Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I loves me some clean & jerks!
3 Rounds for reps of:
3 Minutes of max reps squat clean & jerk (Men 155 lbs, Women 100 lbs)
3 Minutes of rest
My total reps: 28
Rd 1 - 11
Rd 2 - 9
Rd 3 - 8
I completely loved this workout!! C&J is probably my favorite lift besides Deadlift. And, actually I would rather do a squat clean than a power clean. It just feels more balanced, more in control. 100 lbs is heavy though -wow!!
First round felt really great. When I nail the form on this lift, it just feels so good - I mean, you can definitely feel the difference between right and wrong, and when it is "right" I know it.
I had one "miss" on the second round where I had to drop the bar after the clean, because my pinky finger was trapped - and I'm too much of a wuss to try and do a push jerk and tear up my finger.
On the third round, I really could have done 9 or 10...just rested too long in the second minute, staring at the bar. I hate it when I do that. In those short 20 seconds or so I can rationalize it somehow, but when the clock ticks down to zero, I'm kicking myself.
I was so close to 30 reps...ah, time!!!
Still, a good morning, a great workout and I left with a big smile on my face!
3 Minutes of max reps squat clean & jerk (Men 155 lbs, Women 100 lbs)
3 Minutes of rest
My total reps: 28
Rd 1 - 11
Rd 2 - 9
Rd 3 - 8
I completely loved this workout!! C&J is probably my favorite lift besides Deadlift. And, actually I would rather do a squat clean than a power clean. It just feels more balanced, more in control. 100 lbs is heavy though -wow!!
First round felt really great. When I nail the form on this lift, it just feels so good - I mean, you can definitely feel the difference between right and wrong, and when it is "right" I know it.
I had one "miss" on the second round where I had to drop the bar after the clean, because my pinky finger was trapped - and I'm too much of a wuss to try and do a push jerk and tear up my finger.
On the third round, I really could have done 9 or 10...just rested too long in the second minute, staring at the bar. I hate it when I do that. In those short 20 seconds or so I can rationalize it somehow, but when the clock ticks down to zero, I'm kicking myself.
I was so close to 30 reps...ah, time!!!
Still, a good morning, a great workout and I left with a big smile on my face!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
400 Meter run
Max rep pull-ups
Post number of pull-ups completed for each round
My rounds/reps:
1. 12 plu (record # consecutive!)
2. 12 plu (!!)
3. 11 plu
4. 10 plu
5. 11 plu
Total Pull ups: 56
Today I set a PR for this workout. I know for a lot of people, 56 pull ups on Nicole is nothing, and they might smirk or laugh about my "PR". But you know what? I am damn proud of my score today.
Last July I had a shoulder injury, just as I was getting decent at pull ups, and striving for 10 in a row. That shoulder injury set me back for quite a while. I am now able, finally, to do that consistently. So, I feel like I've completely rehabilitated my shoulder, AND gained some strength.
It's a good day for me!
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
400 Meter run
Max rep pull-ups
Post number of pull-ups completed for each round
My rounds/reps:
1. 12 plu (record # consecutive!)
2. 12 plu (!!)
3. 11 plu
4. 10 plu
5. 11 plu
Total Pull ups: 56
Today I set a PR for this workout. I know for a lot of people, 56 pull ups on Nicole is nothing, and they might smirk or laugh about my "PR". But you know what? I am damn proud of my score today.
Last July I had a shoulder injury, just as I was getting decent at pull ups, and striving for 10 in a row. That shoulder injury set me back for quite a while. I am now able, finally, to do that consistently. So, I feel like I've completely rehabilitated my shoulder, AND gained some strength.
It's a good day for me!
Monday, March 29, 2010
This one didn't sound so bad going in, but those push ups kicked my butt today! Wow!!
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
10 Toes to bar
15 Push-ups
20 Walking lunge steps
My total: 5 rounds + 7 toes to bar
Strength component today was back squats:
warm up sets –
5 @ 110
3 @ 130
4 @ 140
work sets
3 x 5 @ 150 - PR on a 5 rep max back squat!
My low back was still a little tight from I guess deadlifts last Friday. That combined with sleeping in way too late two days in a row, on a too-soft bed...I really felt it on these squats. However, I do feel a lot better now - not as tight.
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
10 Toes to bar
15 Push-ups
20 Walking lunge steps
My total: 5 rounds + 7 toes to bar
Strength component today was back squats:
warm up sets –
5 @ 110
3 @ 130
4 @ 140
work sets
3 x 5 @ 150 - PR on a 5 rep max back squat!
