It has come to my attention that a few people still actually read my blog (Hi girls!) and I need to start blogging again. So here I am. This is blog #2 for the day. I will be gone for a couple of weeks starting tomorrow. However, when I get back from vacation I promise to faithfully blog again, now that I know someone actually reads it.
Today we did one of my favorite Hero WODs - “Randy” in honor Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member was killed February 7 in the line of duty.
75 reps for time of:
Power snatch (Men 75 lbs, Women 55 lbs)
My time: 7:20 - PR by 20 seconds!
At the start I had intentions of doing sets of 15 or 10. After a set of 15, that went out the window. It's always easier in my imagination. I ended up doing several sets of 5 and 3 and a couple of 2's, hoping to get close to my previous PR. I ended up beating it by 20 seconds. A great way to end the week and start vacation.
Strength was:
4 min EMOM 5 back squats @ 105#
4 min EMOM 5 front squats @ 85#
4 min EMOM 5 OH squats @ 55#
I went a little light on these. Should have been closer to 130, 110, and 80, but I was saving up for Randy. Ha ha!
And with that, I am out of here, headed for this little piece of paradise in the Turks & Caicos Islands: