Tuesday, November 30, 2010
4 Rounds for time of:
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (Men 95 lbs, Women 65 lbs)
12 Box Jumps (Men 30″ box, Women 26″ box)
My time: 7:59, w/23" box
Part of the warmup was seeing how high a box jump we could do. Since I am just now somewhat comfortable with 20", I figured 23" was a great acheivement so I stopped there. One of the guys did I think a 43" or 44" jump - like it was nothing! The guys all did a vertical jump test, as well. I opted to just watch this time around.
This morning's warmup was a little bit different. It was a 10 minute Cindy with overhead squats using a bar. I got 3 rounds plus 2 push ups. It was a good warm up, but I sincerely need some extra work on my push ups.
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (Men 95 lbs, Women 65 lbs)
12 Box Jumps (Men 30″ box, Women 26″ box)
My time: 7:59, w/23" box
Part of the warmup was seeing how high a box jump we could do. Since I am just now somewhat comfortable with 20", I figured 23" was a great acheivement so I stopped there. One of the guys did I think a 43" or 44" jump - like it was nothing! The guys all did a vertical jump test, as well. I opted to just watch this time around.
This morning's warmup was a little bit different. It was a 10 minute Cindy with overhead squats using a bar. I got 3 rounds plus 2 push ups. It was a good warm up, but I sincerely need some extra work on my push ups.
Monday, November 29, 2010
“The CrossFit Jenks Warm-up”
3 Rounds for time of:
15 Overhead squats (Men 45 lb barbell, Women 35 lb barbell)
15 Push-ups
15 Ab mat military sit-ups
15 Ring dips or bar dips
15 Pull-ups
My time: 16:13 Rx
(slower than the June 28 time by about 30 seconds)
Today I was slow on my push-ups and dips. It's always something. I know back in June when we did this, I was not going all the way to the floor on my push ups. Now I am and it makes a huge difference in my time. My upper body strength is still lacking incredibly these days. But I know I'm stronger than I was a year ago.
Today's strength component was front squats
Rep scheme: 10-10-10-10-10
My loads: 65-75-85-105-115
Last time we did 10 rep sets, my max was 85, so this is a THIRTY pound PR for me. Yay - something to celebrate on a Monday!!
15 Overhead squats (Men 45 lb barbell, Women 35 lb barbell)
15 Push-ups
15 Ab mat military sit-ups
15 Ring dips or bar dips
15 Pull-ups
My time: 16:13 Rx
(slower than the June 28 time by about 30 seconds)
Today I was slow on my push-ups and dips. It's always something. I know back in June when we did this, I was not going all the way to the floor on my push ups. Now I am and it makes a huge difference in my time. My upper body strength is still lacking incredibly these days. But I know I'm stronger than I was a year ago.
Today's strength component was front squats
Rep scheme: 10-10-10-10-10
My loads: 65-75-85-105-115
Last time we did 10 rep sets, my max was 85, so this is a THIRTY pound PR for me. Yay - something to celebrate on a Monday!!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Fun Friday!
I actually did 145 lbs on the deadlifts. My math skills are totally lacking. ;)
7 rounds for time of:
5 Handstand push-ups
10 Deadlifts (Men 185 lbs, Women 125 lbs)
10 Chest to bar pull-ups
20 Double-unders
My Time: 32:18
2 abmats for HSPU
pullups not chest to bar (regular kipping)
scaled up to 135 lbs on Deadlifts
Since I had to modify the HSPU and I've yet to get a chest-to-bar pullup, I decided to scale up on the deadlifts, since it's something I enjoy and something I'm actually good at! I managed to do all of the deadlifts unbroken too!! So, even though I didn't do everything "as rx'd" I feel awesome about my effort on the deadlifts.
It's always fun to work out with different people that I don't see at the 5 am class. Shanna was next to me during the workout and I tried to keep up with her, but that only lasted about 2 rounds. Good job Shanna! :) Some of the guys chose to run 400m in place of the double-unders. Way too cold for me! I had a few good sets of double-unders, but by the end it was one, then stop, one, then stop. Ugh.
The surprising thing for me was how winded I was after the deadlifts, going into the pull ups. I managed one good set of 6 and the rest pretty broken up, mainly sets of 4 or 3.
I still thought this was a fun workout...when it was over, of course!!
I actually did 145 lbs on the deadlifts. My math skills are totally lacking. ;)
7 rounds for time of:
5 Handstand push-ups
10 Deadlifts (Men 185 lbs, Women 125 lbs)
10 Chest to bar pull-ups
20 Double-unders
My Time: 32:18
2 abmats for HSPU
pullups not chest to bar (regular kipping)
scaled up to 135 lbs on Deadlifts
Since I had to modify the HSPU and I've yet to get a chest-to-bar pullup, I decided to scale up on the deadlifts, since it's something I enjoy and something I'm actually good at! I managed to do all of the deadlifts unbroken too!! So, even though I didn't do everything "as rx'd" I feel awesome about my effort on the deadlifts.