My low back was still a little tight from I guess deadlifts last Friday. That combined with sleeping in way too late two days in a row, on a too-soft bed...I really felt it on these squats. However, I do feel a lot better now - not as tight.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Bring on the Weekend!
I'm ready for the weekend, a night out, a couple days to sleep in...a few beers and some good times with my sweetheart! Yep, bring on the weekend!!!
Today's WOD:
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
2 Muscle ups
4 Handstand push-ups
8 Kettlebell swings (Men 70 lbs, Women 45 lbs)
My total rounds*: 8 rounds + 6 Pullups, 6 dips
for muscle ups: 6 plu + 6 bar dips (with 1" band...gotta get off this band!)
HSPU - head to 10# plate & ab mat - got about 4″ depth
Strength component today was Deadlifts. My fave! Last week I went kind of light on them. Two weeks ago I did 205 on a 5 rep max. Today I increased that a little - yay! I would love to get over 225 on a 5 rep max.
Warm up sets:
5 @ 185
3 @ 195
2 @ 205
Work sets:
3 x 5 @ 210
Today's WOD:
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
2 Muscle ups
4 Handstand push-ups
8 Kettlebell swings (Men 70 lbs, Women 45 lbs)
My total rounds*: 8 rounds + 6 Pullups, 6 dips
for muscle ups: 6 plu + 6 bar dips (with 1" band...gotta get off this band!)
HSPU - head to 10# plate & ab mat - got about 4″ depth
Strength component today was Deadlifts. My fave! Last week I went kind of light on them. Two weeks ago I did 205 on a 5 rep max. Today I increased that a little - yay! I would love to get over 225 on a 5 rep max.
Warm up sets:
5 @ 185
3 @ 195
2 @ 205
Work sets:
3 x 5 @ 210
Thursday, March 25, 2010
& lightening! Prevented us from running this morning so we rowed. You know I'm just heartbroken over that. *snicker* 7 people in class this morning, and it was good to see Clint back!
3 Rounds for time of:
15 Dumbbell thrusters (Men 45 lb dumbbells, Women 25 lb dumbbells)
15 Pull-ups
400 Meter run
My time: 17:00 Rx (500m rows)
Strength component today: 10 minutes to find your max snatch.
5 @ 65 lbs to warm up
3 @ 85
2 @ 90 (PR!)
(3 attempts at 95 but failed. Mistake: not keeping weight on my heels. I'll get it next time!)
3 Rounds for time of:
15 Dumbbell thrusters (Men 45 lb dumbbells, Women 25 lb dumbbells)
15 Pull-ups
400 Meter run
My time: 17:00 Rx (500m rows)
Strength component today: 10 minutes to find your max snatch.
5 @ 65 lbs to warm up
3 @ 85
2 @ 90 (PR!)
(3 attempts at 95 but failed. Mistake: not keeping weight on my heels. I'll get it next time!)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Something Finally Clicked!!
21-15-9 rep rounds for time of:
Power snatch (Men 115 lbs, Women 75 lbs)
Box Jumps (Men 24” box, Women 20” box)
My time: 12:25 Rx
I've had some trouble with the technique on Snatches, but today, something finally clicked and I "get it". About the third rep of the WOD today it just felt right. I finally understood how to get that little extra thrust of power just about pocket level and it all made sense. Although I don't think I got any faster, the lift felt way, way better! So, I get it now. And I loved this workout.
Up until just recently, I have had an irrational fear and loathing of box jumps. I've fallen so many times, and for some reason had it in my head that I was going to be maimed or end up bleeding. Irrational, see? Today I missed one and tripped, and *gasp* I didn't die or bleed or become disfigured just kept right on going as I have been lately. So, I think I'm over that unhealthy fear. Finally. Box jumps are just another awesome thing I can do. And now I can do them faster.
Strength component today was Shoulder Press:
Warm up:
5 @ 55
3 @ 65
2 @ 70
Work Sets:
5 @ 75
was going for 3 sets of 5 @ 75, succeeded on the first one, failed at rep 4 on the 2nd set, and then it was time to get ready for the WOD, so didn't attmpt 3rd set. However, this is my first successful set of 5 @ 75 so, tiny baby step of progress.
