 26, 2013
9 Rounds for time of:
8 Shoulder Press (Men 115 lbs, Women 75 lbs)
26 Squats
My time: 16:08 w/ 50#
Scaled this one down so it felt more do-able. I've done it before with 65#, and it was miserable. Shoulder press is obviously one of my weakest lifts, and multiple reps just weren't happening today.
Strength was shoulder press also today. I got up to 70# on the last set.
We had a fun med ball warm up today including med ball sit ups (which I have never done before) and some overhead squats with the med ball which I did not love at all. But it was fun to do something different and challenging.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Finally Friday! Woo hoo!!
I made it through all 5 days at CrossFit, PLUS a run yesterday, and I'm planning on another run this weekend. Feeling good, but I do need a day to sleep past 4:30 am.
21-18-15-12-9-6 and 3 rep rounds of:
Sumo deadlift high-pull (Men 75 lbs, Women 55 lbs)
Push jerk (Men 75 lbs, Women 55 lbs)
If bar is dropped, there will be a 10 lateral jumps over barbell penalty before continuing.
My time: 13:54, Rx - and no penalties!
I'm pretty good a gauging how long a WOD will take me, and I decided I'd be pleased with anything under 15 minutes for this one. After the first 21 SDHP, I had to mentally regroup, because I was thinking about scaling it to 21-15-9. Ha ha! Weak, I know. Anyhow, I picked it back up and did the whole thing. I have to add, I was slightly distracted at the start of the WOD and I fully blame Breck for taking his shirt off. Sorry, but it's the truth - that kind of eye candy is too much for me at 5 am. I think my time would've been a whole minute faster if it weren't for that.
Our strength today was a dumbbell complex: 7 sets of 1 clean, 2 squats, 3 jerks
My loads:
Then I decided to do an extra set since I got ahead somehow. I went for 45 and made all but the last rep. My left arm failed on the third jerk. I love dumbbells and this was a fun complex.
TGIF y'all!!
I made it through all 5 days at CrossFit, PLUS a run yesterday, and I'm planning on another run this weekend. Feeling good, but I do need a day to sleep past 4:30 am.
21-18-15-12-9-6 and 3 rep rounds of:
Sumo deadlift high-pull (Men 75 lbs, Women 55 lbs)
Push jerk (Men 75 lbs, Women 55 lbs)
If bar is dropped, there will be a 10 lateral jumps over barbell penalty before continuing.
My time: 13:54, Rx - and no penalties!
I'm pretty good a gauging how long a WOD will take me, and I decided I'd be pleased with anything under 15 minutes for this one. After the first 21 SDHP, I had to mentally regroup, because I was thinking about scaling it to 21-15-9. Ha ha! Weak, I know. Anyhow, I picked it back up and did the whole thing. I have to add, I was slightly distracted at the start of the WOD and I fully blame Breck for taking his shirt off. Sorry, but it's the truth - that kind of eye candy is too much for me at 5 am. I think my time would've been a whole minute faster if it weren't for that.
Our strength today was a dumbbell complex: 7 sets of 1 clean, 2 squats, 3 jerks
My loads:
Then I decided to do an extra set since I got ahead somehow. I went for 45 and made all but the last rep. My left arm failed on the third jerk. I love dumbbells and this was a fun complex.
TGIF y'all!!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Well, I didn't really do the official "Angie" WOD, so I should probably use another title, but it's my blog and I'll do what I want. Ha ha! Seriously though, I had to modify this today in the interest of my own sanity and self preservation. I still painfully recall the last time we did this one, and my arms were useless for about two days! And then for about two weeks afterward, I couldn't fully extend my arms. I wanted to avoid that this time around.
For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
I broke it up into four 7.5 minute segments for each exercise. Here are my results:
pull ups: 52 at 7:30
push ups: 63 at 7:30
sit ups: 100 at 6:14
squats: 100 at at 4:21
In the end, I was 85 reps short of completing the whole WOD. Pull ups felt okay but still super slow. Push ups...oh torture - I tried so hard to have the best form possible and it really slowed me down. I'd rather have better form than to be flopping around like a snake, thinking I'm doing "good"push ups. My sit ups were slower than they needed to be - I went unanchored today.
