15 Snatch grip deadlifts (Men 75 lbs, Women 45 lbs)
10 Hang power snatches (Men 75 lbs, Women 45 lbs)
5 Overhead squats (Men 75 lbs, Women 45 lbs)
My total: 8 rounds, plus 15 DL, plus 8 HPS
100 Day Burpee Countdown Challenge
Burpees=5 Total Burpees=15
The burpee challenge started on 1/1, so I'm behind and had to do 15 burpees to catch up. Tomorrow will be 6 burpees. Hate them but love the challenge. :-)
Vacation was awesome and I am SO missing the beach right now. It was sunny and hot almost every day, and we came back to the deep freeze, literally. Brrrr....

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