Power snatch (Men 115 lbs, Women 75 lbs)
Box Jumps (Men 24” box, Women 20” box)
My time: 12:25 Rx
I've had some trouble with the technique on Snatches, but today, something finally clicked and I "get it". About the third rep of the WOD today it just felt right. I finally understood how to get that little extra thrust of power just about pocket level and it all made sense. Although I don't think I got any faster, the lift felt way, way better! So, I get it now. And I loved this workout.
Up until just recently, I have had an irrational fear and loathing of box jumps. I've fallen so many times, and for some reason had it in my head that I was going to be maimed or end up bleeding. Irrational, see? Today I missed one and tripped, and *gasp* I didn't die or bleed or become disfigured just kept right on going as I have been lately. So, I think I'm over that unhealthy fear. Finally. Box jumps are just another awesome thing I can do. And now I can do them faster.
Strength component today was Shoulder Press:
Warm up:
5 @ 55
3 @ 65
2 @ 70
Work Sets:
5 @ 75
was going for 3 sets of 5 @ 75, succeeded on the first one, failed at rep 4 on the 2nd set, and then it was time to get ready for the WOD, so didn't attmpt 3rd set. However, this is my first successful set of 5 @ 75 so, tiny baby step of progress.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
You're kidding, right?
With a 20 minute time limit, complete:
800 Meter run
50 Squats
800 Meter run
50 Squats
800 Meter run
Perform as many burpees as possible what remains of the 20 minutes
Score=Total burpees
My score: 14 burpees
When I read through the workout this morning, I was thinking "NO WAY" will I even get in ONE burpee. I figured I'd be lucky to complete the running and squats, since my running is so slow. I did my first 800 in 4:40 which surprised the heck out of me. I was back out the door at 6:40, ran the 2nd 800 and was back in at 11:23, making that one a 4:43. I didn't take notice of what time I went out for the third 800, but I was back in at 18:30 and managed to squeeze in those 14 piddly little burpees.
In comparison to some of the incredible scores posted by the others in the class (Andy - 82, Brad - 53, B - 30, Sara - 32 after a month off!) one would think I should be embarrassed to post such a small score. However, I'm really seeing an improvement in my running speed, slow as it is, so I am completely proud of my score today. I did not rest at all during the workout, I pushed myself 100% today, and that is a victory!
800 Meter run
50 Squats
800 Meter run
50 Squats
800 Meter run
Perform as many burpees as possible what remains of the 20 minutes
Score=Total burpees
My score: 14 burpees
When I read through the workout this morning, I was thinking "NO WAY" will I even get in ONE burpee. I figured I'd be lucky to complete the running and squats, since my running is so slow. I did my first 800 in 4:40 which surprised the heck out of me. I was back out the door at 6:40, ran the 2nd 800 and was back in at 11:23, making that one a 4:43. I didn't take notice of what time I went out for the third 800, but I was back in at 18:30 and managed to squeeze in those 14 piddly little burpees.
In comparison to some of the incredible scores posted by the others in the class (Andy - 82, Brad - 53, B - 30, Sara - 32 after a month off!) one would think I should be embarrassed to post such a small score. However, I'm really seeing an improvement in my running speed, slow as it is, so I am completely proud of my score today. I did not rest at all during the workout, I pushed myself 100% today, and that is a victory!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Monday Madness
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
25 Double unders
20 Push-ups
15 Pull-ups
My total: 3 full rounds + 7 double unders
Not what I would call a significant breakthrough on double unders, however, all of these are actual double-unders, not just good attempts. (I had a lot of "good attempts" but didn't count them.) So, progress is progress!
Strength component today: Back Squats
5 @ 105
3 @ 125
2 @ 135
3 x 5 @ 140
Squats felt good, could have gone heavier - will aim for 150 next week. Took my shoes off - seems easier to control "weight on your heels" without shoes.
25 Double unders
20 Push-ups
15 Pull-ups
My total: 3 full rounds + 7 double unders
Not what I would call a significant breakthrough on double unders, however, all of these are actual double-unders, not just good attempts. (I had a lot of "good attempts" but didn't count them.) So, progress is progress!
Strength component today: Back Squats
5 @ 105
3 @ 125
2 @ 135
3 x 5 @ 140
Squats felt good, could have gone heavier - will aim for 150 next week. Took my shoes off - seems easier to control "weight on your heels" without shoes.
Friday, March 19, 2010
5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
15 overhead squats (men 95 lbs, women 65 lbs)
My time: 18:13 Rx, unbroken - PR by 2:07!!!