Strength today was snatch balance. Not one of my strong lifts. This one scares me with bringing the bar back down to my back between reps. I stuck with a light weight and tried to work on my form, and bringing the bar down carefully.
5@55, then 3-2-2-1-1 @ 65
Ready for Fun Friday!! :)
For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
I broke it up into four 7.5 minute segments for each exercise. Here are my results:
pull ups: 52 at 7:30
push ups: 63 at 7:30
sit ups: 100 at 6:14
squats: 100 at at 4:21
In the end, I was 85 reps short of completing the whole WOD. Pull ups felt okay but still super slow. Push ups...oh torture - I tried so hard to have the best form possible and it really slowed me down. I'd rather have better form than to be flopping around like a snake, thinking I'm doing "good"push ups. My sit ups were slower than they needed to be - I went unanchored today.
Strength today was snatch balance. Not one of my strong lifts. This one scares me with bringing the bar back down to my back between reps. I stuck with a light weight and tried to work on my form, and bringing the bar down carefully.
5@55, then 3-2-2-1-1 @ 65
Ready for Fun Friday!! :)
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Happy Hump Day!
So sleepy this morning! But I made myself get up and get after it!
Started out with agility drills and then moved on to back squats for the strength:
5-3-2-2-1-1-1 @ 85-115-125-135-145-155-185
15 @ 140
I wish I'd gone heavier on the back squats. As it turned out, I was feeling pretty strong this morning and underestimated myself.
WOD 1:
With a 10 minute time limit, try to complete for time:
3 Rounds of:
400 Meter run
25 Burpees (touch 8’ bar)
My total: 2 rounds (modified to 15 burpees per round) Honestly I would rather just have run the whole 10 minutes. Lord knows I need to run. Burpees, not so much.
WOD 2:
With a 10 minute time limit, try to complete for time:
3 Rounds of:
500 Meter row
15 Handstand push-ups
rest 3 minutes
My total: 2 rounds + 97 m rowing
Used 2 abmats for my target on the handstand push ups. Started getting cramps in my traps on the first set of HSPU. Yikes!
Another hour packed full of fun!
Started out with agility drills and then moved on to back squats for the strength:
5-3-2-2-1-1-1 @ 85-115-125-135-145-155-185
15 @ 140
I wish I'd gone heavier on the back squats. As it turned out, I was feeling pretty strong this morning and underestimated myself.
WOD 1:
With a 10 minute time limit, try to complete for time:
3 Rounds of:
400 Meter run
25 Burpees (touch 8’ bar)
My total: 2 rounds (modified to 15 burpees per round) Honestly I would rather just have run the whole 10 minutes. Lord knows I need to run. Burpees, not so much.
WOD 2:
With a 10 minute time limit, try to complete for time:
3 Rounds of:
500 Meter row
15 Handstand push-ups
rest 3 minutes
My total: 2 rounds + 97 m rowing
Used 2 abmats for my target on the handstand push ups. Started getting cramps in my traps on the first set of HSPU. Yikes!
Another hour packed full of fun!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Super busy - not a log of blogging time lately!
21-15 & 9 rep rounds for time of:
Squat clean (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs)
Ring dips
My time: 14:08
Used the Rx weight of 95#, but did bar dips. Some of my bar dips were decent, though not 100% full depth and some were only about 2 inches, if that. I'm a work in progress. :)
Jenks Mile:
400 - 2:01
200 - 0:50
400 - 2:03
200 - 0:54
400 - 2:04
Total time 11:52
Strength today was squat cleans - yay - my favorite!
rep scheme: 3-2-1-1-1
My loads: 65-75-85-115-135
21-15 & 9 rep rounds for time of:
Squat clean (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs)
Ring dips
My time: 14:08
Used the Rx weight of 95#, but did bar dips. Some of my bar dips were decent, though not 100% full depth and some were only about 2 inches, if that. I'm a work in progress. :)
Jenks Mile:
400 - 2:01
200 - 0:50
400 - 2:03
200 - 0:54
400 - 2:04
Total time 11:52
Strength today was squat cleans - yay - my favorite!
rep scheme: 3-2-1-1-1
My loads: 65-75-85-115-135
Friday, August 16, 2013
We started out with "death by 10m sprints". I made it through round 11 and then rested one minute and ran a couple more rounds, but only like 9 sprints each. Fun & different!
