Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Another week, gone.
Where does the time go?
I managed to make it to CFJ 5 days in a row last week, but somehow didn't manage to blog hardly at all. Ah well....not like many people read it anyhow.
So, I've been frustrated with several things in my life lately, but oddly, CF isn't one of them. Just normal stuff I wish would go differently. But oh well, it is what it is.
Today was a fun one, although very tough!
3 Rounds for time of:
9 Deadlifts 225/155 RX+ 275/185 55+ 185/125
15 Pull-ups RX+ C2B
21 KBS 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24kgs 55+ 16/12kgs
200m Sand Bag Run/Carry 80/50lbs
My time: 18:24, Rx
The pull ups really slowed me down and the sandbag run - holy wow!! I "ran" as best I could, a few steps at a time, and then walked, and then "ran" and then walked. Mostly walking. But I finished in under 20 minutes which was my goal.
I skipped the strength/skill this morning, of Turkish Get ups. My hip flexors and glutes had me hurting, so I spent the 10 minute strength time just stretching. Helped tremendously. After the WOD I went home and foam rolled and used the lacrosse ball to get some knots out.
That's about all. :)
I managed to make it to CFJ 5 days in a row last week, but somehow didn't manage to blog hardly at all. Ah well....not like many people read it anyhow.
So, I've been frustrated with several things in my life lately, but oddly, CF isn't one of them. Just normal stuff I wish would go differently. But oh well, it is what it is.
Today was a fun one, although very tough!
3 Rounds for time of:
9 Deadlifts 225/155 RX+ 275/185 55+ 185/125
15 Pull-ups RX+ C2B
21 KBS 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24kgs 55+ 16/12kgs
200m Sand Bag Run/Carry 80/50lbs
My time: 18:24, Rx
The pull ups really slowed me down and the sandbag run - holy wow!! I "ran" as best I could, a few steps at a time, and then walked, and then "ran" and then walked. Mostly walking. But I finished in under 20 minutes which was my goal.
I skipped the strength/skill this morning, of Turkish Get ups. My hip flexors and glutes had me hurting, so I spent the 10 minute strength time just stretching. Helped tremendously. After the WOD I went home and foam rolled and used the lacrosse ball to get some knots out.
That's about all. :)
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
I still have a blog? Uh...I forgot to blog looks like all of last week and half of this one! Oops!
I've been back at it almost every day. I made it M-Th last week and skipped Friday, in favor of sleeping in. My thinking was I'd go run on the weekend, but come the weekend, I just didn't feel like it.
This week I'm aiming for 5 days. I've made it three so far! I feel like I'm regaining my strength, albeit a little slowly, but hey...better than nothing! I've signed up for a 5k at the Oklahoma Aquarium on April 11, just to motivate myself to run a bit more. I've been doing a 400m before and after class each morning. Not that it's all that far, but it's a motivator for me. Plus, it sure helps me wake up before the 5 am class starts. I'll get out this weekend and do some running too.
So, today's WOD was super fun. Only because it had Squat Cleans...which I love!
10 Minute AMRAP
1 Power Clean 115/80 RX+ 155/105 55+ 95/65
1 Hang Squat Clean
1 Barbell Push-Up
2 Power Cleans
2 Hang Squat Cleans
2 Barbell Push-ups
3 Power Cleans
3 Hang Squat Cleans
3 Barbell Push-Ups
Continue upward trend….4-4-4, 5-5-5…
My rounds/reps: 6 rounds + 7 PC + 4 HSqC = 74 reps
I used the Rx weight of 80#, but did regular push ups instead of barbell push ups. My regular push ups are still a work in progress, so I needed to concentrate on that.
Our strength today was a complex of 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean
5 sets
My loads: 65-85-105-115-125
I've been back at it almost every day. I made it M-Th last week and skipped Friday, in favor of sleeping in. My thinking was I'd go run on the weekend, but come the weekend, I just didn't feel like it.
This week I'm aiming for 5 days. I've made it three so far! I feel like I'm regaining my strength, albeit a little slowly, but hey...better than nothing! I've signed up for a 5k at the Oklahoma Aquarium on April 11, just to motivate myself to run a bit more. I've been doing a 400m before and after class each morning. Not that it's all that far, but it's a motivator for me. Plus, it sure helps me wake up before the 5 am class starts. I'll get out this weekend and do some running too.