I was tired and sluggish this morning, but knew I had to get this WOD under 20 minutes. My previous PR was 20:20, and I knew I could at least cut 20 seconds off. So, I set out to do that. I questioned myself through the entire workout (are you pushing as hard as you can?) and in the end, I was surprised at my time. I cannot imagine getting any faster on the overhead squats, so if I want to beat this new PR, I'll have to run faster next time. For now, though, I am satisfied with this new PR. Life is good.
Anyway, a great way to end the week and start the weekend!
Previous Nancy times:
2/18/10: 20:20 ,Rx, unbroken
12/12/09: 21:18, Rx, unbroken
11/23/09: 23:33, Rx, unbroken
8/10/09: 20:41 Recovering from shoulder injury using 22 lbs
2/4/09: 18:47 First attempt at Nancy - with a 45 lb bar
Strength component this morning was power cleans. This is probably my weakest lift.
5 @ 65
3 @ 85
2 @ 90
5 @ 95
went back down to 65 to work on form and did about 10-12 lifts. I'm not "getting" something right with this lift...needs improvement.
400 meter run
15 overhead squats (men 95 lbs, women 65 lbs)
My time: 18:13 Rx, unbroken - PR by 2:07!!!
I was tired and sluggish this morning, but knew I had to get this WOD under 20 minutes. My previous PR was 20:20, and I knew I could at least cut 20 seconds off. So, I set out to do that. I questioned myself through the entire workout (are you pushing as hard as you can?) and in the end, I was surprised at my time. I cannot imagine getting any faster on the overhead squats, so if I want to beat this new PR, I'll have to run faster next time. For now, though, I am satisfied with this new PR. Life is good.
Anyway, a great way to end the week and start the weekend!
Previous Nancy times:
2/18/10: 20:20 ,Rx, unbroken
12/12/09: 21:18, Rx, unbroken
11/23/09: 23:33, Rx, unbroken
8/10/09: 20:41 Recovering from shoulder injury using 22 lbs
2/4/09: 18:47 First attempt at Nancy - with a 45 lb bar
Strength component this morning was power cleans. This is probably my weakest lift.
5 @ 65
3 @ 85
2 @ 90
5 @ 95
went back down to 65 to work on form and did about 10-12 lifts. I'm not "getting" something right with this lift...needs improvement.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Good Day, Sunshine!
Driving home I realized what a great day it was for a run, so I headed out for a 2 mile hill run. I was slow, but felt pretty good throughout. Only about half a mile of this route is flat - the rest of it is hills - 98 feet of climb in the entire run. Hopefully these hills will make my "flat" run times faster. 

Started: Mar 18, 2010 4:43:24
PM Run Time: 23:18
Stopped Time: 0:00
Distance: 2.03 miles
Average: 11:28 /mile
Fastest Pace: 9:44 /mile
Climb: 98 feet
Calories: 213
Official Route: Yes
PM Run Time: 23:18
Stopped Time: 0:00
Distance: 2.03 miles
Average: 11:28 /mile
Fastest Pace: 9:44 /mile
Climb: 98 feet
Calories: 213
Official Route: Yes
A Breck Special
This is a WOD Breck created. Interesting combo. Wall ball was ridiculous after the farmers walk. Whew!!
3 Rounds for time of:
50 Meter farmers carry (Men 110 lbs, Women 70 lbs)
25 Wall ball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
5 Muscle ups
My time: 18:33
I subbed 15 pull ups and 15 bar dips, with a 1" band for the muscle ups. I need to at least get bar dips without a band. Geez.
3 Rounds for time of:
50 Meter farmers carry (Men 110 lbs, Women 70 lbs)
25 Wall ball shots (Men 20 lb ball, Women 14 lb ball)
5 Muscle ups
My time: 18:33
I subbed 15 pull ups and 15 bar dips, with a 1" band for the muscle ups. I need to at least get bar dips without a band. Geez.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
“Dead Man’s Row”
This was WOD #1 in the South Texas Sectionals:
In 12 minutes, complete:
2K Row + Max Reps
Deadlift (Men 275 lbs, Women 185lbs)
Score = Row time – (Deadlift Reps x 5 seconds)
My Score: 7:23
Here's the math -
Row time: 9:13
Deadlifts @ 185#: 22 x 5 seconds = 110 seconds
Total time after deducting deadlifts: 7:23
I had to go look at the times on the S. Texas sectionals scores for the WOD and compare my score. I didn't do too shabby! I would have placed between the 12th & 13th place women for this one.