It's always fun to work out with different people that I don't see at the 5 am class. Shanna was next to me during the workout and I tried to keep up with her, but that only lasted about 2 rounds. Good job Shanna! :) Some of the guys chose to run 400m in place of the double-unders. Way too cold for me! I had a few good sets of double-unders, but by the end it was one, then stop, one, then stop. Ugh.
The surprising thing for me was how winded I was after the deadlifts, going into the pull ups. I managed one good set of 6 and the rest pretty broken up, mainly sets of 4 or 3.
I still thought this was a fun workout...when it was over, of course!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
1000 meter row
50 Thrusters (Men 45 lbs, Women 35 lbs)
30 pull-ups
My time: 12:13 Rx
I was way off my PR today...by a minute and 11 seconds. I know I broke up the thrusters too much. I have got to "regroup" and get my head straight. I haven't been pushing myself hard enough and it's showing up in every single workout. I shouldn't have to break up pullups as much as I've been doing lately either. Again, it's all in my head. I just need to get re-motivated, and I will.
Breck just got in a bunch of benches for bench press. The gym has really changed over the year I've been there. So much new equipment - it's really looking great and so much more efficient for lifting.
50 Thrusters (Men 45 lbs, Women 35 lbs)
30 pull-ups
My time: 12:13 Rx
I was way off my PR today...by a minute and 11 seconds. I know I broke up the thrusters too much. I have got to "regroup" and get my head straight. I haven't been pushing myself hard enough and it's showing up in every single workout. I shouldn't have to break up pullups as much as I've been doing lately either. Again, it's all in my head. I just need to get re-motivated, and I will.
Breck just got in a bunch of benches for bench press. The gym has really changed over the year I've been there. So much new equipment - it's really looking great and so much more efficient for lifting.
The strength today was Bench Press, which I haven't done since probably the first month I started CF way back when. My form needs a ton of work. B, on the other hand, was amazing as usual!
rep scheme: 5-3-2-5-5-5
my loads: 55-65-75-85-90-95 (F)
Failed at 95 on the 3rd rep. Tried a few more times. B helped me with some pointers but I still didn't "get it", I don't think. This will be a lift I enjoy once I get the technique down.
rep scheme: 5-3-2-5-5-5
my loads: 55-65-75-85-90-95 (F)
Failed at 95 on the 3rd rep. Tried a few more times. B helped me with some pointers but I still didn't "get it", I don't think. This will be a lift I enjoy once I get the technique down.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Bear Claws?
No...?! Bear CRAWLS! I'd rather have a bear claw. Ha ha. Really, I never even liked those things. But this morning it sounded way better than bear crawls. I will admit, however, that this was a fun workout, even if it wasn't deep fried and sugar-coated.
For time:
500 Meter row
100′ Bear crawl
400 Meter run
100 Double unders
400 Meter run
100′ Bear crawl
500 Meter row
My time: 19:46 Rx
So, I started out pretty strong and even did ok on the dreaded bear crawls. I figured out if I just almost let myself fall on my face, and throw my hand down at the last second, I can go further, faster, but after a while it just starts burning everywhere, quads, hamstrings...it burns.
The double-unders are what killed me on this WOD. I did manage to have several sets of 10 or 12 unbroken, but I'm working way too hard at them still. When I get fatigued they seem to come a lot easier. I just need to relax.
The warm up today included a few rounds of the Bear Complex. First with a bar, then with a weight of our choosing, as a group, then with a weight of our choosing on our own. I chose 95 lbs for my weight and had major issues with the push press. For some reason I couldn't lock out. When I started doing more of a push jerk, I had better luck, but honesty I don't think my heart was in it. I failed at 4 sets on the first try and failed at 3 sets on the second try. So, I got in 7 sets, but...can't really count it. (Try telling my muscles it doesn't count!)
For time:
500 Meter row
100′ Bear crawl
400 Meter run
100 Double unders
400 Meter run
100′ Bear crawl
500 Meter row
My time: 19:46 Rx
So, I started out pretty strong and even did ok on the dreaded bear crawls. I figured out if I just almost let myself fall on my face, and throw my hand down at the last second, I can go further, faster, but after a while it just starts burning everywhere, quads, hamstrings...it burns.
The double-unders are what killed me on this WOD. I did manage to have several sets of 10 or 12 unbroken, but I'm working way too hard at them still. When I get fatigued they seem to come a lot easier. I just need to relax.
The warm up today included a few rounds of the Bear Complex. First with a bar, then with a weight of our choosing, as a group, then with a weight of our choosing on our own. I chose 95 lbs for my weight and had major issues with the push press. For some reason I couldn't lock out. When I started doing more of a push jerk, I had better luck, but honesty I don't think my heart was in it. I failed at 4 sets on the first try and failed at 3 sets on the second try. So, I got in 7 sets, but...can't really count it. (Try telling my muscles it doesn't count!)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Monday Morning!
