Thursday, October 31, 2013
“Nightmare on Elm Street”
5 Rounds for time of:
11 Hang power clean and jerk (Men 115 lbs, Women 75 lbs)
11 Wall ball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
11 Chest to bar pull-ups
My time: 13:24, scaled - C&J 55#, WB 6#, 5 kipping plu
I'm still taking it easy from the weekend. I'll jump back in full-force next week. Today I scaled this one just to make it where I could keep the intensity level high and get a good workout, without stopping to rest forever between reps. I rested two or three times briefly on the clean & jerks, but otherwise didn't stop moving.
Strength today was hang clean & Jerk
rep scheme: 5-3-2-2-1-1-1
my loads: 45-55-60-65-70-75-80
Again, keeping it light...because I can. :)
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Hump Day
3 Rounds for time of:
30 Box jumps (Men 24” box, Women 20” box)
20 Front squats with barbell
10 Handstand push-ups
My time: 11:37, scaled
I did box steps instead of jumping (as always) and used 2 abmats for HSPU. And sadly, I must admit I think my head only touched the abmats like maybe 5 times total. Just didn't have the shoulder strength today. But I kept the intensity up and kept moving. I was surprised how tough the front squats were with JUST A BAR after the box jumps/steps. My quads were burning up!!
Strength today was snatch balance. I didn't do all the sets. I'm calling this week "active rest"...not going all out on anything.
Forget my rep scheme, but I went up to 60# and stopped.
30 Box jumps (Men 24” box, Women 20” box)
20 Front squats with barbell
10 Handstand push-ups
My time: 11:37, scaled
I did box steps instead of jumping (as always) and used 2 abmats for HSPU. And sadly, I must admit I think my head only touched the abmats like maybe 5 times total. Just didn't have the shoulder strength today. But I kept the intensity up and kept moving. I was surprised how tough the front squats were with JUST A BAR after the box jumps/steps. My quads were burning up!!
Strength today was snatch balance. I didn't do all the sets. I'm calling this week "active rest"...not going all out on anything.
Forget my rep scheme, but I went up to 60# and stopped.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Still sore...
I can't believe how sore I still am from the weekend. But I made myself get up and go today. Hopefully I worked out some of the soreness. I took it pretty easy on everything, so I wouldn't just be making it worse.
Warm up was the fish game on the rower. I got 1050. Woo hoo!!
Then we had push ups every minute for like 5 min? I did 5 per round...very strict.
Strength was bench press 5 x 5. I did 4 x 5. My loads were 65-75-80-85 Plenty for me, and worked the only set of muscles that weren't completely sore. They will be tomorrow.
WOD 1 was a 7 min AMRAP
100' dumbbell carry
10 ring dips
1 dumbbell burpee complex
My rounds: 4, with 20# db's.
I used the ring dips as practice just jumping up and holding and then doing negatives. I didn't do 10 per round...closer to 8.
WOD 2 was 1500 m row for time 10- min time limit.
My time: 7:26
Everyone decided to do max reps KBS after the row in the remainder of the 10 min.
I got 30 swings at 35#
And then I came to work to a train wreck - network was down. Circuit breaker had flipped. Fixed that only to find out one of our switches has gone bad and part of the office is still offline. Ugh. Long day ahead! Good thing I got up early. :)
Warm up was the fish game on the rower. I got 1050. Woo hoo!!
Then we had push ups every minute for like 5 min? I did 5 per round...very strict.
Strength was bench press 5 x 5. I did 4 x 5. My loads were 65-75-80-85 Plenty for me, and worked the only set of muscles that weren't completely sore. They will be tomorrow.
WOD 1 was a 7 min AMRAP
100' dumbbell carry
10 ring dips
1 dumbbell burpee complex
My rounds: 4, with 20# db's.
I used the ring dips as practice just jumping up and holding and then doing negatives. I didn't do 10 per round...closer to 8.
WOD 2 was 1500 m row for time 10- min time limit.
My time: 7:26
Everyone decided to do max reps KBS after the row in the remainder of the 10 min.
I got 30 swings at 35#
And then I came to work to a train wreck - network was down. Circuit breaker had flipped. Fixed that only to find out one of our switches has gone bad and part of the office is still offline. Ugh. Long day ahead! Good thing I got up early. :)
Monday, October 28, 2013
Battle Over Redlands II
What a great time!! This past weekend was the Battle Over Redlands II. Two full days of competition and fun.