Now, I don't have a particular love of rowing, though I will say I'm getting a tad faster. But I do love my deadlifts, and I know I could have done more today - I knew when I had rested too long, but by then the seconds had ticked away and you can't get them back.
I need to constantly question myself "are you pushing yourself to the limit?", rather than just once or twice per workout. The days when I have kept this question going through an entire wod, I know I have produced better times, better scores, etc. PUSH!!
Today, I feel amazing, and strong and great!!!
In 12 minutes, complete:
2K Row + Max Reps
Deadlift (Men 275 lbs, Women 185lbs)
Score = Row time – (Deadlift Reps x 5 seconds)
My Score: 7:23
Here's the math -
Row time: 9:13
Deadlifts @ 185#: 22 x 5 seconds = 110 seconds
Total time after deducting deadlifts: 7:23
I had to go look at the times on the S. Texas sectionals scores for the WOD and compare my score. I didn't do too shabby! I would have placed between the 12th & 13th place women for this one.
Now, I don't have a particular love of rowing, though I will say I'm getting a tad faster. But I do love my deadlifts, and I know I could have done more today - I knew when I had rested too long, but by then the seconds had ticked away and you can't get them back.
I need to constantly question myself "are you pushing yourself to the limit?", rather than just once or twice per workout. The days when I have kept this question going through an entire wod, I know I have produced better times, better scores, etc. PUSH!!
Today, I feel amazing, and strong and great!!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
"Looks Easy on Paper" should be removed from my vocabulary!
3 Rounds for time of:
800 Meter run
50 Kettlebell swings (Men 55 lbs, Women 35 lbs)
Rules: Every time you take a break during your 50 kettlebell swings there will be a 5 burpee penalty before continuing.
Post time and number of burpees completed to responses.
My time: 28:56 Rx
3 breaks in KBS as follows, for a total of 15 burpees:
round 1: 25/25
round 2: 35/15
round 3: 25/25
This was a lot harder than it sounded going in. However, I will say I did far fewer burpees than I anticipated having to do. Unlike B...who went unbroken - not one single burpee. The girl is amazing! Good workout.
800 Meter run
50 Kettlebell swings (Men 55 lbs, Women 35 lbs)
Rules: Every time you take a break during your 50 kettlebell swings there will be a 5 burpee penalty before continuing.
Post time and number of burpees completed to responses.
My time: 28:56 Rx
3 breaks in KBS as follows, for a total of 15 burpees:
round 1: 25/25
round 2: 35/15
round 3: 25/25
This was a lot harder than it sounded going in. However, I will say I did far fewer burpees than I anticipated having to do. Unlike B...who went unbroken - not one single burpee. The girl is amazing! Good workout.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Back to normal!
Pretty sure I'm over the sinus infection/crud I had last week. I still feel a little bit stuffy, but nothing major.
I'm SO glad to be home after the weekend. I had a good time, but Friday night I was not feeling at all like partying, and I think everyone got a little put out with me because I was ready to go to bed at 9:30. Saturday night, I managed to hang until about 11:30 and had a really good time, except for the smoky bars...good Lord the smoke! Anyway, good times, glad to be home and really enjoyed the workout this morning.
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
10 Pull-ups
5 Handstand push-ups
My total: 7 rounds +4 plu (hspu are still not full range of motion - probably 4")
But I did get a FULL SET OF 10 PULL UPS for the first time in months!!!!
Strength component today was Back Squat.
5 @ 85
5 @ 95
5 @ 105
3 x 5 @ 110
5 @135
I'm SO glad to be home after the weekend. I had a good time, but Friday night I was not feeling at all like partying, and I think everyone got a little put out with me because I was ready to go to bed at 9:30. Saturday night, I managed to hang until about 11:30 and had a really good time, except for the smoky bars...good Lord the smoke! Anyway, good times, glad to be home and really enjoyed the workout this morning.
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
10 Pull-ups
5 Handstand push-ups
My total: 7 rounds +4 plu (hspu are still not full range of motion - probably 4")
But I did get a FULL SET OF 10 PULL UPS for the first time in months!!!!
Strength component today was Back Squat.
5 @ 85
5 @ 95
5 @ 105
3 x 5 @ 110
5 @135
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Back at it...
3 Rounds for time of:
10 Burpees
15 Knees to Elbows
20 Box Jumps (Men 24″ box, Women 20″ box)
800 Meter run
My time: 31:08
(I might have been 32:08. I am getting to be so forgetful! Whatever it was, I was super slow, light headed and questioning my sanity. Damn this addiction to CrossFit!)