21-15 & 9 rep rounds for time of:
Squat snatch (Men 95 lbs, Women 65 lbs)
Ring dips
My time: 15:43, Rx weight, Bar Dips
This wasn't a bad start to the week, though I'm tired from the long trip to Dallas over the weekend. My form felt really good on the snatches during the workout. I tried to do minimum sets of 5, but got supremely winded and had to rest more than I really wanted to. I kept trying to push myself and only take a couple breaths in between lifts. I mean, you can only recover so much before it just becomes ridiculous. Feel good about my effort this morning.
Strength today was squat snatch
rep scheme: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
my loads: 45-50-55-60-65-70-75-85
Squat snatch (Men 95 lbs, Women 65 lbs)
Ring dips
My time: 15:43, Rx weight, Bar Dips
This wasn't a bad start to the week, though I'm tired from the long trip to Dallas over the weekend. My form felt really good on the snatches during the workout. I tried to do minimum sets of 5, but got supremely winded and had to rest more than I really wanted to. I kept trying to push myself and only take a couple breaths in between lifts. I mean, you can only recover so much before it just becomes ridiculous. Feel good about my effort this morning.
Strength today was squat snatch
rep scheme: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
my loads: 45-50-55-60-65-70-75-85
Friday, November 19, 2010
Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
My rounds: 8 + 1 pull up
Subs: 6 pullups and 6 dips for muscle ups
HSPU: head to 2 abmats
Compare to Aug 19, 2010, when I did 7 rounds + 6 plu and I used 35 lb kettlebell then, so I feel great about a tiny bit of progress here.
In the warmup today we worked on some skills: HSPU, Muscle Ups, L-sits and Rope Climb
HSPU - worked on my hand placement a bit
MU - I just worked false grip ring pullups
Rope - never made it to the rope
L-Sit - I got a 20 second L-sit which is total freaking awesomeness for me. Yay!!!!
Good way to end the week, especially considering how the week started off for me.
Now I"m off to do a bunch of stuff around the house and get ready to head to Dallas to see the Boys hopefully get a win. Either way, I know I'm going to have a blast!!! Look for me on the big screen. :)
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 Kettlebell swings (Men 70 lbs, Women 45 lbs)
My rounds: 8 + 1 pull up
Subs: 6 pullups and 6 dips for muscle ups
HSPU: head to 2 abmats
Compare to Aug 19, 2010, when I did 7 rounds + 6 plu and I used 35 lb kettlebell then, so I feel great about a tiny bit of progress here.
In the warmup today we worked on some skills: HSPU, Muscle Ups, L-sits and Rope Climb
HSPU - worked on my hand placement a bit
MU - I just worked false grip ring pullups
Rope - never made it to the rope
L-Sit - I got a 20 second L-sit which is total freaking awesomeness for me. Yay!!!!
Good way to end the week, especially considering how the week started off for me.
Now I"m off to do a bunch of stuff around the house and get ready to head to Dallas to see the Boys hopefully get a win. Either way, I know I'm going to have a blast!!! Look for me on the big screen. :)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
For time:
10 Power cleans (Men 155 lbs, Women 105 lbs)
200 Meter run
9 Power cleans
200 Meter run
8 Power cleans
200 Meter run
7 Power cleans
200 Meter run
6 Power cleans
200 Meter run
5 Power cleans
200 Meter run
4 Power cleans
200 Meter run
3 Power cleans
200 Meter run
2 Power cleans
200 Meter run
1 Power clean
200 Meter run
My time: 26:51 Rx
This workout was for April, one of the interns at the gym. Today is her 23rd birthday. (Thanks to Andy for reminding me how old I am this morning.) Yes, I am old enough to be April's mom. Which, in hindsight, really makes me proud that I actually could finish the workout as prescribed. However, I didn't finish within Breck's time limit of 25 minutes, so I kind of let myself down. I ran as fast as I could - that wasn't a problem today. The brutal north wind and 32° temp was enough to make me move faster out there. Several missed reps cost me some precious time that probably could have got me in under the 25 minute mark. I just have to take everything as a lesson and move on. Maintain good form; create speed & power; get under the bar; don't miss reps; be efficient! Yeah, lots of lessons here.
And, totally unrelated to CrossFit, I just found out I get to go to a Dallas Cowboys game this sunday! I'm totally excited!!!! (though I wish they were having a better season)
10 Power cleans (Men 155 lbs, Women 105 lbs)
200 Meter run
9 Power cleans
200 Meter run
8 Power cleans
200 Meter run
7 Power cleans
200 Meter run
6 Power cleans
200 Meter run
5 Power cleans
200 Meter run
4 Power cleans
200 Meter run
3 Power cleans
200 Meter run
2 Power cleans
200 Meter run
1 Power clean
200 Meter run
My time: 26:51 Rx
This workout was for April, one of the interns at the gym. Today is her 23rd birthday. (Thanks to Andy for reminding me how old I am this morning.) Yes, I am old enough to be April's mom. Which, in hindsight, really makes me proud that I actually could finish the workout as prescribed. However, I didn't finish within Breck's time limit of 25 minutes, so I kind of let myself down. I ran as fast as I could - that wasn't a problem today. The brutal north wind and 32° temp was enough to make me move faster out there. Several missed reps cost me some precious time that probably could have got me in under the 25 minute mark. I just have to take everything as a lesson and move on. Maintain good form; create speed & power; get under the bar; don't miss reps; be efficient! Yeah, lots of lessons here.
