Six hours later, we finished the job! Sore, sweaty, worn out and officially retired from cement work, we rewarded ourselves with some cold beers and a nice Ron's cheeseburger.
Here is the finished product. We did a salt finish on it to match the pool deck.
Sunday I rested by floating around the pool for several hours. And today...back at CrossFit for some more fun and games!!
Today's WOD:
5 Rounds for time of:
10 Dumbbell squat cleans (dumbbells must touch the floor each rep)
10 Dumbbell overhead walking lunges
10 Dumbbell thrusters
My time: 15:02, using 15 lb dumbbells
I really enjoyed this workout. I probably could have gone a tiny bit heavier, but those overhead walking lunges were a killer. I wouldn't mind doing this one again; it was really pretty fun.
Strength component today was Overhead Squats:
5 @ 65
3 @ 75
2 @ 85
3 sets of 5 @ 95
Badass OHS!