So, today's WOD was super fun. Only because it had Squat Cleans...which I love!
10 Minute AMRAP
1 Power Clean 115/80 RX+ 155/105 55+ 95/65
1 Hang Squat Clean
1 Barbell Push-Up
2 Power Cleans
2 Hang Squat Cleans
2 Barbell Push-ups
3 Power Cleans
3 Hang Squat Cleans
3 Barbell Push-Ups
Continue upward trend….4-4-4, 5-5-5…
My rounds/reps: 6 rounds + 7 PC + 4 HSqC = 74 reps
I used the Rx weight of 80#, but did regular push ups instead of barbell push ups. My regular push ups are still a work in progress, so I needed to concentrate on that.
Our strength today was a complex of 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean
5 sets
My loads: 65-85-105-115-125
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Happy St. Paddy's Day!
![]() |
Beer Girl! |
Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! I'm not drinking beer this week, so hope everyone else enjoys one on my behalf today!
Today's WOD's
As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 Burpeee C2B Pull-ups RX+ 4 Bar MuscleUps 55+ 4 Burpee Pull-ups
8 Knees to Elbows
12 Push Press 95/65 RX+ 115/80 55+ 75/55
36 Double-Unders
My rounds/reps: 2 rds + 2 burpee pull ups
Rest 2min
As many rounds as possible in 4 minutes of:
3 Burpeee C2B Pull-ups RX+ 3 Bar MuscleUps 55+ 3 Burpee Pull-ups
6 Knees to Elbows
9 Push Press 95/65 RX+ 115/80 55+ 75/55
27 Double-Unders
My rounds/reps: 1 rd + 6 k2e
My scaling: burpee pull ups, knees almost to elbows (ha ha!) It was really more like knees to triceps, though I had a couple that were really close to my elbows. 55# for the push press. And I did genuine, authentic double unders.
My lungs are still getting back to normal, I think. This one got me pretty winded.
Strength today was push press 4 sets of 6 @ 75#.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Paying for the Weekend!
Complete the following for time (with a 40 minute cut-off):
1 Mile Run or 70 Burpees (*see special note)
20 Sand Bag Cleans 80/50lbs
30 Handstand push-ups
40 Pull-ups
50 KBS 70/55 or 55/35
60 Sit-ups (ab-mat un-anchored)
70 Burpees or 1 Mile Run (*see special note)
*Special note = The athlete can choose to do the 70 burpees first or the 1 mile run, but has to finish with the opposite. i.e. start with 70 burpees and finish with 1 mile run or start with 1 mile run and finish with burpees.
My score: made it to 50 burpees at the 40 minute mark
My mile time was abysmally slow - right around 10:30. The pull ups took me forever, and I split up the kettle bells way to much. That cost me the last 20 burpees. That and I really didn't give a rats ass if I finished 70 burpees, honestly. Ha ha!! I did push myself, though. I was probably sweating beer from the weekend, but it felt good to work hard this morning.
Hoping for good workouts the rest of the week.
1 Mile Run or 70 Burpees (*see special note)
20 Sand Bag Cleans 80/50lbs
30 Handstand push-ups
40 Pull-ups
50 KBS 70/55 or 55/35
60 Sit-ups (ab-mat un-anchored)
70 Burpees or 1 Mile Run (*see special note)
*Special note = The athlete can choose to do the 70 burpees first or the 1 mile run, but has to finish with the opposite. i.e. start with 70 burpees and finish with 1 mile run or start with 1 mile run and finish with burpees.
My score: made it to 50 burpees at the 40 minute mark
My mile time was abysmally slow - right around 10:30. The pull ups took me forever, and I split up the kettle bells way to much. That cost me the last 20 burpees. That and I really didn't give a rats ass if I finished 70 burpees, honestly. Ha ha!! I did push myself, though. I was probably sweating beer from the weekend, but it felt good to work hard this morning.