And, totally unrelated to CrossFit, I just found out I get to go to a Dallas Cowboys game this sunday! I'm totally excited!!!! (though I wish they were having a better season)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Working my way back.
OK, I made it to the gym today and actually stayed for the workout. I did, however, scale everything down because I'm still kinda weak from that awful stomach flu.
Here is the prescribed WOD:
3 Rounds for time of:
45 Double unders
30 Box jumps (Men 24″ box, Women 20″ box)
15 Dumbbell push press (Men 45 lb dumbbells, Women 30 lb dumbells )
Here is what I actually did:
3 Rounds for time of:
45 singles
20 Box jumps - 17" box
15 Dumbbell push press 20 lb dumbells
My time: 12:05
Kind of wimpy, I know, but I promise I got a good workout and I was pretty wiped out afterward. It just felt good to get moving again.
The strength component today was Hang Power Snatch, and of course I went light on those too. I think we were supposed to do 10 single reps, increasing in weight. However, I think I probably managed 8, and maxed out at 65 lbs for the last several reps. No biggie. I'll be 100% next week and hit everything really hard.
Here is the prescribed WOD:
3 Rounds for time of:
45 Double unders
30 Box jumps (Men 24″ box, Women 20″ box)
15 Dumbbell push press (Men 45 lb dumbbells, Women 30 lb dumbells )
Here is what I actually did:
3 Rounds for time of:
45 singles
20 Box jumps - 17" box
15 Dumbbell push press 20 lb dumbells
My time: 12:05
Kind of wimpy, I know, but I promise I got a good workout and I was pretty wiped out afterward. It just felt good to get moving again.
The strength component today was Hang Power Snatch, and of course I went light on those too. I think we were supposed to do 10 single reps, increasing in weight. However, I think I probably managed 8, and maxed out at 65 lbs for the last several reps. No biggie. I'll be 100% next week and hit everything really hard.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I started out last weekend having a great date night with my husband on Friday and then tailgating with friends on Saturday. All the while, unbeknownst to me, a vile, creepy stomach virus was mounting a sneak attack that would hit me about 2 am on Sunday. The next 36 hours were a constant blurr of dragging myself, drooling and moaning, from the bed to the bathroom and back again, only to pass out until the next round. Misery...pure misery.
Yesterday I managed to eat maybe 600 calories worth of food. Thinking I was pretty well rested, I got up and headed to the gym this morning, only to find out how wrong I was. I barely made it through the warm-up, before I realized I was kidding myself by even being there. This was a big disappointment, because both the strength component and the workout looked like an amazingly fun morning. But, it was not to be. I went home and crawled back into bed for an hour and then showered and headed to work.
I'm planning to work half a day, and rest half a day. Definitely going to eat some good meals, and hopefully by tomorrow I'll be ready to work out again. Hopefully. We shall see!
Yesterday I managed to eat maybe 600 calories worth of food. Thinking I was pretty well rested, I got up and headed to the gym this morning, only to find out how wrong I was. I barely made it through the warm-up, before I realized I was kidding myself by even being there. This was a big disappointment, because both the strength component and the workout looked like an amazingly fun morning. But, it was not to be. I went home and crawled back into bed for an hour and then showered and headed to work.
I'm planning to work half a day, and rest half a day. Definitely going to eat some good meals, and hopefully by tomorrow I'll be ready to work out again. Hopefully. We shall see!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Vacation Day!
I'm taking another vacation day today. I had several unused days that I needed to burn before the end of the year, so I have scheduled almost every Friday off through the remainder of the year. It's nice to sleep in an extra couple of hours before going to the gym.
Todays WOD:
Squat clean and jerk 30 reps for time. (Men 155 lbs, Women 105 lbs)
My time: 16:43, Rx
I loved this workout in concept. Execution was another thing entirely. Clean & Jerk is one of my favorite lifts. Squat clean makes it way more difficult and time consuming. Well, for me anyway. I'm amazed by some of the times posted today. Paige, Jennifer, Loren, Breck...these people are just incredible. Even though it took me forever to finish, I didn't have any missed reps. I had two jerks that I felt my core wasn't tight enough, but other than that, everything felt pretty solid.