So, I forced myself to get up and out of bed for this one! I'm still not 100%, but feeling like I'm on the mend. Day 3 of the antibiotics, and some decent sex last night ( hey - it's good for you when you're sick!!!) have me feeling about 80% of normal now. Hopefully I'll feel human this weekend in Eureka Springs, and can keep up with Tina & Gary.
10 Burpees
15 Knees to Elbows
20 Box Jumps (Men 24″ box, Women 20″ box)
800 Meter run
My time: 31:08
(I might have been 32:08. I am getting to be so forgetful! Whatever it was, I was super slow, light headed and questioning my sanity. Damn this addiction to CrossFit!)
So, I forced myself to get up and out of bed for this one! I'm still not 100%, but feeling like I'm on the mend. Day 3 of the antibiotics, and some decent sex last night ( hey - it's good for you when you're sick!!!) have me feeling about 80% of normal now. Hopefully I'll feel human this weekend in Eureka Springs, and can keep up with Tina & Gary.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Damned sinus infection. I started an antibiotic yesterday, but it takes a while for even those z-paks to kick in. So this morning when I woke up and saw the posted workout:
5 Rounds for time of:
15 Dumbbell Push Press (Men 45 lb dumbbells, Women 25 lb dumbbells)
50 Double unders
...I knew all that jumping, combined with the sinus pressure would have been way too much for me, so I rolled over and went back to sleep. Felt guilty as hell when I finally woke up, but sometimes your body just needs a break and I think this is one of those times. I will go tomorrow if I'm feeling a bit better.
Need to NOT take any more Nyquil...that stuff is horrible - stays with you for days!
5 Rounds for time of:
15 Dumbbell Push Press (Men 45 lb dumbbells, Women 25 lb dumbbells)
50 Double unders
...I knew all that jumping, combined with the sinus pressure would have been way too much for me, so I rolled over and went back to sleep. Felt guilty as hell when I finally woke up, but sometimes your body just needs a break and I think this is one of those times. I will go tomorrow if I'm feeling a bit better.
Need to NOT take any more Nyquil...that stuff is horrible - stays with you for days!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
AL/TN/MS sectional Workout #3
“The Corps”
5 Rounds for time of:
400 Meter run
25 Pull-ups-Men, 15 Pull-ups-Women
My time: 21:28 rx
Stuffy head...earache...sinus infection....wah, wah, wah. Went and did the WOD anyway. Figure as long as it's not in my chest I have no reason not to run. Pull ups felt really good this morning. I had a set of 8 and a couple of 6 & 7's. Running felt ok, just sluggish because of this sinus crap. Getting a Z-pak called in this morning, so I can get back to normal, asap!
Samantha joined us this morning. Yay! She's doing kipping pull ups now - she's only been doing CF for like 6 months! And here she is whipping out a 145 lb clean and jerk like it's nothing! Amazing!
5 Rounds for time of:
400 Meter run
25 Pull-ups-Men, 15 Pull-ups-Women
My time: 21:28 rx
Stuffy head...earache...sinus infection....wah, wah, wah. Went and did the WOD anyway. Figure as long as it's not in my chest I have no reason not to run. Pull ups felt really good this morning. I had a set of 8 and a couple of 6 & 7's. Running felt ok, just sluggish because of this sinus crap. Getting a Z-pak called in this morning, so I can get back to normal, asap!
Samantha joined us this morning. Yay! She's doing kipping pull ups now - she's only been doing CF for like 6 months! And here she is whipping out a 145 lb clean and jerk like it's nothing! Amazing!
Monday, March 8, 2010
AL/TN/MS sectional Workout #4
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
5 (Men), 3 (Women) Handstand Push-ups
7 Squat Snatches (Men 95 lbs, Women 55 lbs)
10 Box Jumps (20″ box)
My total rounds: 6
Getting about 3-4" depth on HSPU. I thought we had to do 5...hmm
Woke up feeling like CRAP this morning - coming down with a cold perhaps or hopefully it's just springtime allergies. Still...I hate not being 100% when I take such good care of myself, eat right, wash my hands, etc. Getting sick is a total waste of time!!!
5 (Men), 3 (Women) Handstand Push-ups
7 Squat Snatches (Men 95 lbs, Women 55 lbs)
10 Box Jumps (20″ box)
My total rounds: 6
Getting about 3-4" depth on HSPU. I thought we had to do 5...hmm
Woke up feeling like CRAP this morning - coming down with a cold perhaps or hopefully it's just springtime allergies. Still...I hate not being 100% when I take such good care of myself, eat right, wash my hands, etc. Getting sick is a total waste of time!!!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Ready for the Weekend!