Then we hit some power cleans:
My loads: 3-2-2-1-1-1 @ 65-85-105-125-130-135
**EDIT** Just noticed these 130 & 135 power cleans were PR's!!
Then we had a 3 min AMRAP of power cleans.
My load was 85#, and I made 30 reps. Love cleans!!
Then the actual posted WOD:
10 Rounds for reps of:
1 Minute of air squats
1 Minute of rest
My total: 318
Broken down by rounds: 33, 33, 33, 33, 32, 30, 30, 30, 32, 32
This was a super fun morning, although somewhat painful in those last rounds of squats. Whew!!
TGIF, my friends!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Feeling Strong (sorta)
Due to the unfortunate circumstance of my husband having a migraine last night, I managed to grab about an extra hour of sleep. This made a huge difference in how I felt this morning! I just can't justify going to bed that early every night, but it felt pretty nice having the extra energy and feeling like I was stronger this morning.
21-15-9 Rep rounds for time of:
Deadlift (Men 225 lbs, Women 155 lbs)
Toes to bar
My time: 8:06, Rx
I was trying like crazy to beat Kelby. I passed her up on the dead lifts each round, but she came back and caught me on the toes to bar. She beat me by three seconds!! But it was fun pushing myself to see if I could win. I managed to kip about 7 in a row on the first round, but the kip was all but dead after that. And so was my grip! Still, a fun workout.
Strength today was Dead Lifts 5 sets of 5, ascending
My loads: 105-135-155-175-205
Love me some deadlifts and that's where I felt strong this morning.
Where I did not feel so strong today was on the warm up. We did 5 rounds of 1 min of push ups, followed by 1 min rest. I kind of had an idea my push ups were less than stellar, and I asked and got the cold hard truth. Yeah. My push ups really kinda suck. I sag. I snake. My core is weak. So I buckled down and did them as strict as I could, and it's a LOT harder doing them right than it is just half-assing them, as I have apparently been doing for forever. No more snakey push ups for me. I'll do them strict and tight even if I have to scale.
21-15-9 Rep rounds for time of:
Deadlift (Men 225 lbs, Women 155 lbs)
Toes to bar
My time: 8:06, Rx
I was trying like crazy to beat Kelby. I passed her up on the dead lifts each round, but she came back and caught me on the toes to bar. She beat me by three seconds!! But it was fun pushing myself to see if I could win. I managed to kip about 7 in a row on the first round, but the kip was all but dead after that. And so was my grip! Still, a fun workout.
Strength today was Dead Lifts 5 sets of 5, ascending
My loads: 105-135-155-175-205
Love me some deadlifts and that's where I felt strong this morning.
Where I did not feel so strong today was on the warm up. We did 5 rounds of 1 min of push ups, followed by 1 min rest. I kind of had an idea my push ups were less than stellar, and I asked and got the cold hard truth. Yeah. My push ups really kinda suck. I sag. I snake. My core is weak. So I buckled down and did them as strict as I could, and it's a LOT harder doing them right than it is just half-assing them, as I have apparently been doing for forever. No more snakey push ups for me. I'll do them strict and tight even if I have to scale.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Good Morning!
This didn't look so bad, from the comfort of my bed at 4:30 a.m. Still, I would have liked another day to sleep in. (Except for my damn pillow - I'm seriously in crisis with my pillow. My neck hurts every day. I've gone back and forth from a feather pillow to a contoured pillow I got from the chiropractor, and still it hurts. Maybe I just need a massage.)
Anyway, I got up with my achy neck and headed down to work off some beers from the weekend.
3 Rounds for time of:
50 Military sit-ups (feet anchored with hands interlaced behind the head)
30 Overhead walking lunge steps (Men 45 lb plate, Women 25 lb plate)
My time: 15:25, Rx
Somewhere in the second round I got a cramp in my right quad. Ouch! Gotta keep moving though, so I got through it. I suspect later in the afternoon I'll be pretty sore. So far, I'm just sitting at a desk letting the lactic acid build up.
Strength today was front squats
21 @ 55
15 @ 85
9 @ 105
3 @ 135
Anyway, I got up with my achy neck and headed down to work off some beers from the weekend.
3 Rounds for time of:
50 Military sit-ups (feet anchored with hands interlaced behind the head)
30 Overhead walking lunge steps (Men 45 lb plate, Women 25 lb plate)
My time: 15:25, Rx
Somewhere in the second round I got a cramp in my right quad. Ouch! Gotta keep moving though, so I got through it. I suspect later in the afternoon I'll be pretty sore. So far, I'm just sitting at a desk letting the lactic acid build up.
Strength today was front squats
21 @ 55
15 @ 85
9 @ 105
3 @ 135
Friday, August 9, 2013
What a stress fest this week has been. Work has been pretty demanding, and I'm exhausted from it. I need a vacation. (Yes, I just got back from one...I know!)
Anyway, I'm read for a rest day - tomorrow!!
10 Rounds for time of:
1 Clean and Jerk
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
My time: 22:57
I chose 85# for the clean & jerk. I have done this two times previously with 105#, and my time was close to what it was today on one occasion, and the other time I just did it as a 15 min amrap and got 7 rounds.
My goal today was to finish the ten rounds no matter what, and to not break up the pull-ups. (Yes, I've broken up 5 pull ups before...don't judge me! ha ha) I succeeded on both goals, but my time was pretty slow.
Strength today was clean & jerk. I mainly did squat clean & jerk on mine because I like them. :)
3-2-2-1-1-1 @ 65-75-85-95-105-115
Anyway, I'm read for a rest day - tomorrow!!
10 Rounds for time of:
1 Clean and Jerk
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
My time: 22:57
I chose 85# for the clean & jerk. I have done this two times previously with 105#, and my time was close to what it was today on one occasion, and the other time I just did it as a 15 min amrap and got 7 rounds.
My goal today was to finish the ten rounds no matter what, and to not break up the pull-ups. (Yes, I've broken up 5 pull ups before...don't judge me! ha ha) I succeeded on both goals, but my time was pretty slow.
Strength today was clean & jerk. I mainly did squat clean & jerk on mine because I like them. :)
3-2-2-1-1-1 @ 65-75-85-95-105-115
Thursday, August 8, 2013
21 Hang power snatch (Men 115 lbs, Women 75 lbs)
42 21 Wall ball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
15 Hang power snatch
30 15 Wall ball shots
9 Hang power snatch
18 9 Wall ball shots
My time: 11:08
Modified - half the wall ball reps and 65#
I'm sore all over. Even more sore all over after this one. Glad tomorrow is Friday. I need a rest day!
15 Hang power snatch
9 Hang power snatch
My time: 11:08
Modified - half the wall ball reps and 65#
I'm sore all over. Even more sore all over after this one. Glad tomorrow is Friday. I need a rest day!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Hump Day
With an 8 minute time limit, try to complete:
100 Double unders
10 Burpees
80 Double unders
10 Burpees
60 Double unders
10 Burpees
40 Double unders
10 Burpees
20 Double unders
10 Burpees
Rest 2 minutes
With an 8 minute time limit, try to complete:
30 Bar dips
10 Alternating pistols
25 Bar dips
10 Alternating pistols
20 Bar dips
10 Alternating pistols
15 Bar dips
10 Alternating pistols
10 Bar dips
10 Alternating pistols
My results:
WOD 1 = 145 reps
WOD 2 = 107 reps
Just reading this and dragging my butt out of bed was a monumental effort. I should call that WOD 1 for the day. I seriously couldn't wrap my mind around that many double unders or burpees. I was low on energy today for some reason, and found myself doing a lot of gasping for air (bending over, staring at the floor, standing around, etc.) during WOD 1. The first 100 double unders took me exactly 3:59 and 10 burpees took me forever. I think the fact that I'm sore from head to toe was the issue. Ah, well, I showed up and participated, so that counts for something, right?