Now, if I could just convince my body to not demand so much oxygen. Breathing takes up so much time! ;)
Strength today was, of course, Squat Clean & Jerk:
rep scheme: 5-3-2-1-1-1
my loads: 65-85-95-105-115-125
Todays WOD:
Squat clean and jerk 30 reps for time. (Men 155 lbs, Women 105 lbs)
My time: 16:43, Rx
I loved this workout in concept. Execution was another thing entirely. Clean & Jerk is one of my favorite lifts. Squat clean makes it way more difficult and time consuming. Well, for me anyway. I'm amazed by some of the times posted today. Paige, Jennifer, Loren, Breck...these people are just incredible. Even though it took me forever to finish, I didn't have any missed reps. I had two jerks that I felt my core wasn't tight enough, but other than that, everything felt pretty solid.
Now, if I could just convince my body to not demand so much oxygen. Breathing takes up so much time! ;)
Strength today was, of course, Squat Clean & Jerk:
rep scheme: 5-3-2-1-1-1
my loads: 65-85-95-105-115-125
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Rowing day.
5 Rounds, each for time of:
500 Meter row
Rest 5 minutes between each round.
Compare to July 9, 2010
My times:
1- 2:05.4
2- 2:05.5
3- 2:08.0
4- 2:08.5
5- 2:06.3
I didn't set any records today, but I felt good about my efforts. Most of my times were faster than the July times, but I had some WAY faster times back in April.
I've been thinking about how my performance has these peaks and valleys and how diet has an effect on everything. I've been eating primal for a while now, and the fat content of my overall diet is pretty high. Previous to eating primal I had a fairly healthy diet, but with a lower fat content.
Primal Blueprint encourages fat consumption. - "good fats", meaning animal fat, coconut oil, olive oil, etc., which is what I'm doing. Anyway, I heard about a study a while back that showed decrease in energy levels the morning after consuming high fat meals, but I didn't think much of it at the time. Now, looking at my current and past performance levels, in conjunction with my current and past fat intake, I really think that's what's going on here. I think I need decrease my fat intake and see if my performance gets back to the level of where it was in April & May this year. Which, really leans more towards "paleo", since they advocate the leanest cuts of meat, etc. In any case, I'm going to give it a try...keep eating whole, natural foods and cut back on the fat. We shall see!
Warm-up today included 2 minutes each for max reps:
Sit ups: 60
Push ups: 29
Pull ups: 15 (one max set) And...this is a PR for me. Ha ha. But hey, I'm not ashamed. It's a PR!!!!
500 Meter row
Rest 5 minutes between each round.
Compare to July 9, 2010
My times:
1- 2:05.4
2- 2:05.5
3- 2:08.0
4- 2:08.5
5- 2:06.3
I didn't set any records today, but I felt good about my efforts. Most of my times were faster than the July times, but I had some WAY faster times back in April.
I've been thinking about how my performance has these peaks and valleys and how diet has an effect on everything. I've been eating primal for a while now, and the fat content of my overall diet is pretty high. Previous to eating primal I had a fairly healthy diet, but with a lower fat content.
Primal Blueprint encourages fat consumption. - "good fats", meaning animal fat, coconut oil, olive oil, etc., which is what I'm doing. Anyway, I heard about a study a while back that showed decrease in energy levels the morning after consuming high fat meals, but I didn't think much of it at the time. Now, looking at my current and past performance levels, in conjunction with my current and past fat intake, I really think that's what's going on here. I think I need decrease my fat intake and see if my performance gets back to the level of where it was in April & May this year. Which, really leans more towards "paleo", since they advocate the leanest cuts of meat, etc. In any case, I'm going to give it a try...keep eating whole, natural foods and cut back on the fat. We shall see!
Warm-up today included 2 minutes each for max reps:
Sit ups: 60
Push ups: 29
Pull ups: 15 (one max set) And...this is a PR for me. Ha ha. But hey, I'm not ashamed. It's a PR!!!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Where'd everybody go??
We had a pretty small crew at the 5 am class this morning - B, Natalie, Brad P & myself. I think yesterday's WOD must have worn everyone out! I'll be honest, it was tough to get up and go in this morning. It seems like I'm to the point where I don't know any better, so I just keep going five days a week. ;-)
For time:
500 Meter row
50 Jumping pull-ups
40 Box jumps (Men 24″ box, Women 20″ box)
30 Ring dips
20 Toes to bar
10 Burpees
My time: 13:17, sub bar dips for ring dips
Yesterday after work I went in for a massage. I bought a package of 5 a while back and I'm finally finding time to start using them. I had her work on my shoulders and upper back quite a bit, and I think this helped me to not be as sore as I was expecting from yesterday's workout. So, when we had the option of doing a the strength component or working on skills, I chose strength.
Our strength component today was power cleans.
Rep scheme: 5-3-2 5-5-5
My loads: 55-65-76 85-95-105
Had a couple where my form was off, but all in all, these felt pretty good today. I need to push myself to go heavier on these.
For time:
500 Meter row
50 Jumping pull-ups
40 Box jumps (Men 24″ box, Women 20″ box)
30 Ring dips
20 Toes to bar
10 Burpees
My time: 13:17, sub bar dips for ring dips
Yesterday after work I went in for a massage. I bought a package of 5 a while back and I'm finally finding time to start using them. I had her work on my shoulders and upper back quite a bit, and I think this helped me to not be as sore as I was expecting from yesterday's workout. So, when we had the option of doing a the strength component or working on skills, I chose strength.