We had five competitors from CrossFit Jenks:
Day 1:
They make the old people go first, so my first workout was at 9 am.
WOD 1: “7-11”
Complete as many rounds as possible in 11 minutes of the following:
7 Deadlifts (53# for Masters Women 50+)
7 Front Squats
7 Shoulder to Overheads
Every rep counts, with credit being given for partially completed rounds.
My total reps: 197 - 1st place
I was a little nervous, being the first WOD, and I wanted badly to get 8 rounds. I exceeded my expectations by more than a full round! Woo hoo!! I'd like to do this one again, at the gym without the pressure of competition.
8 minute time cap.
My time: 6:44.6 - First place
This one was just weird, not seeing the monitor. I knew how many strokes it normally takes me to get to 500m, so I counted strokes. I was 5 strokes ahead at the 500 mark, and again at the1000. I was beat after this one, but looking forward to the snatch ladder - the best part of the weekend!
Snatch. After failing a lift, you got .1 point for every deadlift at that weight.
Women 50+: 33, 38, 43, 48, 53, 58, 63, 68, 73, 78, 83, 88, 93, 98, 103
I got up to 93 lbs, and repped out forpoints on deadlifts at 98 lbs for a total of 94 points
First place.
I loved this one! I really thought I had hid a PR at 93, and got so excited I failed on the 98 and didn't re-try it - just repped out for deadlifts. I love lifting!!
Day two, bright and early! I woke up thinking we started with thrusters and burpees and much to my surprise, I was wrong. I had to run in and work on my double unders really quickly. They were a mess, but eventually I strung together enough to make me not to stressed over it.
30 Double-Unders
25 Kettlebell Swings
20 Overhead Lunges (stationary, with bumper plate)
15 Toes to Bar (or Leg raises)
Then, with the remaining time, perform as many Muscle-ups (Rx’d) as possible.
Masters 50+: Pullups
12 minute time cap.
Women 50+: 25# KB, 15# Bumper, Leg Raises, Max Pull-ups
My rounds/reps: 2 rds + 16 kbs = 226 reps - first place
This one was fun too, after I got over the fear of the double unders. Once I got tired, the d/u's went way better for me - I was too tired to fight them, and as usual they become easier when I relax. The leg raises were fun because I could kip them way better than the toes to bar. Fun workout - wouldn't mind doing this one again.
Max rep Thrusters
Every minute, on the minute, perform 5 Burpees (rx’d)
Score will be number of Thrusters completed
Women: Masters 50+: 3 burpees, 63#
My total thrusters: 48 - First place
This one was just a plain old CrossFit Torture session. Hate burpees. Hate thrusters. Hate them even more together. But I gutted it out and just paced off my competition, just making sure I was keeping a few reps ahead of her. I was so glad to see this one end!!
We had five competitors from CrossFit Jenks:
![]() |
L-R: Breck Berry (7th men's Rx), Angie Large (1st Women 50+), Brad Priest (2nd men's 40-49), Shannon McFadden (2nd women's 40-49), Michelle Sifuentes (1st women's 40-49) |
Day 1:
They make the old people go first, so my first workout was at 9 am.
WOD 1: “7-11”
Complete as many rounds as possible in 11 minutes of the following:
7 Deadlifts (53# for Masters Women 50+)
7 Front Squats
7 Shoulder to Overheads
Every rep counts, with credit being given for partially completed rounds.
My total reps: 197 - 1st place
I was a little nervous, being the first WOD, and I wanted badly to get 8 rounds. I exceeded my expectations by more than a full round! Woo hoo!! I'd like to do this one again, at the gym without the pressure of competition.
WOD 2: “1500m Blind Row”
Monitor is reversed, pre-set for 1500m, and facing away from the athlete and spectators. The athlete may adjust the damper and foot settings to their choice prior to their row. Judges will communicate only by raising flags at 500m, 1000m and 1250m. Score is time to complete 1500m.8 minute time cap.
My time: 6:44.6 - First place
This one was just weird, not seeing the monitor. I knew how many strokes it normally takes me to get to 500m, so I counted strokes. I was 5 strokes ahead at the 500 mark, and again at the1000. I was beat after this one, but looking forward to the snatch ladder - the best part of the weekend!