WOD 2 was a little better. My dips started out pretty decent (for my standards anyway) and quickly went down to very little range of motion. But it was a lot more fun than WOD1, by far. I need to set a goal to learn pistols. They seem more attainable than a muscle up, since I have way stronger legs than I do arms.
Strength today was 3 sets of 20 Overhead Dumbbell Walking Lunges
My loads: 15-15-20
Tough morning!
100 Double unders
10 Burpees
80 Double unders
10 Burpees
60 Double unders
10 Burpees
40 Double unders
10 Burpees
20 Double unders
10 Burpees
Rest 2 minutes
With an 8 minute time limit, try to complete:
30 Bar dips
10 Alternating pistols
25 Bar dips
10 Alternating pistols
20 Bar dips
10 Alternating pistols
15 Bar dips
10 Alternating pistols
10 Bar dips
10 Alternating pistols
My results:
WOD 1 = 145 reps
WOD 2 = 107 reps
Just reading this and dragging my butt out of bed was a monumental effort. I should call that WOD 1 for the day. I seriously couldn't wrap my mind around that many double unders or burpees. I was low on energy today for some reason, and found myself doing a lot of gasping for air (bending over, staring at the floor, standing around, etc.) during WOD 1. The first 100 double unders took me exactly 3:59 and 10 burpees took me forever. I think the fact that I'm sore from head to toe was the issue. Ah, well, I showed up and participated, so that counts for something, right?
WOD 2 was a little better. My dips started out pretty decent (for my standards anyway) and quickly went down to very little range of motion. But it was a lot more fun than WOD1, by far. I need to set a goal to learn pistols. They seem more attainable than a muscle up, since I have way stronger legs than I do arms.
Strength today was 3 sets of 20 Overhead Dumbbell Walking Lunges
My loads: 15-15-20
Tough morning!
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
How many pull ups?
3 Rounds for time of:
15 Back squats (Men bodyweight, Women 3/4 bodyweight)(no rack)
30 Pull-ups
My time: 13:48, modified
This thought of this WOD was not exactly enticing this morning at 4:30. I had to force myself out of bed. And I promised myself I was scaling. But, I got there and got warmed up and did the Rx weight on the squats. I did jumping pull ups instead of kipping, since my hands are still tender being torn a week or so ago. Oh, and I used the rack for the squats, but I got a damn good workout. My legs are still shaky!
Strength was a complex of: power clean, back squat, push jerk from the back
My loads: 55-65-75-80-85-90-95
I'm a little afraid of taking the bar from a clean to my back. But I did just fine and could probably have gone heavier. I just keep remembering the time I smashed my neck with 95# during The Bear and it sure leaves me a little nervous.
15 Back squats (Men bodyweight, Women 3/4 bodyweight)(no rack)
30 Pull-ups
My time: 13:48, modified
This thought of this WOD was not exactly enticing this morning at 4:30. I had to force myself out of bed. And I promised myself I was scaling. But, I got there and got warmed up and did the Rx weight on the squats. I did jumping pull ups instead of kipping, since my hands are still tender being torn a week or so ago. Oh, and I used the rack for the squats, but I got a damn good workout. My legs are still shaky!
Strength was a complex of: power clean, back squat, push jerk from the back
My loads: 55-65-75-80-85-90-95
I'm a little afraid of taking the bar from a clean to my back. But I did just fine and could probably have gone heavier. I just keep remembering the time I smashed my neck with 95# during The Bear and it sure leaves me a little nervous.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Monday Funday
3 Rounds of:
With a 3 minute time cap:
500 Meter row
With remaining time max rep hang power cleans
Rest 3 minutes
Men/Women loads
95/65=1 pt
115/75=2 pt
135/95=3 pt
155/105=5 pt
185/125=7 pt
205/135=9 pt
225/155=12 pt
I used 95# for this workout.