Our strength component today was power cleans.
Rep scheme: 5-3-2 5-5-5
My loads: 55-65-76 85-95-105
Had a couple where my form was off, but all in all, these felt pretty good today. I need to push myself to go heavier on these.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
“The Rice Man”
A birthday workout for Greg, who is 43. These birthday workouts are usually fun. The length of this one is a bit daunting, but aside from the running, I loved it!! Well, and the thrusters...what's not to hate about a thruster, eh? But, still, it was a super fun workout, and I feel really great and energetic today!
As many rounds as possible in 43 minutes of:
200 Meter run
5 Hang power snatches (Men 75 lbs, Women 55 lbs)
5 Overhead squats (Men 75 lbs, Women 55 lbs)
5 Back squats (Men 75 lbs, Women 55 lbs)
5 Thrusters (Men 75 lbs, Women 55 lbs)
My rounds: 11 + 2 back squats , all unbroken
And, I just have to brag on my friend B again. This girl is incredible!! She beat me by one back squat today and she is 5 months pregnant. She's going to give birth to a super-human child who will probably come out doing double-unders and deadlifts, and I doubt she'll even need anything for the pain. Amazing...she's just amazing!
As many rounds as possible in 43 minutes of:
200 Meter run
5 Hang power snatches (Men 75 lbs, Women 55 lbs)
5 Overhead squats (Men 75 lbs, Women 55 lbs)
5 Back squats (Men 75 lbs, Women 55 lbs)
5 Thrusters (Men 75 lbs, Women 55 lbs)
My rounds: 11 + 2 back squats , all unbroken
And, I just have to brag on my friend B again. This girl is incredible!! She beat me by one back squat today and she is 5 months pregnant. She's going to give birth to a super-human child who will probably come out doing double-unders and deadlifts, and I doubt she'll even need anything for the pain. Amazing...she's just amazing!
Monday, November 8, 2010
3 Rounds for time of:
400 Meter run
21 Kettlebell swings (Men 55 lbs, Women 35 lbs)
12 Pull-ups
My time: 15:23 Rx
(2:01 slower than my PR...bah!)
Sluggish running again, not sure why. I could have a million excuses, but I'm just slow, no excuses. It was cold out this morning. I finally gave in and wore long pants because of the cold today. Maybe if I wore shorts that would be incentive to run faster? ha ha..doubt it. I grossed myself out this morning, coming back from running, I had snot running out my nose, but I couldn't do anything about it because I had to get right on the kettle bells. So it was just hanging there...grossing me out the whole time I was doing my kettle bells. That was all the encouragement I needed to do the KBS unbroken, and thankfully I had my towel nearby! Yeah, I know, TMI.
Strength today was Overhead Squats
Rep scheme: 3-3-3-3-3
My loads: 55-65-85-105-115
Failed on my first attempt at 115, then tried again. Got all 3 reps but only one of them was truly deep enough to count. So, I can't really count it as a legit PR. But...I was close!
400 Meter run
21 Kettlebell swings (Men 55 lbs, Women 35 lbs)
12 Pull-ups
My time: 15:23 Rx
(2:01 slower than my PR...bah!)
Sluggish running again, not sure why. I could have a million excuses, but I'm just slow, no excuses. It was cold out this morning. I finally gave in and wore long pants because of the cold today. Maybe if I wore shorts that would be incentive to run faster? ha ha..doubt it. I grossed myself out this morning, coming back from running, I had snot running out my nose, but I couldn't do anything about it because I had to get right on the kettle bells. So it was just hanging there...grossing me out the whole time I was doing my kettle bells. That was all the encouragement I needed to do the KBS unbroken, and thankfully I had my towel nearby! Yeah, I know, TMI.
Strength today was Overhead Squats
Rep scheme: 3-3-3-3-3
My loads: 55-65-85-105-115
Failed on my first attempt at 115, then tried again. Got all 3 reps but only one of them was truly deep enough to count. So, I can't really count it as a legit PR. But...I was close!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Primalish Brownies
When I'm home alone, I can't seem to stay out of the kitchen, simply because I love to cook. I would cook all day long if someone would clean up after me and eat all the food. :)
Today I wanted something sweet, but it had to fit in with the Primal Blueprint, so I decided to try this almond butter brownie recipe from Elena's Pantry. She uses Agave Syrup, which I replaced with honey, and I went with an 85% cocao chocolate chips due to the lower sugar content. It is not a 100% primal recipe because of that, but the minimal sugar content makes them close enough to fit the 80/20 principle. And they are delicious!

The cool thing about these brownies is they actually look and taste like there is flour in them, but there is no flour! The main ingredient is almond butter. They turned out pretty good, though next time I think I'd cook them just a little while longer. But if you like your brownies kind of gooey, then the timing recommended in the recipe is perfect.