My body is tired and needs some rest! I'm looking forward to a couple of days off, a nice evening out with Allan for a good meal and the Norah Jones concert...and I'm sleeping in tomorrow!
Today's WOD:
For time:
2000 Meter row
1 Mile run
Total Time: 19:39
Mile: 9:34
Row: 9:42.3
Clint and B were back today! Clint was nice enough to run the mile with me and motivated me the entire way. It was really helpful and my time was way better than last time we did a mile run. Something about running that early in the morning, in the cold and dark just is unappealing to me, but I feel like I accomplished something today, so I guess it's worth it.
Yesterday I went out for a run and my new little GPS app was a mess. It started calling out my splits and it was like 5 miles off. It kept the time accurately, so that was good, but I estimated the distance, and then decided to go drive it in my car for accuracy - I was a half mile over on my estimate. Ha! I did 2.25 miles in 26:12. Not fast at all, but it's mostly hills.
Worked on deadlifts today. 3 sets of 5 @ 175.
Today's WOD:
For time:
2000 Meter row
1 Mile run
Total Time: 19:39
Mile: 9:34
Row: 9:42.3
Clint and B were back today! Clint was nice enough to run the mile with me and motivated me the entire way. It was really helpful and my time was way better than last time we did a mile run. Something about running that early in the morning, in the cold and dark just is unappealing to me, but I feel like I accomplished something today, so I guess it's worth it.
Yesterday I went out for a run and my new little GPS app was a mess. It started calling out my splits and it was like 5 miles off. It kept the time accurately, so that was good, but I estimated the distance, and then decided to go drive it in my car for accuracy - I was a half mile over on my estimate. Ha! I did 2.25 miles in 26:12. Not fast at all, but it's mostly hills.
Worked on deadlifts today. 3 sets of 5 @ 175.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
“Little C”
Breck made this WOD for Caleb, who is turning 17 today.
As many rounds as possible in 17 minutes of:
50 Meter run
3 Squat clean & jerk (Men 135 lbs, Women 85 lbs)
4 Burpees
My rounds: 8 as Rx'd
Clean & Jerks felt awesome today. Even though I was going as fast as I could, I really concentrated on my form and it paid off for me. Every lift felt good. I feel more powerful when I do a split jerk vs. just a jerk, so I did split jerk on most of them. A very fun, short WOD.
Going to run this evening - the weather is perfect!!
As many rounds as possible in 17 minutes of:
50 Meter run
3 Squat clean & jerk (Men 135 lbs, Women 85 lbs)
4 Burpees
My rounds: 8 as Rx'd
Clean & Jerks felt awesome today. Even though I was going as fast as I could, I really concentrated on my form and it paid off for me. Every lift felt good. I feel more powerful when I do a split jerk vs. just a jerk, so I did split jerk on most of them. A very fun, short WOD.
Going to run this evening - the weather is perfect!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Happy Anniversary!
Today is my Two Year CrossFit Anniversary!!
Two years ago today I couldn't do a push up - fell flat on my face! No way I could do a pull-up. I had convinced myself I couldn't run anymore. I had never picked up a barbell unless you count the 12 lb ones in Body Flex class, and most of the exercises I have learned over the last two years I had never heard of before. After the first four days of CrossFit, I could barely walk, but I was hooked completely. Two years later, I have accomplished so many previously unthinkable things, I am amazed when I think back over all of it. And, I still can't get enough of it!
It's been an interesting and fun road with lots of changes - from the very first "Bootcamp" at HZ, to "The Dungeon" where our track wound around through all of that abandoned furniture, to the spooky surgery center. So many names and faces I've sweated with and said goodbye to along the way. Putting up with Erin until I was about to explode, just out of loyalty to Jimmy. It's fun to look back on it all and smile at what I've accomplished and think about how much more I can accomplish in the years to come!
CrossFit is the single best thing I have ever done for myself, and I don't see me stopping any time soon! I love CrossFit!
Today's WOD:
21-15-9 Rep rounds for time of:
Dumbbell squat cleans (Men 45 lbs, Women 25 lbs)
Box jumps (Men 24″ box, Women 20″ box)
Dumbbell push press (Men 45 lbs, Women 25 lbs)
My time: 13:58 Rx
I had set a goal of under 15 minutes, so I was totally pleased with my time.