Round 1 - 9 reps
Round 2 - 11 reps
Round 3 - 10 reps
for a grand total of 30 reps x 3 points each = 90 points
Loved this workout! It was tough getting that row done in a decent time. The first round I finished at like 2:12 and it took me until 2:20 to get to the bar. I wussed out about 7 seconds from the end and could have got another 2 reps. Oh well. I did better the next two rounds!
Hope we do this one again sometime!
With a 3 minute time cap:
500 Meter row
With remaining time max rep hang power cleans
Rest 3 minutes
Men/Women loads
95/65=1 pt
115/75=2 pt
135/95=3 pt
155/105=5 pt
185/125=7 pt
205/135=9 pt
225/155=12 pt
I used 95# for this workout.
Round 1 - 9 reps
Round 2 - 11 reps
Round 3 - 10 reps
for a grand total of 30 reps x 3 points each = 90 points
Loved this workout! It was tough getting that row done in a decent time. The first round I finished at like 2:12 and it took me until 2:20 to get to the bar. I wussed out about 7 seconds from the end and could have got another 2 reps. Oh well. I did better the next two rounds!
Hope we do this one again sometime!
Friday, August 2, 2013
Yes I Did!!!
I climbed the 15' rope today - and I pushed that damn sled!! Everything else for the rest of the day is just gravy! :)
So we started out setting up all our equipment for the three WODs today, testing a few reps of everything. That was our warm-up.
I was bound and determined I'd push that sled today. Being outside on the pavement made it infinitely easier.
Our strength today was sled push, 3 rounds, 50'.
Round 1 - pushed the sled (weighs about 110#)
Round 2 - added 35 #
Round 3 - added another 25#
I really thought it was fun pushing the sled. Getting in the right position (low) is key, as well as just not stopping if at all possible.
WOD 1:
AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
2 Rope climbs
100’ Sled push
My reps: 2 rounds (I modified by doing only 1 rope climb per round)
I started to do the 10' rope on the pull up bar and then I looked over at the 15' and told myself, "It's time to gut up and DO IT!" And so I did and I was happy for the rest of the hour no matter what else happened!!
rest 3 minutes
WOD 2:
AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
30 Squats
15 Toes to bar
My reps: 2 rounds + 12 squats
I was pretty wiped out from the first WOD, and couldn't manage to kip my ttb, but did the best I could. My hands are still torn up from last week.
rest 3 minutes
WOD 3:
AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
7 Handstand push-ups
14 Kettlebell swings (Men 55 lbs, Women 35 lbs
My reps: 4 rounds + 2 HSPU
I used 2 abmats for hspu, and made sure my head touched every single time. I'm so back and forth on these. Some days I can barely hit 2 abmats. Some days I can do ok with one and a thin plate. I guess it's one of those things that needs to start meaning something to me and I'll figure it out.
That's day was made after the first rope climb. I'm just on cruise control until Happy Hour at this point!
So we started out setting up all our equipment for the three WODs today, testing a few reps of everything. That was our warm-up.
I was bound and determined I'd push that sled today. Being outside on the pavement made it infinitely easier.
Our strength today was sled push, 3 rounds, 50'.
Round 1 - pushed the sled (weighs about 110#)
Round 2 - added 35 #
Round 3 - added another 25#
I really thought it was fun pushing the sled. Getting in the right position (low) is key, as well as just not stopping if at all possible.
WOD 1:
AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
2 Rope climbs
100’ Sled push
My reps: 2 rounds (I modified by doing only 1 rope climb per round)
I started to do the 10' rope on the pull up bar and then I looked over at the 15' and told myself, "It's time to gut up and DO IT!" And so I did and I was happy for the rest of the hour no matter what else happened!!
rest 3 minutes
WOD 2:
AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
30 Squats
15 Toes to bar
My reps: 2 rounds + 12 squats
I was pretty wiped out from the first WOD, and couldn't manage to kip my ttb, but did the best I could. My hands are still torn up from last week.
rest 3 minutes
WOD 3:
AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
7 Handstand push-ups
14 Kettlebell swings (Men 55 lbs, Women 35 lbs
My reps: 4 rounds + 2 HSPU
I used 2 abmats for hspu, and made sure my head touched every single time. I'm so back and forth on these. Some days I can barely hit 2 abmats. Some days I can do ok with one and a thin plate. I guess it's one of those things that needs to start meaning something to me and I'll figure it out.