Today I wanted something sweet, but it had to fit in with the Primal Blueprint, so I decided to try this almond butter brownie recipe from Elena's Pantry. She uses Agave Syrup, which I replaced with honey, and I went with an 85% cocao chocolate chips due to the lower sugar content. It is not a 100% primal recipe because of that, but the minimal sugar content makes them close enough to fit the 80/20 principle. And they are delicious!

The cool thing about these brownies is they actually look and taste like there is flour in them, but there is no flour! The main ingredient is almond butter. They turned out pretty good, though next time I think I'd cook them just a little while longer. But if you like your brownies kind of gooey, then the timing recommended in the recipe is perfect.
Fun Friday!
3 Rounds for time of:
I'm off work today but I had intended to get up as usual and hit the 5 am class. However, my husband persuaded me to sleep in. (It didn't take much effort, I promise!) Anyway, I had the luxury of sleeping past 8 am, and then hitting the 9:30 am class.
It's nice to go to the gym at a different time occasionally and see some of the other members. And at the 9:30 class, you get to see some really cute babies in the daycare. There were only two this morning, and they were both adorable!
Seems like it's been a while since we worked on power snatches, and my shoulders kind of protested during the warm-up. For some reason, though, during the workout they felt fine. It was the box jumps that slowed me down, as usual. I was happy with my time, and the fact that I didn't fall on the box jumps. It's a good day!
30 Box jumps (Men 24″ box, Women 20″ box)
20 Wall ball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
10 Hang power snatches (Men 95 lbs, Women 65 lbs)
I'm off work today but I had intended to get up as usual and hit the 5 am class. However, my husband persuaded me to sleep in. (It didn't take much effort, I promise!) Anyway, I had the luxury of sleeping past 8 am, and then hitting the 9:30 am class.
It's nice to go to the gym at a different time occasionally and see some of the other members. And at the 9:30 class, you get to see some really cute babies in the daycare. There were only two this morning, and they were both adorable!
Seems like it's been a while since we worked on power snatches, and my shoulders kind of protested during the warm-up. For some reason, though, during the workout they felt fine. It was the box jumps that slowed me down, as usual. I was happy with my time, and the fact that I didn't fall on the box jumps. It's a good day!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
One from the main site!
I saw this posted on the main site last week sometime and thought, "I'd love to try that one!", so I was glad to see it posted this morning. The C&J turned out to be the easy part of the WOD, and in hindsight, I should have listened to B and gone a bit heavier than I did. But, I felt strong throughout the workout, and really had a better morning than I did yesterday. Life is good!
10 Rounds for load and time of:
1 Clean and Jerk
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
My time: 22:39
My load: 105 lbs
The strength component today was Clean & Jerk
Rep scheme: 5-3-2-1-1-1
My loads: 65-75-95-105-115 (and I didn't do the last single).
I've historically preferred doing a Split Jerk, but lately my form has felt funny using the split, and was just throwing me off on the whole lift. So, after the first couple of lifts, I went to just a push jerk, and it felt way more solid to me, so I went with that for the remainder.
10 Rounds for load and time of:
1 Clean and Jerk
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
My time: 22:39
My load: 105 lbs
The strength component today was Clean & Jerk
Rep scheme: 5-3-2-1-1-1
My loads: 65-75-95-105-115 (and I didn't do the last single).
I've historically preferred doing a Split Jerk, but lately my form has felt funny using the split, and was just throwing me off on the whole lift. So, after the first couple of lifts, I went to just a push jerk, and it felt way more solid to me, so I went with that for the remainder.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Pity Party
I'm having a pity party. Come on in. ;)
Today's workout was probably one of the easiest workouts I've ever seen posted for CrossFit. So why, then was I so freaking slow and once again, dead last to finish? I was so mad at myself by the end of the workout; disgusted, discouraged, embarrassed, mad, and defeated! Yes, "she who never gives up" felt completely, utterly defeated.
I don't understand what happened today. I pushed myself as hard as I could, but I couldn't physically make my legs run any faster. Some days I don't know why this happens. I truly don't know - it's like trying to run in a nightmare and my legs just won't cooperate. *sigh*
But once again, I didn't give up.
I finished the workout, gathered up my stuff, passed on the opportunity to do overhead squats, for which I am now kicking myself. I could have ended on a positive note. But instead, I wrote down my time in my WOD book, had a short conversation with Jim and headed to my car, where I promptly burst into tears and cried all the way home like a spoiled six year old. Ugh! Am I wasting my time with CrossFit? Am I just delusional to think I can keep doing this day after day and never getting any faster? I love feeling so healthy and strong, but on days like this when I disappoint myself so badly, I wonder if I'm doing myself any good at all.
I know...I know...tomorrow's another day and another chance to do better. I'll move on and get over my stupid dsappointment at today's piss poor performance. But, man, some days it's hard to convince myself I'm making any progress at all.