Hoping for good workouts the rest of the week.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Headed out of town for the weekend to have a good time in Eureka Springs, dressed in a super-hero costume!!
So, I rowed at home, rather than attempting 15.3 (no muscle ups here)
5K row
So, I rowed at home, rather than attempting 15.3 (no muscle ups here)
5K row
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Hump Day
As many rounds as possible in 6 minutes of:
6 Barbell Burpee Power Cleans 115/80 RX+ 155/105 55+ 95/65
6 S2O 115/80 RX+ 155/105 55+ 95/65
Rest 2 Min
As many rounds as possible in 4 minutes of:
6 Barbell Burpee Power Cleans
6 S2O
Rest 1 Min
As many rounds as possible in 2 minutes of:
6 Barbell Burpee Power Cleans
6 S2O
*Pick up each AMRAP where last one left off*
My rounds/reps: 7 rounds + 4 burpee/cleans, as Rx!!
Attention: two days in a row Rx! :)
This was a beat down, but kind of fun. The barbell-burpee-cleans weren't the bad part here, as I thought they would be. Eighty pounds is a pretty light power clean for me. But the shoulder to overhead part kicked my big fat ass. Holy moly! The first round, after just two shoulder-to-overhead, I said "oh, no!", and of course Breck reminded me to have "positive thoughts." Thank you, Breck. He's right, of course. I did way better when I started telling myself "you've got this."
"Skills & Drills"
10 min emom
odd: 10 bar dips
even: GHD sit ups
My dips continue to be a hilarious display. I can get about 3" depth (or it feels like 3" to me), but that's about it and my muscles collapse under my ever expanding weight. So, mainly I do jumping dips, and negatives. I'm a work in progress! :)
6 Barbell Burpee Power Cleans 115/80 RX+ 155/105 55+ 95/65
6 S2O 115/80 RX+ 155/105 55+ 95/65
Rest 2 Min
As many rounds as possible in 4 minutes of:
6 Barbell Burpee Power Cleans
6 S2O
Rest 1 Min
As many rounds as possible in 2 minutes of:
6 Barbell Burpee Power Cleans
6 S2O
*Pick up each AMRAP where last one left off*
My rounds/reps: 7 rounds + 4 burpee/cleans, as Rx!!
Attention: two days in a row Rx! :)
This was a beat down, but kind of fun. The barbell-burpee-cleans weren't the bad part here, as I thought they would be. Eighty pounds is a pretty light power clean for me. But the shoulder to overhead part kicked my big fat ass. Holy moly! The first round, after just two shoulder-to-overhead, I said "oh, no!", and of course Breck reminded me to have "positive thoughts." Thank you, Breck. He's right, of course. I did way better when I started telling myself "you've got this."
"Skills & Drills"
10 min emom
odd: 10 bar dips
even: GHD sit ups
My dips continue to be a hilarious display. I can get about 3" depth (or it feels like 3" to me), but that's about it and my muscles collapse under my ever expanding weight. So, mainly I do jumping dips, and negatives. I'm a work in progress! :)
Heavy Stuff
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
3 Deadlifts 315/215 RX+ 365/240 55+ 245/145
6 Pull-ups RX+ 6 C2B
12 Box Jumps 24/20″ RX+ 30/24″ 55+ 20/18″
My score: 5 rds + 1 DL, Rx
It's been a looooonnng time since I've deadlifted anything significant. 215 was just barely do-able, but I felt like I needed to do this as prescribed, just mentally to push myself. It's time to start getting serious again and lifting heavy.
During the weeks I was sick and recovering, I scaled the hell out of everything, and ate whatever I wanted, knowing full well I would pay later. Well, it's later. So, in the interest of my friends not wanting to gouge out their eyes on our sailing trip this June, I've got to get back down to my fightin' weight. (Or, I should say, my bikini weight.) During the sailing trip I'll pretty much be living in a bikini. So..that's some pretty decent motivation. OH, and my health and fitness. Ha!
Exactly 2 min after completion of WOD 2min max reps Air Squat to WallBall.
I was pretty much toast after the WOD. I got only 56 reps!