It's a beautiful day!!!
Two years ago today I couldn't do a push up - fell flat on my face! No way I could do a pull-up. I had convinced myself I couldn't run anymore. I had never picked up a barbell unless you count the 12 lb ones in Body Flex class, and most of the exercises I have learned over the last two years I had never heard of before. After the first four days of CrossFit, I could barely walk, but I was hooked completely. Two years later, I have accomplished so many previously unthinkable things, I am amazed when I think back over all of it. And, I still can't get enough of it!
It's been an interesting and fun road with lots of changes - from the very first "Bootcamp" at HZ, to "The Dungeon" where our track wound around through all of that abandoned furniture, to the spooky surgery center. So many names and faces I've sweated with and said goodbye to along the way. Putting up with Erin until I was about to explode, just out of loyalty to Jimmy. It's fun to look back on it all and smile at what I've accomplished and think about how much more I can accomplish in the years to come!
CrossFit is the single best thing I have ever done for myself, and I don't see me stopping any time soon! I love CrossFit!
Today's WOD:
21-15-9 Rep rounds for time of:
Dumbbell squat cleans (Men 45 lbs, Women 25 lbs)
Box jumps (Men 24″ box, Women 20″ box)
Dumbbell push press (Men 45 lbs, Women 25 lbs)
My time: 13:58 Rx
I had set a goal of under 15 minutes, so I was totally pleased with my time.
It's a beautiful day!!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
For time:
1000 Meter row
100 Pull-ups
150 Push-ups
200 Sit-ups
Rules: The 1000 Meter row has to be completed first. After the row it is your choice on how the work will be split up. For example: 10 rounds of: 10 pull-ups, 15 push-ups, 20 sit-ups.
My time: 33:27 Rx
I split mine into 10 rounds as above. I went into this thinking 45 minutes minimum. I felt pretty darn victorious when I finished under 35. Pull ups felt pretty good, but still not getting a lot of big reps. Shoulders are feeling great, but I do need something for my joints - elbows, shoulders, hips...starting to feel the strain.
Strength component today was OHS
5 @ 55
3 @ 65
2 @ 70
2 x 5 @ 75
1000 Meter row
100 Pull-ups
150 Push-ups
200 Sit-ups
Rules: The 1000 Meter row has to be completed first. After the row it is your choice on how the work will be split up. For example: 10 rounds of: 10 pull-ups, 15 push-ups, 20 sit-ups.
My time: 33:27 Rx
I split mine into 10 rounds as above. I went into this thinking 45 minutes minimum. I felt pretty darn victorious when I finished under 35. Pull ups felt pretty good, but still not getting a lot of big reps. Shoulders are feeling great, but I do need something for my joints - elbows, shoulders, hips...starting to feel the strain.
Strength component today was OHS
5 @ 55
3 @ 65
2 @ 70
2 x 5 @ 75
Monday, March 1, 2010
A good start to the week!
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
5 Deadlifts (Men 225 lbs, Women 155 lbs)
10 Ring dips
My total: 11 rounds
I subbed push-ups for ring dips, because I need to work on form.
The warm-up this morning included 2 minutes each of the following, not really going for a max, just working on form:
Overhead squats: 35 lb bar, 30 reps
Push ups: 20 reps, full range of motion
Sit ups: military, 40 reps
Pull ups: 16
Back extension: 30
L-sits: 9 seconds, 4 seconds, 6 seconds: total 19 sec
HSPU: practiced just trying to get some depth - got a few that were about 4 inches
Knees to Elbows: 12 reps, slow
Bar Dips: 20 - used 1" band
Rope Climb: just went from standing to reclining and back up, several times
5 Deadlifts (Men 225 lbs, Women 155 lbs)
10 Ring dips
My total: 11 rounds
I subbed push-ups for ring dips, because I need to work on form.
The warm-up this morning included 2 minutes each of the following, not really going for a max, just working on form:
Overhead squats: 35 lb bar, 30 reps
Push ups: 20 reps, full range of motion
Sit ups: military, 40 reps
Pull ups: 16
Back extension: 30
L-sits: 9 seconds, 4 seconds, 6 seconds: total 19 sec
HSPU: practiced just trying to get some depth - got a few that were about 4 inches
Knees to Elbows: 12 reps, slow
Bar Dips: 20 - used 1" band
Rope Climb: just went from standing to reclining and back up, several times
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