3 Rounds for time of:
800 Meter run
50 Sit-ups (un-anchored, abmat)
50 Walking lunge steps
My time: 29:30 Rx
Today's workout was probably one of the easiest workouts I've ever seen posted for CrossFit. So why, then was I so freaking slow and once again, dead last to finish? I was so mad at myself by the end of the workout; disgusted, discouraged, embarrassed, mad, and defeated! Yes, "she who never gives up" felt completely, utterly defeated.
I don't understand what happened today. I pushed myself as hard as I could, but I couldn't physically make my legs run any faster. Some days I don't know why this happens. I truly don't know - it's like trying to run in a nightmare and my legs just won't cooperate. *sigh*
But once again, I didn't give up.
I finished the workout, gathered up my stuff, passed on the opportunity to do overhead squats, for which I am now kicking myself. I could have ended on a positive note. But instead, I wrote down my time in my WOD book, had a short conversation with Jim and headed to my car, where I promptly burst into tears and cried all the way home like a spoiled six year old. Ugh! Am I wasting my time with CrossFit? Am I just delusional to think I can keep doing this day after day and never getting any faster? I love feeling so healthy and strong, but on days like this when I disappoint myself so badly, I wonder if I'm doing myself any good at all.
I know...I know...tomorrow's another day and another chance to do better. I'll move on and get over my stupid dsappointment at today's piss poor performance. But, man, some days it's hard to convince myself I'm making any progress at all.
3 Rounds for time of:
800 Meter run
50 Sit-ups (un-anchored, abmat)
50 Walking lunge steps
My time: 29:30 Rx
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Good Morning!
For time:
1000 Meter row
21-15 & 9 reps of:
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (Men 95 lbs, Women 65 lbs)
Push press (Men 95 lbs, Women 65 lbs)
My time: 14:06 Rx
(row time 4:31.6)
Fun workout this morning. Wish I was faster, but I don't see that happening any time soon. Still enjoy SDHP, but not very fast at them. Push presses were the easy part of the WOD at such a light weight.
Strength today was Split Jerk
rep scheme: 5-3-2-1-1-1
my loads: 85-105-115-125-135 (fail)- 130 (fail)
Form was off on the heavier loads. I could feel my back arching, rather than remaining straight up and down. Need to remember to tighten my core and be FAST getting under the bar. This is one of my favorite lifts and 135 is my last PR on it, so I was disappointed I couldn't get weight this today.
1000 Meter row
21-15 & 9 reps of:
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (Men 95 lbs, Women 65 lbs)
Push press (Men 95 lbs, Women 65 lbs)
My time: 14:06 Rx
(row time 4:31.6)
Fun workout this morning. Wish I was faster, but I don't see that happening any time soon. Still enjoy SDHP, but not very fast at them. Push presses were the easy part of the WOD at such a light weight.
Strength today was Split Jerk
rep scheme: 5-3-2-1-1-1
my loads: 85-105-115-125-135 (fail)- 130 (fail)
Form was off on the heavier loads. I could feel my back arching, rather than remaining straight up and down. Need to remember to tighten my core and be FAST getting under the bar. This is one of my favorite lifts and 135 is my last PR on it, so I was disappointed I couldn't get weight this today.
Monday, November 1, 2010
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Handstand Push Ups
10 one-legged squats
15 pull ups
My rounds: 6 + 2 HSPU
Modified, of course: 2 abmats for HSPU, and pistols done on a box, holding onto a pole for support/balance. Yeah...
Really a fun morning at CFJ. I am continually reminded of my age and lack of coordination. This morning we did wheelbarrow's...yes, where someone holds up your legs and you walk on your hands. I think half my trouble was I couldn't quit laughing, but seriously it's probably been close to 40 years since I did those. Too funny!
My husband and I attended a Halloween wedding yesterday. The bride & groom wanted everyone in costume, so we complied. I was dressed as a Go-Go dancer and my husband was dressed as Cheech from the "Up In Smoke" movie. We had a blast!
Here we are with our friends, Gary and Tina. Gary is a minister and performed the ceremony. Tina is the mother of the Groom, then there's me, and then my husband, Allan.
The Bride & Goom

5 Handstand Push Ups
10 one-legged squats
15 pull ups
My rounds: 6 + 2 HSPU
Modified, of course: 2 abmats for HSPU, and pistols done on a box, holding onto a pole for support/balance. Yeah...
Really a fun morning at CFJ. I am continually reminded of my age and lack of coordination. This morning we did wheelbarrow's...yes, where someone holds up your legs and you walk on your hands. I think half my trouble was I couldn't quit laughing, but seriously it's probably been close to 40 years since I did those. Too funny!
My husband and I attended a Halloween wedding yesterday. The bride & groom wanted everyone in costume, so we complied. I was dressed as a Go-Go dancer and my husband was dressed as Cheech from the "Up In Smoke" movie. We had a blast!
Here we are with our friends, Gary and Tina. Gary is a minister and performed the ceremony. Tina is the mother of the Groom, then there's me, and then my husband, Allan.

The Bride & Goom

Good times!
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