3 Deadlifts 315/215 RX+ 365/240 55+ 245/145
6 Pull-ups RX+ 6 C2B
12 Box Jumps 24/20″ RX+ 30/24″ 55+ 20/18″
My score: 5 rds + 1 DL, Rx
It's been a looooonnng time since I've deadlifted anything significant. 215 was just barely do-able, but I felt like I needed to do this as prescribed, just mentally to push myself. It's time to start getting serious again and lifting heavy.
During the weeks I was sick and recovering, I scaled the hell out of everything, and ate whatever I wanted, knowing full well I would pay later. Well, it's later. So, in the interest of my friends not wanting to gouge out their eyes on our sailing trip this June, I've got to get back down to my fightin' weight. (Or, I should say, my bikini weight.) During the sailing trip I'll pretty much be living in a bikini. So..that's some pretty decent motivation. OH, and my health and fitness. Ha!
Exactly 2 min after completion of WOD 2min max reps Air Squat to WallBall.
I was pretty much toast after the WOD. I got only 56 reps!
Monday, March 9, 2015
Monday Already
Where do the weekends go? Saturday slipped away too fast and so did Sunday. When the alarm went off this morning I was already exhausted. Didn't sleep well and seems like every joint is achy for some reason. Anyway, I dragged myself in to CFJ and went light on everything. Treated it as a "just get moving" day and I'll hope I sleep better tonight!
For time:
30 Hang Squat Clean & Jerks 135/95, (RX+ 165/115) (55+ 95/65lbs)
**Every time you drop the bar perform 6 Double Push-Up Burpees
My time: 3:58
I scaled this down to a warm-up weight of 55#. Did the entire set unbroken, no drops. I did rest the bar on my shoulders a few times and in my hip crease. But I didn't want to do any burpees, so it was worth it.
Strength today was squat clean & jerk: 3-2-1-1-1
My loads: 55-65-75-85-95
After the wod I did half the cool-down:
15 Toes to bar
15 GHD sit ups
15 sit ups
Good enough for me!
For time:
30 Hang Squat Clean & Jerks 135/95, (RX+ 165/115) (55+ 95/65lbs)
**Every time you drop the bar perform 6 Double Push-Up Burpees
My time: 3:58
I scaled this down to a warm-up weight of 55#. Did the entire set unbroken, no drops. I did rest the bar on my shoulders a few times and in my hip crease. But I didn't want to do any burpees, so it was worth it.
Strength today was squat clean & jerk: 3-2-1-1-1
My loads: 55-65-75-85-95
After the wod I did half the cool-down:
15 Toes to bar
15 GHD sit ups
15 sit ups
Good enough for me!
Friday, March 6, 2015
CF Open 15.2
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
95-lb. overhead squats, 10 reps
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:
95-lb. overhead squats, 12 reps
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds of:
95-lb. overhead squats, 14 reps
14 chest-to-bar pull-ups
So, yeah. I'm not doing chest to bar these days. Unless we're talking about my chest to an actual bar where they serve delicious ice cold beer. Then you'll see my chest touch the bar.
Here is what I actually did:
15 min amrap of
10 OHS @ 55#
10 kipping pull ups
My score: 6 rounds + 5 OHS = 125 reps
Afterward I did a cool-down of 50 GHD sit ups...'cause I like to have sore abs all weekend. :)
Peace out and TGIF!
Thursday, March 5, 2015
More snow/ice
Seriously, winter, just go away!
We got snow yesterday and I wasn't chancing a drive this morning, so I stayed at home and modified the wod.
Here's what was posted:
2 Rounds for time of:
50 Calorie Row
40 Double Unders
30 KBS 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24kgs
20 Ab-Mat Sit-ups un anchored RX+ Military Ab-Mat Sit-ups un anchored
10 Hand Release Push-Ups RX+ Hand Release Clapping Push-Ups
Here's what I did:
2 rounds for time of
50 calorie row
40 walking lunge steps
30 kbs @ 35#
20 unanchored sit ups
10 hand release push ups
My time: 19:55
Pretty sure walking lunges are a bad sub for double unders but I didn't have a jump rope at home. Ah well, exercise is exercise!!
We got snow yesterday and I wasn't chancing a drive this morning, so I stayed at home and modified the wod.