WOD 3: “The Snatch Ladder”
1-rep Snatch every 30 seconds with progressively heavier barbellsSnatch. After failing a lift, you got .1 point for every deadlift at that weight.
Women 50+: 33, 38, 43, 48, 53, 58, 63, 68, 73, 78, 83, 88, 93, 98, 103
I got up to 93 lbs, and repped out forpoints on deadlifts at 98 lbs for a total of 94 points
First place.
I loved this one! I really thought I had hid a PR at 93, and got so excited I failed on the 98 and didn't re-try it - just repped out for deadlifts. I love lifting!!
Day two, bright and early! I woke up thinking we started with thrusters and burpees and much to my surprise, I was wrong. I had to run in and work on my double unders really quickly. They were a mess, but eventually I strung together enough to make me not to stressed over it.
WOD 4: “Rogue at the Redlands”
Three rounds of:30 Double-Unders
25 Kettlebell Swings
20 Overhead Lunges (stationary, with bumper plate)
15 Toes to Bar (or Leg raises)
Then, with the remaining time, perform as many Muscle-ups (Rx’d) as possible.
Masters 50+: Pullups
12 minute time cap.
Women 50+: 25# KB, 15# Bumper, Leg Raises, Max Pull-ups
My rounds/reps: 2 rds + 16 kbs = 226 reps - first place
This one was fun too, after I got over the fear of the double unders. Once I got tired, the d/u's went way better for me - I was too tired to fight them, and as usual they become easier when I relax. The leg raises were fun because I could kip them way better than the toes to bar. Fun workout - wouldn't mind doing this one again.
WOD 5: “Amrap Kalsu”
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes:Max rep Thrusters
Every minute, on the minute, perform 5 Burpees (rx’d)
Score will be number of Thrusters completed
Women: Masters 50+: 3 burpees, 63#
My total thrusters: 48 - First place
This one was just a plain old CrossFit Torture session. Hate burpees. Hate thrusters. Hate them even more together. But I gutted it out and just paced off my competition, just making sure I was keeping a few reps ahead of her. I was so glad to see this one end!!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Hello again!
So much has been going on lately, I've let my blogging take a back seat. Well, actually I kinda left it stranded on the curb. But, I'm back. I swear!
I don't actually have a WOD to blog about today, since I slept in. But yesterday I did go to CFJ and work on some skills and run through a couple of rounds of some of the Battle Over The Redlands II competition for this weekend. Yes, I'm signed up again this year. After I swore I'd never do it again. Never say never, right?
Everyone should come out and cheer on the competitors this weekend. We only have 4 or 5 from Jenks, I believe. All of us are in Masters or Scaled categories, but still, we are competing so come cheer us on!
Detailed info here:
Last night I finally participated in one of the CrossFit Girls Night events. This one was held at CrossFit Bellator in Bixby. It looked to me like there were around 100 women who showed up. I was awed by the beauty and strength of all these women, and I had a really great time visiting with friends, and of course, working out.
After the workout, I looked around at all these beautiful women - young and old, beginners and experts all mixed together. This was just shortly after my dear friend B gently pointed out that I have some unnecessary body issues. (I am hyper-critical of myself.) It was an incredible sight to look around and see all the different body types and I noticed that virtually every woman there had a smile on her face, thoroughly enjoying the evening. In that moment I couldn't imagine any single one of those women taking issue with how they looked in their workout gear (or ever), because truly, to me, they were all beautiful. And - a light bulb turned on - I am one of them! Wow! Talk about a powerful realization!
On the way home I had a little talk with myself, and decided that every day I'm going to remind myself that I'm one of those women - perfect in my imperfection. This morning, for the first time in a while, I looked in the mirror and I loved my body. And I'll do it again tomorrow!
I don't actually have a WOD to blog about today, since I slept in. But yesterday I did go to CFJ and work on some skills and run through a couple of rounds of some of the Battle Over The Redlands II competition for this weekend. Yes, I'm signed up again this year. After I swore I'd never do it again. Never say never, right?
Everyone should come out and cheer on the competitors this weekend. We only have 4 or 5 from Jenks, I believe. All of us are in Masters or Scaled categories, but still, we are competing so come cheer us on!