That's day was made after the first rope climb. I'm just on cruise control until Happy Hour at this point!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Feelin' Strong
So, yesterday I had no energy. Today I felt pretty strong. I wasn't super fast on the WOD or anything like that, but I just felt strong. I love days like this! :)
3 Rounds for time of:
10 Overhead squats (Men 95 lbs, Women 65 lbs)
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
10 Thrusters
My time: 10:17, Rx - PR by 1:25
So yeah, I PR'd this one today. I was still pretty slow, considering everyone else's time in the gym but whatevs. The first time we did this one I was hung over (and even possibly still drunk). What killed my time on this was the thrusters. I have got to figure a way to just mentally block out the agony of my burning quads and lack of oxygen during thrusters. They are horrible every time I do them.
I did manage to do all the OHS unbroken, however. Small victory. I'll take it!
Strength today was 3 OHS with 2 second hold at the bottom.
My loads: 65-75-80-85-105
I faltered a little bit at the very end of the third rep at 105# but still counted it. I was maybe 2" from the top. Of course, in a competition I would've been no-repped, but nobody's paying me for this stuff! Ha ha!!
3 Rounds for time of:
10 Overhead squats (Men 95 lbs, Women 65 lbs)
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
10 Thrusters
My time: 10:17, Rx - PR by 1:25
So yeah, I PR'd this one today. I was still pretty slow, considering everyone else's time in the gym but whatevs. The first time we did this one I was hung over (and even possibly still drunk). What killed my time on this was the thrusters. I have got to figure a way to just mentally block out the agony of my burning quads and lack of oxygen during thrusters. They are horrible every time I do them.
I did manage to do all the OHS unbroken, however. Small victory. I'll take it!
Strength today was 3 OHS with 2 second hold at the bottom.
My loads: 65-75-80-85-105
I faltered a little bit at the very end of the third rep at 105# but still counted it. I was maybe 2" from the top. Of course, in a competition I would've been no-repped, but nobody's paying me for this stuff! Ha ha!!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
I feel like I've been drugged! I could have slept all day today, I believe. I've resorted to drinking a cup of coffee. We shall see if that helps.
Today we had a half-tabata warm up. Pull ups, push ups, sit ups, squats. I subbed ring rows for pull ups, because my hands are still torn up from last week and I know we have pull ups coming up soon.
Then we did one round of The Bear with the bar and then our strength was also one round of The Bear. I chose to stay light at 65#, because I feel like a total slug today. Then I did a few squat cleans because I wanted to, and had extra time. :)
5 Rounds for time of:
12 Wall ball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
9 Ring dips
6 Handstand push-ups
My time: 12:50
Nowhere near Rx.
Wall ball - most of them hit the target.
Ring dips - I subbed bar dips and those were pretty iffy.
HSPU - used 2 abmats and probably connected about 50% of the time
My shoulders are shot.
Tomorrow I hope I'm feeling strong again!
Today we had a half-tabata warm up. Pull ups, push ups, sit ups, squats. I subbed ring rows for pull ups, because my hands are still torn up from last week and I know we have pull ups coming up soon.
Then we did one round of The Bear with the bar and then our strength was also one round of The Bear. I chose to stay light at 65#, because I feel like a total slug today. Then I did a few squat cleans because I wanted to, and had extra time. :)
5 Rounds for time of:
12 Wall ball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
9 Ring dips
6 Handstand push-ups
My time: 12:50
Nowhere near Rx.
Wall ball - most of them hit the target.
Ring dips - I subbed bar dips and those were pretty iffy.
HSPU - used 2 abmats and probably connected about 50% of the time
My shoulders are shot.
Tomorrow I hope I'm feeling strong again!
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