Here's what was posted:
2 Rounds for time of:
50 Calorie Row
40 Double Unders
30 KBS 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24kgs
20 Ab-Mat Sit-ups un anchored RX+ Military Ab-Mat Sit-ups un anchored
10 Hand Release Push-Ups RX+ Hand Release Clapping Push-Ups
Here's what I did:
2 rounds for time of
50 calorie row
40 walking lunge steps
30 kbs @ 35#
20 unanchored sit ups
10 hand release push ups
My time: 19:55
Pretty sure walking lunges are a bad sub for double unders but I didn't have a jump rope at home. Ah well, exercise is exercise!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
So sore!
I am SO ridiculously sore today. I slept in and just did a leisurely 20 minute row to work out some of the soreness.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
"Sprints Sets"
Um, yeah. About that "sprint". I sprinted the first round and that's all I had! Ha ha!
Sprint Sets WOD
4 Rounds for time of:
14 Sand Bag Squats 80/50lbs
7 Lateral Over Bar Burpees
14 Deadlifts 155/105 185/125 205/140 225/155
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds
Subtract 3 minutes from total time for score.
(*Pick a weight that is tough but unbroken*)
My total time: 11:10, Rx @ 105#DL & 50#sandbag
My rounds went like this (aka downhill)
rd 1 – 1:34
rd 2 – 3:17
rd 3 – 3:13
rd 4 – 3:06
I started out WAY too fast to be able to maintain for four rounds. The surprise in this one is how difficult the deadlifts are after squats and burpees. Holy smokes, I have gotten weak. Of course my lungs were half the problem - I was wheezing like the fat kid on the playground. I know it's not apparent by my score, but I did push myself. Honestly!
Strength today was back squats. 4 sets of 6 @ 80% 1rm
Well...I did not go 80%. I was closer to 60%. Just not ready to jump back in full steam yet.
Sprint Sets WOD
4 Rounds for time of:
14 Sand Bag Squats 80/50lbs
7 Lateral Over Bar Burpees
14 Deadlifts 155/105 185/125 205/140 225/155
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds
Subtract 3 minutes from total time for score.
(*Pick a weight that is tough but unbroken*)
My total time: 11:10, Rx @ 105#DL & 50#sandbag
My rounds went like this (aka downhill)
rd 1 – 1:34
rd 2 – 3:17
rd 3 – 3:13
rd 4 – 3:06
I started out WAY too fast to be able to maintain for four rounds. The surprise in this one is how difficult the deadlifts are after squats and burpees. Holy smokes, I have gotten weak. Of course my lungs were half the problem - I was wheezing like the fat kid on the playground. I know it's not apparent by my score, but I did push myself. Honestly!
Strength today was back squats. 4 sets of 6 @ 80% 1rm
Well...I did not go 80%. I was closer to 60%. Just not ready to jump back in full steam yet.
Monday, March 2, 2015
So glad the snow/ice thawed enough for me to get out and get to the gym. Hanging around the house was doing me no good at all. Biscuits and gravy...that's all I'm gonna say.
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 Wallballs 20/14 10′
10 Toes to Bar
10 Power Cleans 135/95
My score: 3 rds + 9 GHD
I scaled to 10# on the wall ball, GHD situps and 75# on the cleans and this still kicked my butt! My lungs are going to be a while in healing up, I think. I'm trying not to push myself super hard, and just get "back in shape". Convincing myself that being here, trying, is better than nothing. I'll get there.
Strength/Skill was rope climbs and strict press. I did 10' rope climbs and 55# on the presses. Nothing impressive to report. ;)
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 Wallballs 20/14 10′
10 Toes to Bar
10 Power Cleans 135/95
My score: 3 rds + 9 GHD
I scaled to 10# on the wall ball, GHD situps and 75# on the cleans and this still kicked my butt! My lungs are going to be a while in healing up, I think. I'm trying not to push myself super hard, and just get "back in shape". Convincing myself that being here, trying, is better than nothing. I'll get there.
Strength/Skill was rope climbs and strict press. I did 10' rope climbs and 55# on the presses. Nothing impressive to report. ;)
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