Detailed info here:
Last night I finally participated in one of the CrossFit Girls Night events. This one was held at CrossFit Bellator in Bixby. It looked to me like there were around 100 women who showed up. I was awed by the beauty and strength of all these women, and I had a really great time visiting with friends, and of course, working out.
After the workout, I looked around at all these beautiful women - young and old, beginners and experts all mixed together. This was just shortly after my dear friend B gently pointed out that I have some unnecessary body issues. (I am hyper-critical of myself.) It was an incredible sight to look around and see all the different body types and I noticed that virtually every woman there had a smile on her face, thoroughly enjoying the evening. In that moment I couldn't imagine any single one of those women taking issue with how they looked in their workout gear (or ever), because truly, to me, they were all beautiful. And - a light bulb turned on - I am one of them! Wow! Talk about a powerful realization!
On the way home I had a little talk with myself, and decided that every day I'm going to remind myself that I'm one of those women - perfect in my imperfection. This morning, for the first time in a while, I looked in the mirror and I loved my body. And I'll do it again tomorrow!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
So far behind!
Wow! I'm a mess. I haven't blogged in almost a week.
In my defense, I've been pretty busy at work. I usually blog early in the morning before things get super busy, but I haven't even been able to do that.
I actually took a rest day today, so nothing to blog about as far as CrossFit goes. I did go see the Eagles in concert last night, and was up until almost 1 am. I'm getting a little old for that - I'm super tired today. I'm looking forward to a full night of sleep tonight and then "Fun Friday" at CFJ!
Hopefully next week I can get this blog back on track!
In my defense, I've been pretty busy at work. I usually blog early in the morning before things get super busy, but I haven't even been able to do that.
I actually took a rest day today, so nothing to blog about as far as CrossFit goes. I did go see the Eagles in concert last night, and was up until almost 1 am. I'm getting a little old for that - I'm super tired today. I'm looking forward to a full night of sleep tonight and then "Fun Friday" at CFJ!
Hopefully next week I can get this blog back on track!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Hump Day!
I'm so far behind on blogging. I'll give a little re-cap:
Friday...not a clue what we did at CrossFit. Can't remember that far back.
Saturday...meant to get up and run but failed to do so. Football & Chili. :)
Sunday...prep for colonoscopy. Not fun. Not even remotely fun.
Monday...24 hours of my life I'll never get back.
Tuesday...showed up at CFJ still feeling effects of anesthesia from Monday. Didn't last long.
Which leads me to today! Feeling great after eating three meals yesterday. Up & at 'em this morning for the 5 am class.
21-15-9 Rep rounds for time of:
Hang power snatch (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs)
Ring dips
My time: 9:13, 55# & bar dips
Could've gone a tiny bit heavier on the weight but didn't want to overdo it today. Felt good to go fast on those snatches! Split the 21 up 15 & 6. Not sure on the next rounds, but did break them up. Bar dips were "assisted" meaning I'm jumping a little bit and doing negatives.
Strength was Hang Power Snatch 7 sets of 2 ea
My loads: 45-50-55-60-65-70-75
This is one of my weakest lifts. Need to work more on form before I go any higher on weight.
Friday...not a clue what we did at CrossFit. Can't remember that far back.
Saturday...meant to get up and run but failed to do so. Football & Chili. :)
Sunday...prep for colonoscopy. Not fun. Not even remotely fun.
Monday...24 hours of my life I'll never get back.
Tuesday...showed up at CFJ still feeling effects of anesthesia from Monday. Didn't last long.
Which leads me to today! Feeling great after eating three meals yesterday. Up & at 'em this morning for the 5 am class.
21-15-9 Rep rounds for time of:
Hang power snatch (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs)
Ring dips
My time: 9:13, 55# & bar dips
Could've gone a tiny bit heavier on the weight but didn't want to overdo it today. Felt good to go fast on those snatches! Split the 21 up 15 & 6. Not sure on the next rounds, but did break them up. Bar dips were "assisted" meaning I'm jumping a little bit and doing negatives.
Strength was Hang Power Snatch 7 sets of 2 ea
My loads: 45-50-55-60-65-70-75
This is one of my weakest lifts. Need to work more on form before I go any higher on weight.
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